What range rules do you put up with?

What range rules do you put up with? (Choose all that apply)

  • Must buy ammo from range

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • All guns must be unloaded going to and/or from range

    Votes: 39 59.1%
  • Cannot use steel cased ammo

    Votes: 15 22.7%
  • Cannot use steel core (green tip) ammo

    Votes: 30 45.5%
  • No rapid fire

    Votes: 34 51.5%
  • Must use targets from the range

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • Cannot keep own brass

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • Cannot draw from holster

    Votes: 27 40.9%
  • Pay too much in dues/ fees

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 9 13.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I would not belong to or even shoot at any range that had rules like:
-Must buy ammo from range (WTH!!!)
-All guns must be unloaded going to and/or from range (Hey, I have CC Permit!)
-No rapid fire
-Must use targets from the range
-Cannot keep own brass (WTH!!!)
A range that I used to shoot at had few rules and it was a great indoor range.
Then a new owner took over and things changed.
First you had to buy targets there, then came no lead bullets (Makes too much smoke and damages the air filter system in the range). Then it went to no reloads because they are dangerous (that was when I quit going there). Then because some people were still bringing in reloads you had to buy the ammo you shot there. Then he raised his yearly dues by a large amount.
He went out of business soon after that.
Let’s face it, anger a bunch of shooters, payback is a,,,,, not a pleasant thing
The new owner dropped all that crap and what rules he had were reasonable and necessary.
I never go to a range as I am fortunate to have my own property and small shooting range. But, I did vote for the " not being able to keep my own brass". That's BS, it's your brass, you paid for it.
Actually, my only rule is don't shoot the steers, their our pets!:)
I can't believe no rapid fire has received the most votes. What about practicing double taps and basic self defense drills? Sounds like a Fudd would approve of that but not a serious shooter.
"Other" - No exploding targets", due to constant fire risk in the desert. That's about it. We have full auto there, and brass on the ground is how I get half my supply. :) The UNSPOKEN rules is Thous Shalt Not Brass Rat Whilst The Shooter Is Still Shooting...:cool:
The only other rules are the regular Four Rules, and we enforce it amongst ourselves. If someone shows up who is unsafe, the rest of us try to correct it, and if we fail, we leave.
The public range I use they issue each member a key. If no one is near the bay I use then there are no rules but my own. And my rule is.. bring a cell phone and a quick clot bandaged.

I used to disagree with most of them but after building my own ranges I have to agree with some just for safety reasons. Steel core ammo is my biggest problem. Quite a few young men don't know what it is before loading up with it. I have paid for or built all the gongs and stands. Rapid fire is not allowed on the gongs but I allow it on paper and wooden targets. If you have your carry gun on you I don't mind it being loaded but all others will be unloaded and actions open unless on the line. I do not charge for use on my range but I don't allow people showing up un announced.

"If someone shows up and is unsafe, the rest of us try to correct it, and uf we fail, we leave. "
That is unfortunate. What should happen is that the unsafe Shooter should leave. That is what rules are for.
On the range to which I referred in my earlier post, there are numerous skids on the side walls of the range...... Virtually all are a result of "rapid fire".
It is a 50 ft indoor range with 36 inch wide lanes (actually wider once out past the booth) so a shooter putting bullets into the wall has to be a foot and a half off aim point. Many of the skids are at 8 - 10 yards so at 50ft they are a good 3 feet wide of the lane center.
My range let's shooters do all of these things, and I prefer it that way. If I see something I consider unsafe I will leave. I haven't had cause to leave yet, in all the years I've been going there.
IMHO all of the above rules are oppressive. My range has video cameras through out. If they see something unsafe they say something. Stalls are all bullet proof between each other.
The rest of these suggested rules is just the result of an anal range trying to save themselves money or work. I'll take my business where I can do the training I want to do and which will make me a better shooter.
My club has a rule no shotguns on the rifle range. I strongly agree with that since I'm the guy who has to replace the back stop that get tore up by shotguns.

We have a trap range for shot guns.

Other then that and safety, there aren't too many unreasonable rules.

We don't allow steel jacketed ammo if the county has a fire burn. We do discourage anything but paper targets. But we don't push that much for people who bring steel targets. Its mostly to keep trash off the range such as cans and bottles.

We do have steel gongs that anyone can shoot.

I'm more strict with my back yard range then our club is with our in-town range.

We don't allow rifles in our indoor range, except for 22s of course OR rifles shooting pistol rounds.

I don't think our prices are un-reasonable. $25 per year, $35 for a family. It gives you almost unlimited access to our indoor and outdoor ranges, unless there is a match or training event going on. Our indoor range is open 24/7 because we have a lot of shift workers in the area.
Something about not placing targets more than 15' away from the berm 'cause shots can go over the 30' berm. Oh, one time I got talked to by the RO 'cause I had my rifle sitting on my sandbag and the muzzle was pointed over the berm - - - the idiot didn't think that having the action OPEN was good enough. Some days I really wish for the zombie apocalypse . . . :mad:
darkgael said:
"If someone shows up and is unsafe, the rest of us try to correct it, and uf we fail, we leave. "
That is unfortunate. What should happen is that the unsafe Shooter should leave. That is what rules are for.
Our range is unmonitored, and free. However, real problems rarely happen, as the police range, which is in use about 6 days of the week, is right next door.
*No steel core. At the indoor ranges and out door ranges where I am at I completely understand. I've seen two fires in indoor ranges and one at an outside range.

*No draw from Holster. Every public range I have been to that did not have separate bays was like this. After dealing with one too many yahoos I can understand.

*No rapid fire: One outdoor range is like that. Not an especial fan but I can get around that. Again the yahoos spoil it. I would prefer "no uncontrolled fire" which is how it is termed at the indoor ranges.

*Must use range ammo: went to a range once that did that. Never went back.

*"Lost brass range": I have heard of these but never experienced one. While not a reloader I've always had the sitatuation where, if an employee was sweeping up brass, they would ask if I was saving mine first. While not a reloader myself they would always be careful with those that were saving their brass (then either sweep around of especially sweep up and deposit rounds depending on how busy they were.)
All I care about at any range is that everyone knows the difference between hot and cold, loaded and unloaded, and never to sweep anyone. Other than that--let 'em fly!:)
You're confusing range/business rules with club rules. Most rules, club or range, are there for a reason. No steel jackets/cores, for example, is about damage to the range facilities. Have to be really, really, really dry for a spark from a jacket to start a fire outside, but everywhere must CYA.
"Must use range ammo." Sounds like a commercial operation that wants to go out of business. Ditto for targets and not keeping your brass. "WTH" wouldn't be my reaction. snicker.
"No draw from Holster" is a safety/liability thing. Cops, up here, have been shot(and at least one killed) by their peers playing 'quick draw'.
"...$25 per year, $35 for a family..." That's dirt cheap. Costs that much per day at the few private clubs that will allow non-members.
Someone who hits the ceiling during rapid fire needs guidance and practice. Someone who shoots wide of the target shooting fast, needs to find another hobby. How do you have so little control you shoot that wide of the target?
I think this poll should be reworded. "rules you put up with" can be interpreted as rules you have that you hate or just rules that your club has. While I would put up with some rules, I would not put up with no rapid fire, so how does that count?

I would suggest breaking it in two parts:

1) Rules that your club has
2) Rules you wish your club didn't have
I've never thought about it. The rules are the rules.

They own the place. They get to make the rules.

Pretty simple to me.
I've never thought about it. The rules are the rules.

They own the place. They get to make the rules.

Pretty simple to me.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 (NKJV)
Not necessarily--if it's publicly owned land.
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