What is your favorite wild game meat?

Razorback piglet, between 50 and 75 pounds when it's killed, treated like regular pork. Little hams, baby back ribs, shoulder roast, loin roast, its all the same really good, especially when the acorn crop is good.

OTOH deer steak is pretty awesome soaked in Marsala and flash fried with a thin batter.
By the way, are all of these the same animal: "feral hog", "feral pig", "razorback", "boar/wild boar"??? I know the javalina is a different species, but what about the foregoing?
wild turkey first,elk second provided its been taken care of start to finish,I've had some the dog wouldn't eat and I couldn't chew,fox sucks and porcupine isn't much better
Wild game

Fave is whatever I'm eating @ the time. I'm blessed with a wife and son who both cook like angels. (Well, OK, Son cooks more like a roulette wheel) but everything they make is VERY tasty. I can do a little w/ a Weber or a Dutch oven or an omelette pan myself if pressed. We eat prety well. :) :) :)
I love venison backstrap and slow-cooked feral hog. If you've never had a small S. Texas feral hog put in the ground and cooked right by the Mexican ranch hands down on the Callaghan ranch, and rolled up in homemade tortillas, then you're missing out. But I have to say, my alltime favorite is quail. Seasoned up just right and grilled...mmm, the best.
fav meat

I'd say it's a tie between Mn. moose and Wyoming antelope. Both tender and good. Makes it easy for me to go on my hunting trips.

brought up gator ............ I tried cajun style gator tail.........and let me tell ya boys and girls..........it was a real treat.......... seems like up here in Michigan gator meat is hard to come by......and if memory serves me right I paid a good penny for it.........but it was worth it...... (Some restaurant near Detroit) You know....... I wonder if it was gator ??? could have told me that and cooked up seagull for all I know???? ;)
Read it and weep!

Mrs Meek's latest recipe for leftover deer roast will absolutely bring tears to your eyes:

For each serving

Half an onion, diced about 1/4 inch size
One potato, diced about 1/2 inch
One clove of garlic, chopped fine
One cup of leftover deer roast, diced about 1/2 inch size
One tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
One cup of water
Salt and pepper
Whole wheat toast cut into points
Rosso Di Montalcino wine

Sautee onion and garlic in olive oil until barely brown then add potato and sautee for 2 more minutes. Add deer meat and 1/4 cup water and simmer on low for 15 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Add mustard to taste. Serve over toast points, with a glass of your favorite Italian red wine.

(If you can't drink the whole glass of wine with dinner, this is a good wine to drink with chocolate afterward.)
Mrs. Meek's recipie

Meek--Sounds lasciviously luscious--hope you treat your bride right--but one little problem occurs to me, namely: From WHERE do you get leftover venison roast??? :D