What is Wrong with the Denver Police Department??

Some people seem to think that both the Democratic Party and the Police are "Holy Cows", too high up on pedestals to be able to be criticized.

Perhaps this is why I am so eager to criticize them both, myself.

Neither are demons. But both have their bad sides.

The ABC News Investigative report sure was eye-opening, though. The common ordinary delegate at the convention was left with hardly any food options available to them. They showed that one black woman delegate being forced to eat an $8 Hot Dog, even though she disliked hot dogs, simply because the regular convention center vendor had nothing else of substance to eat. You would think that the party would have arranged for some additional food services for the average person attending the convention. Somehow their $80 Million dollar budget for the convention did not include that.

And that was such a huge contrast when they showed that reception room for their VIP's, with those gigantic prawn cocktails sitting amid a table full of gourmet food. I've never even seen prawns that huge before myself, much less eaten some.

We all just need to remember that it is only the Republicans that pander to the rich.

I really do have to give a lot of credit to Howard Dean for having changed the Democratic Party so much since he became Chairman of the Democratic National Committee in February 2005. A lot of people gave him credit for the success that the Democrats had in 2006. And if Obama wins, I think that many will give him partial credit again.

For it is he who developed this new strategy of going after donations from big business and the wealthy. It has been under his leadership that the party has been able to finally pull ahead of the Republicans, and be able to raise far more money.

He has done far more harm to the Republican Party as chairman of the DNC, than I think he could have ever done running for President in 2004, if he had won the nomination in the primary.

Just wait until the election gets underway full swing. All of this money that has been raised is going to buy loads of TV time for Obama. I predict that none of us will be able to turn on the TV near election time without seeing Obama's smiling face on the screen.

We all just need to remember that it is only the Republicans that pander to the rich.
Yeah, you know, those dastardly rich people who can afford to hire people, build factories, and pay health insurance premiums for their employees. Why should they of all people, be pandered to, right?
Well, it turns out the predictions made here were correct. You guys here on this forum must be smart!! :D

ABC has got their attorneys on this case, and are demanding that all charges be dropped against the reporter. Furthermore, the ACLU has indeed joined in with them ( as was predicted here ), in condemning this arrest by the Denver Police.

See this ABC News update on the story:


If only we could get the ACLU to defend the 2nd Amendment, the way that they defend the 1st Amendment! -- sigh

Here is the full statement of the ABC News attorneys:

(August 28, 2008)

Mr. Eslocker is innocent of all three crimes with which he’s been charged. He and his ABC News crew were standing on public sidewalks covering an event of public significance and performing a press function protected by the First Amendment.

Frankly, we are outraged at the conduct of the individual officers. Their interactions with Mr. Eslocker are captured on tape. Mr. Eslocker was acting courteously and trying to determine where he and his news crew could stand on public sidewalks to report on an event involving some of this nation’s leaders – an event that the public has a right to know about.

The case is now in the hands of the Denver City Attorney’s office, which has a well deserved reputation of acting reasonably and fairly. We are confident that when that office has had the opportunity to review the evidence, including our video tapes, it will decide to dismiss all charges against Mr. Eslocker.

Counsel for Mr. Asa Eslocker:

Daniel Recht, Esq.
Recht & Kornfeld, P.C.

Steven Zansberg, Esq.
Levine, Sullivan, Koch & Schulz, L.L.C.

LanceOregon, if I where being caned to death by a bunch of pygmies, I would refuse ACLU help

You mean that prejudice and violence against tall people should be allowed?

Tall people have civil rights too, you know!!

In one of the videos on the protest in Denver, the announcer pointed out that many of the police did not have badges and that badges or other identification is required. He remarked about all those fancy new black military uniforms and yet so many of them wouldn't even keep the badge in place.

I wonder if the real reason that so many did not have a badge is that they were perhaps BlackWater contractors.
For all of you expecting to see real media coverage of the events at the DNC convention or at the RNC convention, you'll never see more than a token coverage. You'll have to look for more independent voices to find the facts. Don't forget that while Congress cannot enact a law that infringe on the free press but nothing in the Constitution guarantees that we will have a free press. I live in a small town of about 12000 people. Our local, small-town newspaper is owned by a national news corporation. Our local radio station is owned by a national broadcast corporation. Ask the Dixie Chicks about the national power over local news and broadcast outlets. Our press was not free but it was purchased pretty cheaply. Now the billionaires that own them aren't going to ever question a society that enriches them at the expense of others.
GREAT link (original post) - goes straight to ADVERTISEMENT.

After reading and watching the post from TwoXForr you sure get a different perspective.
More importantly, it seems a FAR more accurate perspective!
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