What kind of dog do you have ?

Well everyone seems to fit the stereotype for cars how about dogs ?
I have a blue heeler crossed with red heeler cross border collie. A proper dog not a $1000 pure bred thing. Our other dog is a blue heeler cross kelpie. Most blokes here have a dog or I hope they do, dogs guns and utes(pick ups or 4wds) go together.
I think a Jack Russel will be my next choice so I can use him for hunting.
Anyone here hunt with dogs ? Im interested to know because most hunting with dogs here is done by pig doggers. Not many typical gun dogs.

New FREE Gun Auctions at http://www.gun-center.com/auctions.html
last dog we had was a pit bull. 80lbs of lap dog, except to a stranger. when i was off working construction, i felt pretty secure that the dog would take care of mama while i was gone. sadly we had to put him down a couple of years ago. hell he was 13, which is pretty old for a pit, and sick. it was a mercy thing for him. no dog since.
got a friend who's got a mess of beagles, that we'd go rabbit huntin' with(no offense meant rabbit ;)), and he's got some for deer huntin'. it sure is fun watchin' them work.. :)
what me worry?

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 26, 1999).]
I call it a Great Dane, my wife calls it a Fantastic Dane. The yard calls it a fertilizer machine.

Blue heeler X Border collie, and would you belive gets sick riding in the back on the pickup.
A pair of german Rotts. Male about 145 lbs, Female about 115 lbs.. I believe they a smarter than some people I know.
Female heeler (48#), male & female shepard/rott/pyrenees (combined #180) and as yet to be determined retreiver/chow? pup at about 60#. All "volunteer" dogs who make a great early warning system, first line of defense and are great bed warmers on cold nights. Oddly, our most ferocious defense dog ever was a rescued fawn greyhound at about #90, often mistaken for a dobie by those who didn't know him.

You know what still pains me over the Ruby Ridge incident? They started the action by shooting 11 yr. old Sammy Weaver's dog while they were romping in the woods. Hell, I'd shoot back too! Don't mess with my dogs!

65 lbs

Male ...

We call him King James

Great with kids ... fast learner.

to locate, close with and …
Some kind of German, don't know the breed, she just followed me home from Germany in 1960, and has hung around ever since.

Good "ole" girl though, tends the house, keeps me fed, and keeps the G-kids quieted down.


[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited June 26, 1999).]
2.5 year old male 60lb. Chow/Newfoundland mix. Black, lots of fur, loves to swim, good with kids, very territorial, plenty of big white teeth (and purple mottled tongue). Vocabulary includes "ball", "rope", "leash", "crate" (he's been trained to get in his crate immediately when told), and the usual sit, stay, etc. He's a bit of a slow learner, but with enough repetition, he gets there.

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited June 26, 1999).]
A By-God Siamese, who could use some cultural sensitivity training when it comes to his relationship with dogs.
Got three
1. lab chow female 70 lbs.10 years old
2. lab chow cocker spaniel male 75 lbs. 2 years old (has bad attitude since being fixed) ;)
3. mini german shepard female 45 lbs. 12years old

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Whippets. Bunches of them. They're good companions, death on ground squirrels and cats, and better'n electric blankets on a cold winter night. They get down under the blankets and huddle around the cold feet.
When they get out and run, it's the most beautiful sight in the world.

Bruce Stanton
Boxer, male, weighs approx. 70 pounds named Dawg. Is very found of Schmit's female Rotty.

John - NRA - Lifer

[This message has been edited by John Hunter (edited June 27, 1999).]
Pure bred Doberman Pinscher, 100 pounds and White in color (not an albino) with blue eyes. Does put a serious hurt on my aggitators even with a plastic reinforced sleeve! Thinks he's a lap dog. :D

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

80# male English Springer Spaniel, loud and enthusiastic alarm system. Likely to lick an intruder to death but I do not think I'd like to cross him. Also 70# female Samoyed, (I think 30#'s of that is hair) I'd not like to cross her. She's the enforcer of the alarm system. Have had both for eight years since they were pups. Not a breeding pair although when they arrived my son thought we should breed them. The image is interesting. He's the inside dog most of the time. She prefers to stay outside except when the Thunder is rolling.

Jim in IN
