what skills/things should you pracrice for on preparing to defend yourself

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Are you thinking of gated communities, and of staying inside them all the time?

Absolutely not. I drive hundreds of miles a week just to go shoot, let alone all of the normal things one does in life. Guess my city must be something because while there is ALWAYS crime, the stuff you guys either experience or think about just do not occur where I live. Here we worry more about some 85 year old driving................:eek:
Posted by zombietactics:
There is violent crime everywhere. Some of the most heinous murders have occurred in places where "stuff like that doesn't happen here". You don't get to choose whether or not you'll be the object of some criminal's interest. Behaving in a sensible fashion to reduce the likelihood isn't dependent upon location.
Those are facts.

If someone thinks differently, they are engaging in pure fantasy.
And/or a very high degree of naiveté....

The likelihood of being a victim of violent crime, at least in any given time period, is remote. The problem is the severity of the potential consequences.

In any event, carrying a gun is not and cannot be the most effective means of preventing death, injury, or kidnapping. One must start with avoidance, and take steps to put one into a position to be able to defend oneself effectively.

Posted by FITASC:
...the he stuff you guys either experience or think about just do not occur where I live.
"Stuff like that doesn't happen here"?
Try reading the entire post I posted.................

Argue all you want. SOME folks feel the need to carry a gun to their bathroom; I don't. Some folks feel the need to carry 2-3 guns and reloads, plus a knife, flashlight, pepper spray and also have a shotgun in their vehicle just to go out of the driveway; I don't. If where you live is truly that horrible, then you need to ask yourself why are you still living and going through those areas.

Have fun, I'm done with this one
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