What is your favorite deer rifle?

Remington Model Seven in .308, mounted in an H.S. Precision stock (olive drab with black web), sporting a Leupold 2-7X compact scope.
I guess my all time favorite is my Robinson replica .58 cal. Hawken.
I've owned it since 1981.
But my current is a Ruger No.1 RSI in 7X57.

NEF Huntsman Muzzleloader

My first time out for deer was November, 2004. Rifles are not allowed in Indiana, so I used my brand new.50 caliber NEF Huntsman Muzzleloader (centerfire), with a 24" barrel. On opening day I got off a shot just 30 minutes after legal starting time. I hit a doe right in the lungs at 65 yards. If I remeber correctly, I got about 80 lbs of meat from her. I don't know how much she weighed before gutting her, but my brother and I were huffing and puffing by the time we got her tied down. All that practice at the range paid off.

The Huntsman is my favorite deer rifle for a couple of reasons. First of all, it's the only one I've ever used (duh). I also like the fact that I can use the same gun for regular firearms season and muzzleloader season. Thirdly, it is very simple, based on the NEF Pardner, which I like a lot. Fourthly, The Huntsman is light, compared to my brother's more 'authentic' equipment. Last, but not least, I like the challenge of a one-shot hunt (even if I did get really lucky my first time out).

For additional information, I'll mention some things I learned about muzzleloading that may be of help to someone else, especially newbies like myself. The load recipe I used, for example, was not a standard configuration. I used a reduced load of ffg black powder (60 grains), and a 350-grain "conical buffalo bullet." The loading sheet for the bullets I bought, and the one in my Huntsman owner's manual, specified 90 - 100 grains of powder, but a friend told me I might get better accuracy with less powder. I tried heavy loads, then backed off until I got good results. Even with the reduced powder load, my 24" barrel still belches fire and produces a fair amount of gorgeous smoke!

At the range I got the best groups with 50 grains of powder (the same results with ffg or Pyrodex), but I went with 60 grains in the field because I was afraid 50 wouldn't have enough energy to do the job. The day I got my deer, the bullet went all the way through both lungs and out the other side. It was an easy blood trail too, about 20 - 30 yards, mostly downhill though. The blood trail led to a small boulder. She lay dead beside it.

Also, if you get into muzzleloading, you'll do youself a favor if you realize up front that accuracy suffers if you shoot too many rounds without cleaning, or at least swabbing out, the bore. Now I practice with 50 grains of Pyrodex, which burns cleaner than ffg. I plan to stay with ffg in the field though. I can get 19 good shots off using Pyrodex before accuracy suffers. With real ffg powder, I just get 4 or 5 shots, at best, before the Huntsman starts to sling lead every-which-way.

Whatever your favorite deer rifle, I hope you have as much fun this year as I did last year. I plan to do the same.
Sako 75 stainless synthetic in 6.5x55, Schmidt & Bender 6x42 scope. Perfect outfit for deer, over 800 so far and still looks and shoots like new.
parkerhale double rifle in .470
good on anything from small antelope upward.
iron sights (wide v rear and ball on post up front) makes me stalk up to 50 yards (about) and aim well. recoil is a bit much bit its fun... :D
gotta love the marlin 30-30. dropped every deer i've shot at (furthest one ran 20 yards and dropped). it's accurate for me out to 200 (pretty much) but i've never taken a shot on a deer with it past 50 yards. Strongly considering a 25WSM, but for now the 30-30 and the encore .50 do the job efficiently.

I love my rifle hunting, but for me bow hunting's where it's really at...
Trxxx, are we to understand that you've killed over 800 deer with that rifle? (which sounds like an excellent one, BTW). Just asking - seeing if I understood you correctly.
Yes, that's correct - I live in the UK and do a lot of deer control work, typically shoot between 200 - 300 each year.
Model 99 savage in 300 savage.

165 grain noslers Partitions at 2650 will kill neatly and efficiently to 300 yards. the Gun will hold +/- a four inch group at 300 yards. a sweet action that is easy to carry and soothing to look at. It looks like what a deer hunter should carry. I have several. two go on every hunting trip I make, one has a 1x4 leupold on it, the other a lyman 66 reciever sight. one for good weather, the other for bad. rain fog and snow cannot block or clog a lyman sight.
I love and use two primary rifles. A pre '64 Winchster Model 70 in 30.06 for hunting on the family farm where shots are in the 150-200yd range most of the time. For stalking or walking cedar swamps/ corn rows, I use a late 1940's Winchester Model 94 in 30.30 (thuddy-thuddy).

For my 30.06 I use 150gr handloads with ballistic silvertips. They just seem to work on the whitetails here, and for my 30.30 I use standard Winchester Silverbox(CXP"s) 150gr. That lil' rifle loves them!
Winchester model 70 270WSM topped with a Burris 3x9x50 scope. I killed two deer last year... 179lb. doe at 160 yards, and an 8-point buck at 304 yards. I used one bullet for each deer and both dropped immidiatley. I shot my doe through the heart. I shot my buck in what I call the "sweet spot"; just in back of the front shoulder and high. Broke it's spine and went down like a tone of bricks.... It's been said in here before, the 270 and 270WSM are VERY flat shooters, have a lot of energy, and ere extreemly accurate


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M-44 Mosin

I know - I know - It seems a little Milsurpie but hey I just might take it out a few days to look for whitetails.... It seems to be a close (lesser)cousin to the 308. I am not super impressed with the issue sights so some modification may take place....... It would likely turn into a carbine scout rifle.... a little 2 or 4 power LER type scope might make it a little better for the hunt....

Mine is a 1955 Romanian that never saw a day in the field.... I just am almost 99% sure of it by it's like new blue steel and it's wonderful Beech stock ........I got to get a camera and show this thing I brag of too much.....

Just another idea of a good hunting rifle....and can be had for 100.oo or less.... :D
Remington 710 chambered in 30-06. Nothing has walked away after being slammed with a 150gr remington express core loct bullet.