What kind of grips do you have on your J frame?

I'm using the Hogue Bantam Boot Grips. I carry a 340PD, and at 11.4 ozs. it allows me to hang on with stout ammo. I had a set of Craig Spegel grips made, and they were beautiful, but I couldn't shoot with them on this light gun with heavy duty ammo. I have a set of Pachmayer Compacts on an old Mod 36 that have lasted forever. They are a little harder rubber, but very good grips also. I'm sticking with the Bantams.
DeSantis Clip Grip
Barami Hip Grip

Both of these grip sets have a clip like lip that protrudes from the top of the right grip panel. This lip goes over your belt to secure the J-Frame IWB without the need for a holster.
Target grips. Don’t like Magnas.

(Edited to delete linked image, was too big and don’t know how to resize)

The only J-frame I now own (a Smith & Wesson 351PD) used to wear pretty rosewood grips, but since it was supposed to be a "working gun" (a backup to whatever primary I was carrying) I swapped the rosewoods out for a Crimson Trace unit.

The rubber, laser-equipped grips actually fill my hand better, and guide the limited number of shots in the revolver decisively.

Absolutely no complaints, from me!
I really like my prestige grips. They are light and concealable but also fit my mitts like a glove.

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I tend to like the grips that came on my guns.

Model 36 Flat Latch


Model 36 with Tyler T grip.


Model 60.


Model 63.

For a carry gun, I prefer the Magnas and a T grip.



Like them on my K frames too. :)


Next would be the Houge rubber boot grips, as they are about as small as you get there.

Never understood why S&W put those big, over sized rubber grips on the J frames. Seems to just defeat the whole purpose.
On my carry revolver, a crimson trace that covers the back strap with rubber, but is still as short as a boot grip. It was more because the weird XS dot sight didn't provide a clear point of aim, the rear notch has to be 2/3 of the way up the dot to hit point of aim.

On another J frame, I did a "bad thing". I took a pair of rubber Taurus boot grips that covered the back strap, drilled holes to fit the cross pin of the S&W 637, and on they went. They feel *great*. Let me tell you, it's really difficult to find boot grips that cover the backstrap.
S&W rubber that came on the first one, Bantam (Hogue,I think) on #2. S&W grips on #2 wouldn't clear the speed loaders.
I pocket carry so big easily gripped handles don't work.
Another vote for Uncle Mikes boot grip. I don't know why. I just tried them and they work so I quit looking those secret service grips are tempting.