What kind of dog do you have ?

14 yo Aussie shepard. He's a little lame now but man was he hell on wetbacks in his time :) Many was the time that wetbacks would try to hide out in our barns...they found out real fast that being deported was a better option. I can still see him come trotting up to the house on more than one occasion proudly displaying an article of clothing that he had ripped apart.
boing... you Dr.Doolittle person! Wow! What a full house! It looks like I am the only person with a dalmation (so far). She's not pure bred... we got her from the pound. She had puppies, so the owners decided to keep all the puppies and get rid of the dog. She stayed in the pound a year before we adopted her. She is very, very good with "her people." My husband pretended to tackle me to see what she would do. She protected me (and she does that to the kids too if someone is "threatening" them). She can be very hyper (as most dalmations are). She hates adult strangers, but is gentle with children (doesn't even bark at them). She looses control when adults come to the house though. At Christmas the UPS lady asked me if Dottie could jump the fence. She was concerned because a dog had done that before and attacked her. Yikes! :)
Amazing ... ferrets. There are wild ones around our place, tend to stay away from the dogs and are very entertaining. "Anti ferret laws?" - who would have thought.

Dog squad:
Mick. Very large German shep, father from local K9 LEO division: too big for our standard size (smallish) cop/handler - and his (Mick's) son Khori: Both will tell people just where our fences are and what side they ought to be, but alas, they take bribes (have notified Internal Affairs).

Then theres Camba, supposed to be a hunting pointer (with a bit of lab) but too darned smart: Became Concienscious Objector, pacifist, limits activity to very loud early warning, hides when a gun appears (figures it could mean work).

Peter Knight (aka El Chimango Pete)


[This message has been edited by Elchimango (edited June 28, 1999).]
Two - both rescued from the pound, but on different coasts. Petey is a 62 pound Lab, Pit, Shepherd mix with brindle coat. 7 years old now, and originally from NJ. Gracie is a 2 year old Pit, Basenji mix, rescued out here on the West coast. Ironically, she is brindle also, and looks so much like Petey that everyone who sees them figures they're related!

Regards - AZFred
From: Ivan 6-28-99 1137PM EDT I have a purebred German Shepherd; 4.5 years old that is a spitting image of Miss 357 shepherd. He is a male dog that does not like any other dogs or any other animals for that matter. He is a good guardianof my fenced property and sleeps in the basement at night. I spoil him.

Just got a message on the answering machine for my wife, from someone who "heard about us through the grapevine."

Looks like #16 is on the way. Sigh. I'm such a softie. :)

I have two american pit bull terriers, both are approx 55lbs couch weight, one is adba registered and the other is not papered.....surprisingly they get along for the most part, they usually sleep aroung the bed unless its cold then I sleep on the floor and they get the bed...lol....they are the most propagandized breed I know of. They are truly unique and wonderful and not for everyone, they require devotion.
BTW...standard poodles make surprisingly good protection dogs in a non-threatening package........it would be hard for a prosecutor to demonize this dog...a standard size dog with a poodle cut....the jurors would be laughing....fubsy.
I once convinced a member of SFPD's finest that Felix the albino ferret was a rat.

I don't think he ever fully forgave that one.

A funnier example was when I was on foot and about to cross a light at an intersection. Felix's head was poking out my jacket, and this guy next to me looks over and says "Nice rat!".

So I says, "Ya, but he was horribly abused as a baby".

"Oh ya?"

"Ya, some kids got ahold of him, build a little rack and stretched the hell out of him!"



"They stretched your rat?"

"Yep, check it out" and of course I grab him around the shoulders and start pulling his long skinny bod out my jacket. With over a foot of white weasel coming out and no rear legs in sight yet, the guy screamed and ran off down the street.

What a chucklehead

Better: we're down at Fisherman's Wharf in the "tourist trap zone". This one shop has an outdoor table set up with raised edges and about 20 battery-powered stuffed moving squeaking/barking/honking/etc animals on it. All about Felix's size. I was curious as to what he'd do, so I let him run around in there and check out the "fake friends".

So he's ambling along, sniffing at the various toys and this yuppie couple walk up. The guy says to his girlfriend "oh look, honey, this one's cute!" and you get ONE guess as to who he scoops up.

So there's Felix, draped over the guy's hand, he turns around and looks right at the guy...who screams, drops him and yells "THAT ONE'S REAL!!!".

Exit one large nut and one small fert, stage right, laughing all the way...

Hey! They're invading this post! There's another...HELP!


Jim March
Coyote/Chow mix
8 months old, approx 70 lbs, razor sharp teeth

DON'T piss him off - he will draw blood!

Loves kids, but very wary of strange adults... If a stranger enters the yard through the gate he will attack, but enter HIS yard from the house and he is a big baby.
If he barks at night, we take notice!

Very gentle with other animals, but plays extremely rough with his brother (my sisters dog). We DO NOT have a stray cat problem any longer though!
16 year old Australian Shepherd....Rimadyl and Anipryl keeps her arthritis and alzheimers under control.....very good guard dog when she was younger.
Jim March - your stories kill me!!! My college roommate had a pet rat that I swear was smarter than some dogs I've met.

Well, as ashamed to admit it as I am, my wife has a Pug! I wasn't too sure at first but the little booger is pretty darn cute sometimes.

My family always had Visulas (or Vizhlas), a hungarian hunting breed. Rust colored, docked tail, body and face similar to Weimeraners (sp?). I want another soon.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
No dogs currently, just 2 mixed breed cats (Siamese/Persian/tabby) that act like dogs. They fetch (sometimes), and the female follows me around like a faithful puppy. Last dog owned was a Basset, great dog. A tragic death which is still too painful for me to relate details of. Wouldn't mind having a black lab or a bull mastiff.

boing & Jim M.:
Ferret guys, huh? Are you aware that ferrets are great hunters? Rats & mice are TERRIFIED of ferrets. Many an old farmer has invited a ferret owner to help rid his chicken coop of rats. Block all the rat holes except one, then "pour" the ferret into the open hole. Station a trained "ratter" (usually a terrier) by the hole, and pretty soon, rats start to pour out. The rat dog grabs each rat by the neck and bites through, severing the spine, then piles up the dead bodies. The ferrets have no interest in the chickens, and the chickens don't seem to mind the ferrets.
I read about this in a book I'll recommend to all, if it can be found (it's out of print.) It's called "A Sporting Chance: Unusual Methods of Hunting" by Daniel P. Mannix. He's hunted ducks with boomerangs, done live capture of small birds using the buffo marinus (sp?) giant toad, and once even secured a special permit from the FL F&G dept. to hunt Keys deer using a blowgun with curare tipped darts he had secured in Africa. He also owned a cheetah named Rani which loved to hunt coyotes with him. He's even gone manhunting during the Mau Mau insurection. Great book, worth the $$.
It's illegal to sell ferrets in SC, but you can find many pet store owners who will gladly sell you a rabbit cage for $150, and throw in a ferret for free. Gonna have one of those suckers one day, soon as I can convince my wife they're not just big rats. :(

Shoot straight regards, Richard
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