What is your Favorite C&R Gun?

TX Hunter

New member
This post is intended for fun, as we all love C&R Guns, or wouldnt be looking at this Forum.

My Question is, What is your Favorite, Curio and Relic Firearm.
You answer can only be one gun, and if you like please explain why this firearm is your favorite.

I will start this with my own personal favorite.
Its a tough choice, as I like several of them, but If I had to narrow it down, to which one I keep picking up, and looking at, and which one feels the best in my hands. My favorite rifle of all time is the Finnish M-39 Rifle.
Whats yours?
Number one is my pair of Winchester 1906s. One was my dad's when he was a kid and the other was my grandpa's when he was a kid.


Gramps, back in the early 1920s:


OK, OK, if I have to pick just one, then it's Gramps' rifle. You make this too hard!
You answer can only be one gun, and if you like please explain why this firearm is your favorite.
Whats yours?
I'm sorry, the question just doesn't compute.
Is it the Garand? The Red Nine Broomhandle? The 1911 Colt? The 1917 S&W? The P35 High Power? The SMLE No1 MkIII*? The M1 Carbine? The 1895 Winchester carbine? The sawed-off (to 21 inches, not done by me, I hasten to add) Parker Trojan? The 1897 Winchester?
Nope, the question is unanswerable. I can't pick just one.
Favorite? Man, that's a hard question? Just one? Can I rank them If I ranked them it would be a horizontal list, almost...

Arisaka Type 38 Carbine: First C&R. short, easy to point, no recoil, accurate as all get out. All the fun of a .22 with more punch and bigger bang.

M/N M44 carbine: Same reasons as above with heavier bullets and larger fireball...

Spanish M43 Mauser. Great Balance, beautiful wood, Great trigger (weird), really accurate.

R/C 98K. Great balance, nice trigger (no, really), accurate, completely durable and trustworthy backup hunting rifle. Plus its very existence in history proves that both Nazis and Communists are losers--and that makes me smile.

Tokarev T33: Pistols are fun, but not as much fun as rifles.
Makarov: Same as above, but not as much bang.
Of all my C&Rs I fall back to my love of Lugers, of all my Lugers I should choose a pre 1918 DWM but I choose my G date as favorite Luger due to functioning, look and reliability. It really does feel different too, not all lugers are alike.

If I had to choose my favorite C&R to carry, I'd have a hard time choosing between my browning 1910/22 and my 1911a1. Ahhhh;), if wearing a suit or something more formal - the 1910/22, any other time my 1911a1. Both very reliable, both designed by Moses Browning.
OK I understand,

You can list your favorites, but please start with your very favorite.:D
Wog Potter, your favorite is lovely.
Mauser 98K all the way.

For a rifle, you gotta love a Mauser. Especially the old 98K. Excellent rifles.

For the C&R handgun, the old broom handle Mauser pistol in 9mm, followed by the Luger and finishing up with the good old Walther P38 pistol.

Best American C&R from WW2 has to be the Garand rifle. And of course, who can beat the American 1911 pistol?
Thats a great favorite, I wish I had gotten a 98K instead of the Yugo.
Dont get me wrong I really like the Yugo, but found out later the 98K has better sights.
Thats a great favorite.
Winchester Model 1906 1\2 Nickle Expert. The one I have has been in the family for 78 years. The barrel has been replaced once and the rifling in it is gone now but it still hits what you aim it at. I am 59 and have had it since I was 12. When I was growing up nobody thought twice about a 12 year old with a gun, of course my dad drilled in to me about gun safety and etiquette. Never occurred to me to get out of line with my gun. A different and definitely better time.
Wow this is a tough one.My favorite has got to be the k98 just because of the accuracy,history,and reputation.

My runners up would be these:

Arisaka Type 99

1886 Portuguese Kropatschek

1895 French Berthier
That is a difficult choice. I shoot my Polish, Romanian, and now Yugo Tokarevs a lot, along with my CZ52. I sometimes carry my CZ 82 or E. German Mak in the truck. I like the classy looks of my Manurhin Walther PP. I also enjoy my Mausers, Mosin Nagants, SMLEs, K31, and Yugo and Albanian SKSs, but after receiving a P-64 from SOG today, that might be the top of the list!