What Response?

Big Bill said:
If you are a husband and/or a father, it is YOUR responsibility to be on guard for dangerous or deadly circumstances and to keep your family safe. Anything less, IMHO, on your part, is negligence.

Amen, brother.

... I think that for some of us, at least, the last decade has changed outlooks on when to surrender.

When one's job requires one to spend time in proximity with people who like decapitating prisoners on video and the net, one spends a lot of time thinking about whether one should EVER surrender.

That mindset can leach over at home a bit... but it's there for a reason.

So I train against guys with practice guns. But every so often I also train against a partner who is using a live blade.

Scary thing is, I can take it from him. (Granted, we are trying to avoid getting cut, so the speed is taken down a notch, but the techniques still work like they should.... also, I've found that with the open-hand stuff, going to full speed just makes the guy fall that much harder; this has also proven true when using club-type weapons, with which we go quite a bit faster than with blades.)
I'm no ninja but I agree with the others who has said, "I'll fight him the best I can to prevent him getting me into the house or die trying."

I guess if you can read the mind of an armed criminal to know all he wants is your TV then fine let him have it. I would certainly not fight him if he had the drop on me and just wanted what was on my person or in the truck. But as soon as he wants to move me into the house, a car, or other secluded place then the equation has taken a bad turn.

As already pointed out, once inside he can kill you, tortue you, or both and then wait for a wife, kids or whatever to show up and have more fun with them.

I haven't faced anything like this but I suspect a killer wouldn't announce, "Let's go inside so I can whack you in private." He would probably try some less threatening approach like, "Let's go inside, all I want is your TV."

It's a gamble either way. Personally I would rather risk a fight in public even if I ended up losing. At least he would probably then run away and my family whether present or returning later would be safer. If I comply and go inside without a struggle then I am betting the farm on his good intentions, the good intentions of an armed criminal.

The other points:
- There are plenty of handguns mostly impervious to moisture, especially if you clean them after a dunking of sweat or water. One reason I prefer Glocks. Even blued guns will be fine if you clean them up right away, but that is a hassle of they are exposed to moisture frequently.

- I don't let people stay on my property unless invited. No solicitors, etc. If they are not family, friend or neighbor they don't have any business on my land. Anyone who refuses to leave after a firm statement I am not interested and thy should depart immediately is an escalation of risk. As a youth I did some soliciting and I think any reasonable person of good intent would leave pronto if specifically asked to do so. Someone who persists is up to no good (maybe not violence but certainly to take advantage of me). If they are in a hurry and need help I will call 911 and go behind them on alert to see what is wrong (dog chewing a kid, etc.).

Glad the situation worked out for the friend, but I'm not willing to gamble on the criminal's good graces once he has me out of public view in my own house.

Bottom line, I will deal with strangers outside my house. First a polite but firm shooing away, and if need be then by whatever other appropriate means I can bring to bear. Even at the risk of harm or death to me. No stranger is getting into my house with me still breathing.
If the bad guy just wanted to car, I would give him the keys. I have the equivalent of OnStar and my car can be disabled remotely.

If the wife and baby are inside, I'm taking my chances with him outside.

I don't always have my gun on me, but I always have my knife on me. I haven't formally practiced martial arts in a long while, but I did get my first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I would pretend to comply and surprise attack the guy. The most important thing is to get out of the line of the muzzle. Then you go for the most painful and debilitating points of the body including the throat, eyes, and groin.
Where I was Born, no CCW, not in the UK now!

Originally Posted by Big Bill
If you are a husband and/or a father, it is YOUR responsibility to be on guard for dangerous or deadly circumstances and to keep your family safe. Anything less, IMHO, on your part, is negligence.

Big Bill, were you born in Liverpool?

First, living in Florida, always armed, I have an 08 Jeep Grand Cherokee, yes I (Very rarely clean it myself) odd time clean Windscreen in driveway.

Glock 19 under one of my many carry shirts, at 75 I am no fashion plate.

Spent 5 years as a Bouncer in Liverpool UK, 1960 till 1965, 4 years at the Cavern Club, got stabbed twice.
My last altercation, I was 69 YOA, some suited Gent professed a desire to hug my Wife, in an elevator! After I wiped him into the back of that elevator, the altercation was over.

The minute somebody's mouth opens to speak, you own them, going for a gun, under a shirt? No. Step in, go for his gun! He is not going in to my house, my Wife is in there! I am home with Jeep, she (the love of my life) is in our house.

No idea what I would do reference moves, every fight is different, but he can read his mail in jail with one eye? Takes a thumb, flat fist punch to throat, can kill, hurts a lot!

I taught Security/Police/ATM Employees for 25 years, mostly Revolvers.

An exercise we did, empty 870... Checked, checked, and checked again... in hands of student, cocked, off safe, muzzle about 12" from my face, finger on trigger! "When you see me move, press trigger" the click never, ever went when muzzle was facing me, ever! 500 students per year, 25 years.

Ever heard the expression, "Action beats reaction" ? it is true. The day you stop watching, the day you get hurt, gun has to be produced from clothing, if it is not in hand! One last time... "He is not going into my home"

My Buddy's in my dealers wash my Jeep, for free, all my services are done there, no washing vehicles is not pleasure, retired, my job, is looking after my lovely Wife, that is my job.
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If the wife and baby are inside, I'm taking my chances with him outside.

Exactly. Now if it was only me to worry about, I would still try to find a way to not go in the house with him. General rule is to not go to the "2nd crime scene".