What keeps you from buying/owning more firearms?

My answer is the same as most others'; money. That, and time. Even if I had plenty of money to buy more guns, at some point it would be somewhat pointless because I barely have enough to time to shoot the guns I have now.
I am pretty happy with what I have now and consider myself lucky to have the guns I have. Being a disabled vet on a fixed income doesn't exactly leave me with a lot of money. But I make ends meet and reload to keep the cost of ammo down. The local gun shop has a law away plan and that has helped me buy the ones I have, other than a couple that were left to me by my Dad.
mainly because I am trying to buy a house/small farm, but if it doesn't go through again this year I may do some credit building gun purchases. Another big one is I have a hard time justifying getting another one. I have only purchased 1 gun (my EDC) but own an absolute ton of them, I have almost all of the guns from both sides of the family. 6 shotguns, 4 22 rifles, and 10 assorted pistols.
Have what I need.
Keeping myself limited to an 10 rifle safe has been very good for my focus.
Big game rifle
antelope/deer stopper (BiL rifle, if need be)
varmint rifle
shtf rifle
Arisaka (backup big game rifle)
22 bolt action for kids
biathlon rifle for me
muzzle loader
dad's shotgun

A city carry/A woods carry
22 for plinking
Need. Why buy something to just keep in the safe or shoot on the range every now and then.
I was taught, "A fool and his money are soon parted."
"Save at least 10% of your gross income for the long term."
That has worked well for me, and I have never had to do without anything I really wanted. Retirement is very comfortable.

Why buy something to just keep in the safe or shoot on the range every now and then.
I was taught, "A fool and his money are soon parted."
"Save at least 10% of your gross income for the long term."
That has worked well for me, and I have never had to do without anything I really wanted. Retirement is very comfortable.

If you saved your money and keep it in cash...... it's purchasing power is rotting away at a rapid pace.

If you saved your money and put it in the wrong stocks, it might well be totally worthless.

The value of a gun in the safe, measured in dollars, is far above what it was 10 years ago. A dollar, measured in what you can buy with it, ain't worth much.

Think about it: 10 years ago, you could buy a new Ruger GP100 for 1/2 of what you can now. 22lr was what? $10-12/brick of 500? Now it's $19.99/325..... if you can find it at all .......
I'm sure there is another gun or two I would buy if money wasn't an object but a few years ago I started a quality not quantity phase and it never really let go. Sold off a bunch, I'm fine with a handful.
I have enough. As it is, I don't have time (or local place) to shoot as often as I want. If I continue to buy, they sit in the safe - unused and under appreciated.
Every firearm I have fills a specific need. All of my specific needs are filled. IE I can't justify having two 20ga semi autos when I can only carry one in the woods.

My girlfriend doesn't particularly care for guns too much. Although she has decided that because I have taken the time to educate her as to how the guns I have operate, and because I am responsible for them that she can live with it. She has even shown interest in going with me to the shooting range, and is actually quite a good marksman (markswoman?).

Her opinion for firearms has come from an idiot of an ex boyfriend. She enjoys the .22lr, and .22 WMR. Has declined shooting my 7mm Rem Mag so far. lol

My interest isn't so much a thing of seeing how many guns I can collect, as I have recently gotten into attempting to design my own line of cartridges, and am saving money to start doing that.
Mostly money. I also am at a place in my life where if I had the extra dough, it could be put to better purposes.

My wife and I just bought our first house, and I would rather put some work into that if I had the funds. Some updating, improving, remodeling and such.

Our new jobs in our new town don't pay as well as our old ones, and while we aren't broke, such purchases would be unjustifiably frivolous.

Fortunately, I have built a collection that is fairly well rounded. Couple that with the fact that I haven't had much time to shoot what I have, and I really don't need anything else. Even if I had more disposable income, most bases are covered.

Of course once we get a little more settled, I might have to find a Colt 1903. Don't have a Hi Power either...
"What keeps you from buying/owning more firearms?"

The fact that the media says that firearms are bad. I wouldn't want to own a bad thing now would I? From all accounts, guns are known to sneak out at night all by themselves and commit horrible crimes. I can't be an accessory to that!
I cant say for sure i wont buy a few more, but for now I have stopped.

Any excess funds I spend on ammo now.

When I look back at my great grandfather, he only owned 4 firearms his whole life. I had more than that by age 22, and way more than that now. I feel very fortunate to have what I have.
If I never buy another one, ive got everything I could ever need in my lifetime now.
I have what I need for now, my M1A is my general purpose rifle, I have an AK74 clone filling the carbine role, a Mossberg 590a1, and a 1911 and a Glock 23. The only things I really lack are a .22lr and a hunting shotgun.
laws:( and money:mad:

I am on the track to be able to get a few handguns but it is a process.

I am a lefty thou so I guess that keeps me not being able to buy just about anything, which is a good thing:D re rifles atleast