What NOT to do, I guess

When the little punks serve their time, hopefully the guards will let it be known that they like it "back there"

Who exactly did thoses stats come from? The Hell's Angels.....

I actually know more sportbike riders who carry than I do HD owners. Carrying while riding was a rather huge discussion not too long ago on Sportbike World. Too many cars try to run us off the road... Noone thinks about what would actually happen if you connected with the bike that just passed you. All they can think about is the fact that they were passed at what they feel was an unreasonable speed, and this is their revenge. They think their actions are justified. Death is never a justified thing.. and that is exactly what will happen most of the time if you hit a rider. I guess you would have to ride motorcycles to understand what I am talking about.
So apparently people still ride around with their doors unlocked???

Another good reason to justify driving an 8,000lb F-250 Super Duty diesel. Try that crap on me and they'll have to scrape you off my skid plates with a spatula.
what does "what not to do" mean?

what exactly are we not to do?
use the horn as it was intended?
drive with doors unlocked?
be unarmed and not in the right mindset to defend ones life while confined in their vehicle?

Well, not having your doors locked, and LETTING a group of people on foot get around you in a threatening manner come to mind. I had to admit the first thing that came to mind is "why in the world didn't he floor it and get OUT OF THERE!" :eek: This guy didn't even need a gun to protect himself: a Mini Cooper would have done, let alone anything bigger.

My point was that thinking tactically is more than what gun, what caliber; it is all that other stuff, the "little things" that we may forget (this seems to be my theme lately, doesn't it?) that can rise up and bite you in the butt.

But if there had been CCW and a bystander had been carrying, that guy might be in a lot better shape today. Good luck to all of you in WI who are working to get your Constitutional freedoms recognized by your state legislators.

So, to recap on "what not to do":
1) Lock your car doors
2) Be alert to your surroundings
3) Leave a way out when you're in your car
4) Remember your car is bigger than the BG's who are surrounding it, and you have a gas pedal for a reason.... USE IT.

Last I heard it is highly unlikely he will pull through, but I hope he does. And I hope the punks who did it never see the light of day again once they're caught. :mad:

My Kia Sorento will do it cheaper than Ford or Chevy. And with a better warranty.:rolleyes:
Plus, if it is subjected to examination, well, how many out there speak Korean? Silence is golden.:)
oh yeah?

Well, my Honda Civic will do it and get 35 mpg in the process, while carrying five adults. So nanny nanny boo boo.

(Did I just type "nanny nanny boo boo"????) :eek:


In Ohio, the proper procedure to pass someone on a two-lane road is to signal, HONK YOUR HORN, and then pass the person. When I failed to honk my horn when passing a truck and trailer as he was going 10 miles per hour on the road and then turned left without any signals, I was partially at fault for improper passing. Silly me, I was slamming on the brakes and turning the wheel too much to hit the horn. The driver was also partially at fault for non working lights. Neither one of us was cited, though.

Flashing the lights is not an adequate substitution for honking the horn when passing.

In all my years, only two people have ever passed me using the proper procedure, and one was a policeman.
root said:
maybe I'm the only one here but I've never understood this sort of thing. if a group of people were coming toward me in a menacing manner I'd mow them down (hopefully I wouldn't reverse to finish off any stragglers). If they had my car surrounded, same thing.

I feel the same way, but maybe we are not thinking of how this would end up looking if we did just that.

For one thing, we would not be viewing the situation through the lense of knowing that you would have gotten your head caved in by these guys if you had not run them down.

I fear that it would just look like, "Some nutjob ran down a bunch of 'kids' who were playing in the street!" Each of those 'kids' would be a witness to how you gunned your engine and just wantonly murdered a bunch of people. How would the public or the authorities ever know that what you did was avoid being beaten to death by the 'kids'? Each of those 'kids' would swear that the group had done nothing to menace you, and some prosecutor-with-a-name-to-make-for-himself would string you up.

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+1 to azurefly I can hear the prosecutor now, "So, you are in a working car and don't drive away, did you think they would outrun you on foot?
besides, in my lifted hummer, I just pull up the ladder and they can't get in :rolleyes:
3 of the milwaukee perps were in court today. for those of you who keep up with basketball, former wake forest star and nba rookie chris paul's grandfather was beaten to death in winston salem, nc by teenagers robbing him. happened about 5 years ago when c.p. was in highschool. the oldest of the group was 15 or 16. kids these days are REALLY scary...
My 2 cents is a mob is not going to sneak up on you. It starts looking bad, you lock the doors and roll up the windows, and you slowly continue driving. You never stop, just keep moving slowly give the mob a chance to get out of the way. You see a weapon, someone hits your car, break your window, or threatens your life you drive fast enough to get out of there, while still being in control of your vehicle. I think any Judge would be ok with that explaination of events.

P.S. Ford, Chevy, Kia....You need a high 4x4...Nissan X-Terra, and a Dodge "Ram" in my house
The horn laws that I have read state the it is illegal to use the horn "other than as a reasonable warning"
Not simply to warn of an impending accident.
He would have been absolutly justified in using the horn in this case IMHO.

(Did I just type "nanny nanny boo boo"????) Yes but you left out "stick your head in doo doo", that's my favorite part
I would like to know if the guy could see a crowd up ahead as he approached. If it was late at night and my lights illuminated a crowd twenty or thirty feet in front of me while driving down a side street, I'd first stop and reverse beefore I came to the crowd to avoid any BS. Its better to avoid the situation at all. If I have no choice and am surrounded I'm hitting whoever is in front of me and claiming I didn't see them. All I'd get would be a hit and run.
I would like to know if the guy could see a crowd up ahead as he approached. If it was late at night and my lights illuminated a crowd twenty or thirty feet in front of me while driving down a side street, I'd first stop and reverse beefore I came to the crowd to avoid any BS. Its better to avoid the situation at all. If I have no choice and am surrounded I'm hitting whoever is in front of me and claiming I didn't see them. All I'd get would be a hit and run.

I would do this now, about a week ago I might not have... I am still learning.
Personally I would like to see the teens and individuals involved in mob beatings like these, lined up in the center of town and shot dead. I have stated before that today's youths amount to no more worth than nazis and kkk members. People like that shouldn't be entitled to civil rights. They have clearly demonstrated they are in no way productive members of society, and therefore should not benefit from the rights entitled to members of society under the law.

And this doesn't have anything to do with personal liberties either. The romans understood personal liberties even though they applied them more to the wealthy classes of their society. But acts like this back then would have resulted in swift and public punishment. We may have come along way as human beings and as a civilization, but some things should not be forgotten or abandoned.

Even today, what would happen to these youths in, say Singapore. Just cause we're the land of the free, doesn't mean we are obligated to pamper and protect the lives of worthless individuals such as this.:cool: