What is your favorite wild game meat?


New member
I went on a drop camp caribou hunt back in 99. I had a great hunt out of Schefferville. The float plane took us 4 hunters to a drop camp near Lake Mary-Gibb Labrador. The hunt was a memory I hope never fades from my mind. The meat was unreal. The taste I never thought any animal living mostly on Lichen; ground moss, could be so great. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.... My runner up would be grouse with a little garlic and lemon butter...... What is your favorite wild game meat? :D
I like most any wild game. I can cook a good goose dinner. The worst ! The nastyist meat I have ever ate is wild sheep. Good god that stuff is bad. I would have to be real hungry to eat wild sheep.
Mine's got to be...

Wild Boar Ham! ;) The cure takes a while, but it's worth the effort :cool:
No leftovers with these things... smoke the chops & ribs, Boars Head for Christmas (If you can stand having something like this stairing at you every time you open the freezer :D Grind the scraps up for sausage. :)
Axis it is

To me, axis is the best tasting meat. Battered and fried w/a couple of sides, maybe even a SALAD.
I'm hungry!
moose and caribou...

never had elk

hunters up here swear dall sheep is best, but I ain't ever had any...
antelope that I had was great but we were darn hungry and we made a stew out of it. We put everything but the kitchen sink into the pot and added a nice touch of hot sauce too... I guess if you add enough odds and ends and you are real hungry I would guess one could darn near eat an old tennis shoe :barf: ;)

one other great meat was black bear bbq ribs.......again it makes a difference how you do them..... we boiled them first......then greased em up with some of grannies special bbq mix then into the oven for 20 minutes.........man - I tell ya for a bear that was some good eats........
Can't say

Haven't tried enough to evaluate. But I will say that deer backstrap is better than even the finest Kobe beef I've had.
I thought the buffalo meat I got from a buffalo ranch was really excellent. How that compares with wild buffalo I haven't a clue but I'd rate what I had from the ranch better than choice beef.

I really like spapping turtle, too.
Venison's hard to beat any way you cook it up, but I love me some fried rabbit & squirrel!

The best, BEST meat I've ever had though... and don't laugh now... is beaver roasted on a spit. Man, that was some good eatin'.
Elk cook anyway you like

Pheasant cooked with bacon (but what doesn't taste better with bacon?)

I'm not sure if this goes in this forum, but wild trout in my smoker for 2 hours makes for a VERY tasty dish...
Venison backstrap in my deglazed wine sauce, asparagus, garlic mashed potato's, and ceasar salad.
I also think bear stew rates right up there, but on the other hand the worst wild game meal was also bear stew.

I forgot to add dove is something I hate. After I cleaned my first doves 30 years ago the smell turned me off of them the rest of my life.
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Wild Michigan Spring Turkey......

I have to admit a wild tom in a boiling vat of peanut oil..............yum dummy....... It is darn near as good as life gets.....only a few other things better but can't talk about them in this forum..... :D