What NOT to do, I guess

what exactly are we not to do?
use the horn as it was intended?
drive with doors unlocked?
be unarmed and not in the right mindset to defend ones life while confined in their vehicle?
Too bad for the guy... I guess he should have sped off in reverse or forward and run over the punks.

Hindsight, you know?

Sounds like Wisconsin is getting pretty ugly nowadays. That's too bad, I kinda like the midwest. It felt like a genuinely safe place to live when I was in Minnesota. We went to Iowa and Wisconsin occasionally and both felt very safe back then.
Actually, horns were intended only go avoid an accident. I wouldnt say anything at all, but I live in an area where everyone uses their horn for everything. I have lived a lot of places, and I have never seen road rage like it is here. Blowing your horn for any reason other than avoiding an accident causes road rage, and could potentially result in violence. I feel horrible for the guy, and I am not saying it is by any means his fault... it was just one of those things that noone will ever be able to explain. I will say, though, he could have dealt with it in so many ways, both before and after the attack started.
Sad situation. I always keep my door locked and seatbelt on, though I am favorable to keeping my windows down. If some punks surrounded my truck and started beating on it I would rev the engine and then if they didn't move I'd start moving them.

On a side note it is sad how so many people witness crimes and don't do anything to try and stop them. If a passerby or one of the women yelled that she had called the Police or maybe just yelled, 'THE POLICE' so as not to identify herself as the police but mearly state that there are, in fact, police I'm sure these cowards would have run off.
:confused: maybe I'm the only one here but I've never understood this sort of thing. if a group of people were coming toward me in a menacing manner I'd mow them down (hopefully I wouldn't reverse to finish off any stragglers). If they had my car surrounded, same thing.

While we're at it, you see in movies fairly often where someone in a motorcycle forces a car off the road, I don't drive a big car in fact I drive an Accord, but I think I could take out 15 people pretty easy (assuming I'm not on ice)
While we're at it, you see in movies fairly often where someone in a motorcycle forces a car off the road, I don't drive a big car in fact I drive an Accord, but I think I could take out 15 people pretty easy

Speaking as an avid sportbike rider... please please please PLEASE... get those thoughts out of your head. There are a great number of stories and videos of people mowing over motorcyclists on the road (granted, most have no cause, and you would), but it makes the road a very scary and dangerous place for motorcyclists. Which, evidently, is why statistics have proven that 81% of all motorcyclists on the road carry handguns.
Blowing your horn for any reason other than avoiding an accident causes road rage, and could potentially result in violence.
actually, its individuals who lack the mental fortitude to control themselves that spark road rage. saying that people who honk horns cause road rage is like saying that us law abiding gunowners cause criminals to commit crimes.
The article said:
MILWAUKEE (AP) - A motorist who was kicked, punched and left alone in the street after honking at a group of people suffered severe head trauma and may not survive, police said.
And to think the representatives from all Milwaukee districts were trying to introduce amendments into the CCW bill to make Milwaukee off-limits to the CCW law... because "we don't want guns in Milwaukee". :barf:
actually, its individuals who lack the mental fortitude to control themselves that spark road rage. saying that people who honk horns cause road rage is like saying that us law abiding gunowners cause criminals to commit crimes.

Just quoting what my driver ed instructor taught my class. FYI - in 13 states nation-wide, it is actually illegal to blow your horn under any circumstances that would not otherwise result in an accident. This was the reason given for such laws.
okay i've got to get all grammer-nazi on ya...."13 states nation wide"?
its like a double negative. :D

i dont doubt that some states have caved in and placed the blame on those who are not prone to fits of road rage. however, the bottom line is, if i tap my horn to get pedestrians out of the lane of traffic, i am not in the wrong. nor was the person at the focus of the article springmom posted.

i dont think that account could be labeled 'road rage'. more like 'mob action' by those who thought they were being 'dissed'.
actually, its individuals who lack the mental fortitude to control themselves that spark road rage. saying that people who honk horns cause road rage is like saying that us law abiding gunowners cause criminals to commit crimes.
+1 to that, Spiff.
okay i've got to get all grammer-nazi on ya...."13 states nation wide"?
its like a double negative.

i dont doubt that some states have caved in and placed the blame on those who are not prone to fits of road rage. however, the bottom line is, if i tap my horn to get pedestrians out of the lane of traffic, i am not in the wrong. nor was the person at the focus of the article springmom posted.

i dont think that account could be labeled 'road rage'. more like 'mob action' by those who thought they were being 'dissed'.

Ok, you got me with the grammer.. "13 states throughout the nation". :o

I'd have to say that around here, people blowing the horn are blowing it out of rage. A simple tap to alert people seems to be non-existant here. (like I said, Ive never seen a worse place)

They probably didnt think anything. It seems to me, from the story, like they were the type of people who just look for excuses to beat on people. This happened to be one of them. Where I feel he went wrong was to remain there. I would have mowed them over at the first sign of trouble. And you bet your sweet *** I would have locked the doors, too. There aren't a lot of cars out there these days that dont have central locking. This was most likely just a case of panicing and freezing up at the wrong time. But, I feel that it could have been a much different outcome.
no, you're right, the guy did do some things wrong. honking the horn wasnt it though. but its easy to second guess the response we think he should have had. we all figure he could have easily gunned the gas and made himself a new hood ornament. but imagine what was going through his head right then.
Let me tell ya'll about a little incident here in Philly...

A couple of years back during Cinco de Mayo we had some rioting on a popular street called South street. Normally what happens is a lot of fun parting, some drinking, and girls flashing from the upper windows of bars and buildings. Kinda like New Orleans without the pick pockets.

Anyway things got out of hand. Not enough police, some thugs among them, etc. Mob of guys start throwing stuff in the street, beating people up, breaking store windows, and they destroying a news van. There were not enough police to control them and they started throwing stuff to block the street.

The street wasn't blocked off by police so a guy was driving to head home from work and ran into them. Some kids threw a trash can in front of him, a refrigerator, and other stuff. He slowed down not wanting to cause trouble or hit it. Well they jumped in front and started beating his car and breaking windows. On kid threw a rock and he had enough. Floors it! Runs two people over at least and sends one flying off his hood.

People complained and said that was wrong and he should be arrested. The DA's office said yeah right. The man was in fear of his life and acted properly. No charges filed.

If your dumb enough to try and attack me in my car and happen to be in the way....I hope you like wheel chairs because my car will hit around knee cap height.
[QUOTEWho exactly did thoses stats come from? The Hell's Angels.....][/QUOTE]

This is as good a reason as any for CCW in Wisconsin. I live 10 miles from this incident. Hope to God it gets passed here in 2006, probably won't though, but it will be close.:( I know I'd feel safer packing if this happened to me - even though I would mow them down with my car if that happened to me.

Still confused by Springmom......"What NOT to do I guess" What did that mean??

But even more sad is the fact that you can't CCW in Wisconsin.
This is directly reflected in how brazen thugs are in MILWAUKEE.
They have no fear of anyone fighting back.

Thank goodness I am in MN.
I use my horn all the time, and would have in that instance also.
The individuals should be found, and all sentenced to life in prison.
There is no room for acts like this in the US.

It happened in MN last year, and the 3 individuals received life.