What kind of dog do you have ?

Weighed 165lbs when he was a kid. Now he's grown up. Can't get him on a scales.

Colored and built like a Rottweiler but, because of his size, we suspect his Daddy must have been a Mastiff travelin' man.

Calm, overly friendly, has a thirty pound wet tongue (therefore the term "slimer").

Very careful around small children - they pulled his tail so he put it under him and sat on it.

Nope, we didn't have him "cut properly" (ears & tail).

He's chained in the back yard (on 10ft chain hooked to a 75 ft cable) because we don't have a fence. The deer come into the yard and drink from his water dish and he carefully lays down so he doesn't frighten them.

His favorite toy is a "squeeky", air-filled ball with "nubs". It's about the size of a softball and he likes it when I rub it all over the roof of his mouth. The ball and my hand are completely hidden in his mouth when I do that. He has never even nicked me.

Three cocker spaniels got loose (neighbors), came over and harassed him - barking furiously. He stood there with this look, "You're kidding, right?" I had to chase the intruders off.

I thought he was a complete loser as a watchdog.

So, one winter I bundled up in strange clothes, approached from down wind and pretended to sneak into the yard.

He stood up, watched carefully, the hair on his back standing straight up. Then all of a sudden he raced to my end of the yard barking viciously in his best basso profundo "I believe I will eat you alive" attack mode.

Scared the hell out of me! I immediately pulled off my hat, identified myself and gave the password - "FOOD!" He stopped, looked at me quizzically as he recognized me, then relaxed, and with a rather disappointed look went to his dish. (Darned right, I fed him!)

I didn't know he could move that fast! I won't challenge him again.
*Diego* 97 lb German Shepard...He's really a big baby but I think he would really take a chunk out of someone who was trying to harm me.
We have a 7 month old "Splab". Half Springer Spaniel and half Black Lab. 50 pounds and still eating!
Harley: I'm kinda slow, but with enough repetition, I get there eventually.

BTW, what's it worth to you that she doesn't find out that you're posting about her under "what kind of dog do you have?"? :)
Roughly in the order we got them:

1)Nora: Shepard Mix, 50 lbs. The Alpha Dog. Hates the 12-bar blues (at least the way I play it)

2)Burt: Dachund/Corgi mix. Pure Evil. Understands Russian. Hates feet, especially big black shoes. Has drawn blood. No, don't look at him! Don't even think about him. He doesn't like it.

3)Loki: Black Lab mix, 90 lbs, named after that half black, half white guy in the original Star Trek series. Our "best" dog. Very wise, let's Burt eat first.

4)Fergus: White Cocker Spaniel, named after a guy I worked with. AKA: Stupid, Original Stupid, Primary Stupid, White Stupid (see #11)

5)Mossberg: Cock-a-Poo, named after...well, guess! After a haircut, looks like The Devil. Doesn't like to be thirsty. Fill the water bowl before bedtime if you plan to sleep.

6)Goblin: Boston Terrier with cataracts, hence the name. Only barks when she dreams due to the previous owner's shock collar. Snorts instead.

7)Millie: Brown Husky kinda mix. Only comes inside to eat or get petted, even in winter. Bites noses as a sign of affection. Bit my father-in-law on the hand. Hmmm...

8)Minnie: Plott Hound. The only truly emotionally unbalanced animal I know. Have actually considered Prozac to the point of calculating the dose. 1200mg oughta do it.

9)Bear: Huskyish mutt, but not. Slated for execution because owner claimed he tried to bite a child. Bullsh!t. The kid was teasing him with food. The most gentle dog we have.

10)Betsy: Greyhound. Product of the heinous dog racing industry, complete with cigar burns. Gave her some love, and she's almost normal now.

11)Tennessee: Black Cocker Spaniel, named after a guy I worked with. Mostly blind. AKA: Extra Stupid, Mega Stupid, Stupid Stupid, Auxiliary Stupid, Black Stupid (see #4)

12)Pogo: Border Collie. Has the ice-breaking head of a beluga whale. Favorite target is my chin.

13)Spivey: Pointer, named after a guy I worked with. Unbelieveably irritating. Intentionally pokes me when I'm trying to sleep.

14)Pippin: Miniature Shepard mix, 15 lbs full grown, named after the dog in "Jaws" that gets eaten. Hopped onto the couch one day with a possum foot in her mouth. AKA: Carcass Mouth.

15)Little Navistar (Navi): Rottweiller, named after one of the engine components I work with. Favorite food is whole rolls of toilet paper.

All animals were rescued from homelessness, evil owners, or the gas chamber, including:

6 cats
2 rats
2 ferrets
2 hedge hogs
A dozen mice
A dozen dwarf hamsters
A dozen fish
3 newts
1 turlte
1 snail
and a bird.

I hope I didn't forget anyone.

We have a pure bred German Shepherd of German blood lines as opposed to an Americanized German Shepherd. She is still a baby at almost a year. She gets bigger every day. She is VERY protective of me and all my female friends. She will even protective a female friend from her father (walkin' man). Heidi (her name) will not allow even play fighting to go on between boys and girls. She quickly intervenes by sitting with her back to the girl and stares down the boy. If you think she is not being serious, she has been known to bear teeth. I have included a picture of her. Check it out. She is the pretty one. ;)


"Time changes everything"
Gus: My boy. Named after character in "Lonesome Dove". He's mostly Black Lab, with some German Shepherd, and a prematurely grey face. About 75 pounds He's 5. we got him as a puppy. He goes nuts if he can see me & I'm not paying attention to him. He's a very good, gentle, and loyal dog.

Brandie: She's my girlfriends dog (my Step-dog). She's a Cocker/Spitz mix. She's the only one of our dogs who gets to go fishing, cuz she's the only one who'll stay out of the water. She's the only girl, so tends to get "b!tchy" from time to time. get's that from her momma's side of the family ;-)

Brown-Dog: So named because I put my foot down & said we aren't keeping him, so we aren't naming him. He's been here "temporarily" for almost 4 years. He & Gus are inseparable. We guess he's mostly pitbull. He is definately the sweetest, most loyal & affectionate dog I've ever seen. He's also VERY protective of my girlfriend and my little sister.

Turbo: He's a Rat Terrier, & his name fits quite well. He's our "portable" inside dog, and is quite a good alarm system. He's almost a year old. He goes almost everywhere with my girlfriend. His most redeaming quality is that he really annoys the heck out of my girlfriends cats.
A beautiful Chow/Collie mix named Stormy, and a cute chubby Beagle named Daisy. Stormy is the "tuff" one. Daisy is the lazy one. Stormy protects the house, Daisy protects the refrigerator! Nuff said
I *had* the two best critters on the planet, stolen two summers ago. I still haven't recovered.

Ferrets. Heart of a lion, fits in a pocket.

I'll get at least one more soon, after I move. My first experience with grass-roots politics wasn't guns, it was the California ferret legalization movement...which may *finally* win this year.

One of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life was little Felix the sub-2lbs albino running up to a German Shep puppy (about 60lbs) and wanting to play at a park. As usual at such times, the dog would back off, completely perplexed as to how something that small is "charging". But then the pup realized that the bouncing weasel was being *playful*.

For at LEAST a half hour those two romped around together, playing chase games, etc. This was in Golden Gate Park, we drew a crowd of at least 75 astounded bystanders most of whom had NO clue what Felix even was.

After a bit, Felix's 2" legs gave out, he collapsed in exhaustion. The dog whimpers a bit, clearly worried...and gently nudges Felix, wanting more playtime. Felix raised his head, looked at the dog, dropped back down.

So the dog's owner calls it to go home, gets the leash out. The dog looks down at Felix, gently scoops him up in his jaws, raises him high and starts trotting off towards home...after all, something that fun needs to be played with later!

Felix didn't even mind, he realized it wasn't an attack. Picture me going "no, dog, leggo the weasel" and then having to wipe the slobber off.

Felix story #2: I had him at a company picnic in another park, and the whole time he was curious about this one Jack Russel Terrier which was too high-strung to want anything to with this odd critter despite his clear curiousity. By the end of the day Felix was curled up asleep on my lap...and the dog figured that now was a good time to check out this odd critter. He hops up on my lap and starts nudging Felix rapid-fire with his nose...not an attack of any sort, but "rude as hell".

Felix raises his bleary eyes, blinks at the dog a couple of times, then lunges out and bites it on the lower lip!

Here's what's odd: he held for a couple of seconds, looking the dog dead in the eye. Felix didn't clamp hard enough to break the dog's skin or even make it yelp, although it it gave a barely-audible whimper which is basically the doggy equivelent of "ohhhhh sh|+". Felix released, and kept staring at the dog - which after a second of eye contact broke away, hopped off my lap and trotted away at a normal, fairly unhurried pace.

Felix exhibited a level of "controlled force" that was just plain astounding. He didn't "freak out" and start an all-out fight, he simply let the dog know he'd gone too far and that he wasn't going to be allowed to go further without REAL trouble.

I mean...we're talking about something that can sleep comfortably in my outstretched palm. His braincase was a bit smaller than a walnut...yet I've met many a human that didn't have an understanding of use of force to match his.

They are just too cool.

I have a friend back east who's been breeding some 7lb "megaferrets" - he won't ship one into California while the ban is still on, but once it's gone I *want* such a megafert, bad. They're not "bloated", they're energetic as hell but they're HUGE.

Jim March
boing, you're nuts! But I'll bet your life is interesting. Your email is "14dogs", but you now have 15? Those critters are all very lucky to have found you. Whatta family! And they get along? No cats or rats or birds coming up missing?

I've got a female Akita, 82 lbs (no one comes in the yard) and a real socailite - she'd rather see company than me, and a Sib Husky stray rescue (Gabby), great pet except for the large holes in the yard.
Longhair and I must have picked our dogs from the same litter....

Our family Pit is the nicest, kindest, most gentle, loving 70lb lap dog you would ever like to meet....except if you happen to be using the window as an entrance at 3:30 a.m.

Can't really picture NOT owning a dog at any point in my life. Considering a Rhodesian Ridgeback next time around.

~ Blue Jays ~
What, no poodles? I can't imagine there's not at least one person here with a 10 lbs., ribbon bedecked, puff ball coiffed, sweater wearin' bundle of death dealin' miniature poodle? Say it ain't so! :)

Seriously though, this is the only area my wife and I disagree on. She'd like a poodle and I'd like, well, a dog. Just teasin' if there are any poodlephiles out there. :)

Chris - Don't malign the Poodle! (I know you were kidding.) Actually, the Standard Poodle (not the Toy which is the prissy dog you're talking about) has a lot of good characteristics that would make it excellent for our "type" of people. It was originally the Germans version of a water retriever (Pudel). It is very intelligent and can make a good watch dog. The silly haircuts they have started out with a good purpose, the hunters would cut their hair so they could swim a little better when they retrieved game from the water. Then they just got carried away with it. The Poodles themselves are just sick about it. But, hey, what's a Poodle to do, revolt?
No dogs here. Only ever had one, and she died when I was 11. No time to housebreak a new one, and my place is too small for anything but a ratdog anyway. :(

Now after I win the lottery and have a big ol' house with a yard, I'll probably get a Pyrenees.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Thanks Mal, as a matter of fact, I did agree with my wife that a standard poodle is ok. My uncle has had a few standards and they were great dogs. But those hair cuts, geeesh, regardless of the reason! They really do look like they embarassed.

We have an Old English sheepdog that I shave twice a year. The first time I shaved him I accidently cut all the fur off over his eyes. He hid for weeks behind couches and chairs! Everytime since then, I leave a little tuft over his eyes and he no longer exhibits post shave anxiety.
