What NOT to do, I guess

You SEE?????!!!!! No CCW SAVES LIVES! Had this miscreant been carrying a weapon we likely would have had several dead youngsters --- the pride of Milwaukee --- callously cut down on their way to midnight basketball:rolleyes: HAIL BRADY!

Can't you just taste the sarcasm?:D

What not to do, part 2


"Samuel McClain said he gave a man $19 "expecting to get crack cocaine in return," then complained to a group milling in the street that he had "just been ripped off by the by the guy who drove away," the complaint says."

I guess if you don't try to buy crack you might be alright

"One of those charged Saturday, Latrail Chie Ball, told police the attack occurred spontaneously after McClain, 50, angered a gathering of young people who had been "playing music, dancing in the street and talking about their New Year resolutions," the complaint says.

The first person to call police about the gathering did so before the beating started, complaining at 10:33 p.m. that a crowd was in the street drinking and firing gunshots."

and I guess this is why no one got involved

Just my thoughts on this
You mean to tell me that there is more to the story, even I didn't see that one coming

Robinson, who had never before been arrested, apologized for his involvement. He said he simply was "caught up in the beating" and "in the wrong place at the wrong time," the complaint says.

Ball said he was sad and wished he could "take back that moment.
"Well, bless their hearts. Looks like they've seen the error of their ways. or at least that remorse gets you a lighter sentance.
well, now, isn't that interesting....

Much better to portray yourself as the hapless victim of a bloodthirsty mob, than to own up to starting a fight with 15-30 guys because you didn't get the crack cocaine you wanted!

So what do we learn from this?

Don't start fights with gangs of guys.
Don't use crack.
Don't lie to the cops.

I always tell my kids "whatever you've done, tell the truth, because I guarantee you I'll be WAY more mad if you lie to me". Too bad the "victim" never learned that lesson.....

Springmom the disgusted
12-28-2005, 12:04 PM #5



On a side note it is sad how so many people witness crimes and don't do anything to try and stop them. If a passerby or one of the women yelled that she had called the Police or maybe just yelled, 'THE POLICE' so as not to identify herself as the police but mearly state that there are, in fact, police I'm sure these cowards would have run off.

hmmm I'm thinking folks carry a weapon because they are afraid ... so here it is recommended that someone, a woman, take a confrontational position, in the midst of an angry crowd, most likely without any form of protection. If you that brave, why do you carry a weapon ?
12-28-2005, 01:59 PM #14
Senior Member


Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 316 Chris Phelps said:
Which, evidently, is why statistics have proven that 81% of all motorcyclists on the road carry handguns.

Who exactly did thoses stats come from? The Hell's Angels.....

Out here in California, the local paper (Sacramento Bee) ran a story last year that indicated that the California Highway Patrol estimates that 60% of California drivers have a loaded gun in their car.
Some facts:

Father of 12!, Saw his picture on the front page the other day(courtesy of Milwaukee County Jail)

Got OUT OF HIS CAR, walked over to give a drug dealer $19, he sped off with his money. The "victim" was yelling and started yelling and complaining to the "mob" about what happened. He is known there as "SAM" because he buys crack there all the time. The guy who takes the $19 comes back and with another guy starts hitting him. The mob joins in.

Wonder why healthcare costs are so high? Guess who will have to pay for this morons $80,000 hospital stay??????

That's really sad. On Xmas no less. The other day I was driving through the local mall here in Pennsylvania when two "inner city youths" meandered across the road at a pace that would make a snail get a traffic ticket. They walked directly in front of my car, totally ignoring it. It was apparaent that they wanted to prove a point - "see what happens if you hit me." It totally surprised me. I slowed down waiting for them to clear out. Then I thought it could be car jacking. If either of them tried anything that's it. THEY ARE GOING TO BE UNDER OR OVER THE CAR AND LET THE JUSTICE SYSTEM WORRY ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES. I'll take the points against my driving record anytime if it comes to my safety. As I passed them they really checked me out, staring at me through the rear view mirror.

Shame about that poor guy in Wisconsin.


Soirry folks about New Jersey