What kind of ammo do you stockpile?

What do you stockpile on?

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I see references to a poll which didnt show up on my phone.
Anyway, i keep a bunch of 5.56, 9mm, 308, 7.62x39, and 22lr.
I also have, but keep lesser quantities of 38 and 357mag, 45 acp, 45 colt, 9x18 mak, 32 acp, 380, and 357 sig. Of these, i have at least 500 of the 9x18, because its not a common us caliber, 380, because the only gun i have in it is a little mac 12, uses a lot, 357 sig because i carry it often, or its my truck pistol. The rest, anywhere from 200 or 300 rds.
The first list is at least 1500 to 2000 rds each, except 308, which is about 500 to 1000 rds. Thats for a bolt gun. The others are fighting calibers for fighting guns. The 22s i was just buying every time i went in the store, because i could hand one of the kids either the gsg5 or 10/22, several hicap mags, and a 500rd bulk box, and theyd be back in an hour for more. I stopped buying it when it got to the rape me please pricing. Ive sold some, limit the kids shooting some, and still have well over 5000. I only buy subsonic 22s now, since i got a suppressor, but not paying over a certain amount for it, which is still too much.
Got components just no time.
Where is the "all of the above" choice?
But then, that depends on what you mean by stockpile.
I usually keep at least a couple hundred rounds of every ammo I have guns for. Some calibers I have much more. Especially milsurp ammo when it was cheap, and good deals I found on commercial ammo.
I do not stockpile ammo per se.:eek:

I will keep a minimum of 100 rounds of loaded ammunition for each caliber or gauge that I shoot, and I will keep the components to reload many more on hand. After more than 50 years of reloading, I have foot lockers full of bullets/shot, 5 gallon paint buckets full of cases/hulls, and I buy my primers by the case (5K) and my powder by the pound, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, or 12 pound keg.

Lucky for me,:) after all these years, I have found a great deal of commonality between many of the calibers and cartridges. :cool:
I keep enough of everything to insure that I can maintain normal shooting schedule in spite of the inevitable panic-driven shortages and the associated price increases.

In some calibers that I shoot rarely, that might mean only a few boxes in the "stockpile". In those that I shoot a lot it might mean a good number of cases.
Define what YOU mean by stockpile.

Keep on hand, way more calibers than listed even just considering handgun ammo.
Hoard and rub my hands with glee while perusing, not so much.
I have the most rounds of .22LR, I also stock pile .223 62gr and .17HMR

Hand gun ammo is plentiful around here but I keep at least 200 rounds of the following calibers that I shoot;

.44mag, .357mag, .38spcl, 9mm

I keep at least 200 rounds each of my hunting rifle calibers;

30-06, .243, 30-30
I don't think I "stockpile" anything. I like to have abundant resources available for everything I shoot but "stockpile" suggests something akin to hoarding.

I just counted up off the top of my head and I have 31 metallic cartridge calibers plus 12 gauge shotgun ammo in stock. OK, it was a little startling to realize that.

I have 4,000 rounds of 8x57 on hand because years ago a big seller offered it at near give away prices if you bought in bulk...so I did. It wasn't my intention to acquire that much, it just happened because it was a good deal. I think I have a similar amount of 7x57 as well.

Same thing with 12 gauge shotgun ammo. All my scatterguns are 12s. When I was a teenager a local store had field loads of #6 & #8 Winchesters at 79 cents per box of 25 if you bought a case of 20. I bought several and still have some. When I lived in Ohio in the 1990s I went to a show in Columbus and some dealer was clearing out a huge inventory of buck and slug loads. He had the 5 packs of 2.75" or 3" Magnums by various manufacturers. All were priced at $1. I took all the 3" packs he had in slug and 00 buck and as many of the shorter ones that I could carry. I staggered out to my car under the weight of about 350 boxes. I made a second trip for the few boxes of 25 (same buck and slug loads) he had offered at $4. A better deal but he didn't have as many of them. That's why I seem to have a lot of shotgun ammo on hand. I didn't plan it, it just happened.

I bought 10 boxes of 30-30 ammo about 15 years ago at a Walmart clearance sale. Really, it was tagged at $1.99 a box, would you have left any behind? I loaded everything else in this caliber I currently have available and it's only 700 rounds. OK, 700 rounds of 30-30 does seem a bit excessive when I think about it.

I must confess that I have acquired a bit of 22 Long Rifle ammunition recently. As we all know it has been in short supply the past couple of years. I happen to live right between two Walmart stores so I check with them a couple times a week and pick some up if they have any...which isn't often. But even with this hit and miss purchasing I have accumulated quite a bit. I have given away some bricks to friends and even strangers who needed some.

One time a middle aged man was at the store with a 10 year old girl and he was asking about 22 ammo (store was out). He had given her a 22 rifle for Christmas and now it was March and she still hadn't shot her new gun because they couldn't find ammo. I told him to follow me home and I gave him a couple boxes from my stash.

Given the nature of the world it may not be bad advice to have enough ammo on hand to last you the rest of your life. You never when you suddenly can't get any more.
I have an ammunition cache. An outsider would say that I stockpile 22LR, but really it is there because I bought regularly and didn't use up all that I bought over a period of years. I don't consider 1,000 rounds a stockpile on calibers you might just plink away at the range regardless of the caliber. But 1,000 rounds of something you seldom shoot (for me 270 win) would be a huge amount because it is purely a hunting caliber for me and 1,000 rounds would last me 50 years.

One time a middle aged man was at the store with a 10 year old girl and he was asking about 22 ammo (store was out). He had given her a 22 rifle for Christmas and now it was March and she still hadn't shot her new gun because they couldn't find ammo. I told him to follow me home and I gave him a couple boxes from my stash.

I would do the same. It pretty much depends on how your read people. At the height of the current shortage, I would sell it, if I feel the only reason they want some is to "have it" in the same way I "have it" now.
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I believe (dah DAH!) in having a backup of 500 to 1000 rounds of my major calibers - 9, 45, 38/357, 223, 22LR. Then a bunch of 22 mags, various 32s, 380s, weird revolver shot shells. Some remnants of calibers I used to won

There is an unknown number of various shotgun rounds :confused:.

Good sales will increase stocks.

I'm down to a few thousand rounds total, and I often have over 5000 stacked in boxes. 9 mm Luger, .357-sig, .45-ACP, .38-special, .357-magnum, all cheap for range use. I have personal defense ammo for all my guns, hollowpoints with some in +P, but I don't cycle through it often.

It's simply a matter of convenience and cost savings. For the time being, CA still allows online ammo sales in most places (several cities do not), so I order by the case or two so that I don't have to hunt around and make special trips to the local gun shops. If I want to go shooting, I grab some boxes off the shelf in the garage and put them in a backpack, unload the guns and put them in cases, grab my earplugs and safety glasses, put it all in the trunk, and I'm off.
I gain as much as possible of the rounds I want yo be able to shoot at will.

I have over 5,000 rounds each of .45 and 9mm. I don't want to be limited on how much and when I can shoot. Whenever I see $15 boxes of .45 or $11 boxes of 9mm, I buy it, whether I need it or not.

Now we (my wife and I) also have a .380 pistol and a 10mm, but I don't feel the need to have as much of those calibers on hand. We don't shoot either of them as frequently.

At the same time, none of it is getting any cheaper, so WHY NOT buy it as much as possible now?
I don't "stockpile" any calibers. I reload and do keep powder and primers ahead - cast and shoot lead so pretty much just keep recycling casings and reload as I go. I will maybe have 300 - 400 rounds reloaded ahead and on the shelf of 38 special (which I shoot the most) and perhaps 200 to 300 9mm. It's been a long time since I have "purchased" ammo . . .
I just recently started reloading so I have the components to produce 1000 rounds of each the 9mm and .45 ACP. I'm just starting to load some rounds to see which load shoots best, then I'll mass produce using SWC's. I'll reserve 300 round to load up some hornady xtp's. Over the next year or so, I'll buy everything to make 4-5000 rounds of each when I run short from shooting, which isn't as often as I would like right now, but the good news is the wife just bought a 9mm so that she can go shooting with me.
I do not stock pile ammo.
I stock pile components ( brass, powder, and primers)
I then store lead that can be cast into what ever caliber of bullet I need when I need it.

I have about 1,000 pounds of lead on hand.
Give you an idea. That comes out to about 44,303 158gr bullets.

I may have a 1000 or so rounds loaded in various calibers from time to time.
And I try to keep a 2 year supply of powder and primers rotating in stock.

So I am immune to any ammo shortage and almost immune to component shortages.

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My stash for each caliber ranges from 1000-6000 rounds of factory ammo. I also reload, and keep components on hand to load 2-3K rounds of each caliber. As I load ammo, the components used get replaced asap.

I never used to keep a large quantity of ammo on hand, but after the panic buying at the end of 2012 I got caught unprepared. For close to two years, I barely shot any of my guns due to the ammo shortage. Prior to the shortage I would keep a few hundred rounds on hand. Ammo was always easy for me to find where I lived. If I was going out shooting, I stopped by the store and bought what I needed for the day.

I decided that I absolutely refuse to let myself end up in that position again. I started buying ammo online in bulk when it was on sale. The factory ammo I have stashed is there in the event that my reloading supplies are exhausted by another panic buy/ammo shortage. Other than that, I don't touch it.

I also started reloading. It was something that I had always wanted to do anyways. I found that I enjoy reloading ammo almost as much as I enjoy shooting it:D I haven't bought any loaded ammo now in 7 months or so.
I stockpile everything I like to shoot regularly. So 45 acp, 9mm, 223 and 22LR. Why? Because I want to shoot when I feel like it, not when I can find ammo.