What is your Favorite Martial Art and Why?

Well the Modern Arnis, Escrima and Arnis de Mano are generally the same it a wonderful and dangerousart use by the early filipinos for fighting using Kris instead of sticks, after the spanish occupation the spaniards prohibited the used of the kris the filipinos substituted sticks with almost the same effectiveness thus the arnis was born. As ive said earlier even the us special forces are incorporating it in their hand to hand combat regimen since arnis is effective even without the use of the sticks even bruce lee who is well known for his use of nunchucks incorporated it and is now part of JKD. At the moment we the the practitioners of the different variation of arnis are trying to standardize and develop the the best technique from the different schools cause arnis is a very diverse technique it even includes the use of balisong(butterfly knife)
When I was in High School (2nd year) was my first introduction to the Martial Arts World. I don't know so much style name, but my instructor told us that his style is WADO RYU. A branch of Japanese Karate. Then, he incorporates Hapkido. This kind of martial arts are the one that taught me the basic and until now it is the kind that I depend on.

In my college days, I was introduced to the Fighting Stick (Arnis) and also Judo. But still my WADO Ryu is the martial art that moulded me.

Why I like my WADO Ryu, it is more on counter offensive. I let my opponent strike me first then, I can apply a better defense followed of my offensive move. Although it is against of the philosophy that the better defense is to make an offensive move first.
What about "Small Circle Jujitsu"? I currently am training in "American Combat Jujitsu". Which was founded by Prof. Tony Maynard, who studied under Prof. Wally Jay. The founder of "Small circle Jujitsu". Just thought that Prof. Jay needed mentioning here. He is quite an impressive man if you have the honor of meeting him or attend his seminars.