What is Wrong with the Denver Police Department??

Interesting that people and the media criticized China for the way it supressed protest during the Olympics but the same media says little, if anything, about the supression during the Democrats party.

You don't understand, when you have a god ascending to his throne you're allowed to take certain liberties. Every knee shall bow before the Obamessiah.
"The policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder." —Mayor Richard Daley, 1968
3 new videos

2008 Denver DNC Protest/Riot (part 1 of 3)

2008 Denver DNC Protest/Riot (part 2 of 3)

2008 Denver DNC Protest/Riot (part 3 of 3)

I wonder what happened when they got all the cameras and press out. Welcome to America. The land of the ( ) and the home of the brave.

The main stream media should get off their knees and report this.

When the police turn on the people, There will be a time when the people will turn on the police.

"Violence Begets Violence"
Good point fbrown...

But the grunting and hoorahing was a bit over the top. Its almost as if they are forgetting who the enemy is. Just disgraceful.
Of course, but ultimately the individual is responsible for his actions. It's an ethics issue I learned it in the army and again in college. If I were a Denver cop involved I would go home feeling pretty bad about myself. I would probably have a hard time with continuing to work for the Denver. Than again, I would have a hard time living in Denver.
Than again, I would have a hard time living in Denver.

Thankfully I live in the suburbs. Not that its much better.:p But I go to Metro State in Denver which is located right smack dab in the middle of the DNC between the Pepsi Center and Mile High Stadium.:barf::barf:

Thankfully the school decided to close down for the entire convention. But on a normal day I drive straight there, go to class, and drive straight back home. I cant stand being in Denver for any longer than necessary.
the media has been almost totally silent about the protests and all going on in Denver. let's see if this is the same case with the RNC in St. Paul next week.

The DNC/Denver did the same thing China did.
No, I just think the guy realized that they were in the wrong and didn't want the embarrassing ordeal taped.

Or maybe, just maybe, could it have been the fact that the cameraman had just witnessed the reporter being choked and manhandled, before he was taken into custody? Could that perhaps been an incentive to shut the camera off, when the officer ordered?? The cameraman filmed the entire arrest. And if it was so embarrassing, why does ABC News have the video clip on their web site?

Tell me, would you have wanted that sergeant to grab you by the throat like that?

I'm agreeing with you (on this thread)

did you get a lot of parking tickets in Denver or something? you really seem to have a bone to pick.

No, I've been through Denver Airport once, to catch a connecting flight. Denver Airport is a major western hub. I never left the airport.

My bone is the fact that the arrest appears to have been politically motivated. People did not want the Democrats to be embarrassed or shown to be hypocrites, they thus contacted the police, and this sergeant then promptly arrested this fellow at first sight. And this was despite the fact that he had obviously not himself witnessed any crime take place.

The officer obviously did no investigation at all to determine if a crime had actually taken place. He just literally grabbed the guy as soon as he saw him, even though he was on a public sidewalk.

What I think is really ironic is how we blasted China for their "Protest Zones" that they set up away from the Olympic Stadium. Then I open the Denver Post the other day and lo and behold there was an article about "protest zones" set up away from the DNC. The pictured showed one of the zones. It looked like a cage or fenced in parking lot with a gate on it. It was located about a mile from the DNC i believe.

Well, the funny thing about the China "Protest Zones" is that they never even got used. People had to fill our forms to apply to use the zones, and submit them to the police. When the Chinese police then received the applications, they promptly arrested all of those who had applied. The result: no protests at all.

At least our country has not come to that.

You need to look further up the food chain, the officers are doing what they where told to do wether it be right or wrong

Yes, that is a good point.

I would speculate that some important Democrat ( perhaps some local official in the party ) called someone high up in the Denver Police Department that they knew. This sergeant was no doubt given an order to make this arrest.

I'm normally not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but this is a case where I think such speculation might be appropriate to consider.

"Charged with trespassing and interference."

TRANSLATION: "Charged with failure to lick boots and kiss uniformed butts."

"Obstructing traffic" - what a jerk.

I'm glad it's a clean-cut, pressed-shirt ABC reporter with a team of attorneys at his employer's disposal, rather than the usual smelly unkempt protester - when the police violate the civil rights of the latter, most people don't even notice.

DPD is in Deep Poo, Darling.
The police officer who illegally demanded the cameraman shut off the camera realized he was in the wrong and did not want to be taped. I am sorry if you misunderstood me.

Police officer was wrong.

This was very political read more here.

and here

from the first link
Eslocker and his ABC News colleagues are spending the week investigating the role of corporate lobbyists and wealthy donors at the convention for a series of Money Trail reports on ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson."
Apparently, like police around here, the Denver Police don't seem to realize that in order to charge someone with failure to obey a lawful order, the order has to be LAWFUL in the first place.

DPD - rent-a-cops for the Brown Palace Hotel.
Welcome to the new world order were the wealthy will control all of us.

I have been saying this for years. But its not just the nature of politics....its the nature of man. The wealthy, powerful, and influential will ALWAYS control the populace at large. And it, for better or worse, right or wrong, will ALWAYS be that way. Whether you agree with/believe it or not.

Well it might be the nature of man, but that does not mean it is right. This country was founded on the ideal of free elections, and equality of man. No longer is that the case. Our political structure in this country is by far one of the most corrupt. Just look at how normal citizens are having less to say in the politcal process, and treated like fools by the political parties, while the rich and corporations have more political power. Its all based on who has the most money to win the nomination, and appease the people who paid the candidates way. At one time is was about ideals, now its all about who can raise the most cash to win the elections. Money has always a important factor in elections but not to the extend to were it is the major deciding factor. That was not always the case. It was not until the 1970s, that things started to get out of hand. I hate to say this but I fear we are fast becoming a Plutocracy, if were aren't one already, where the wealthy control the politcal system. In the end it does not matter who we vote for, since neither candidate will bite the hand the feeds them so in the long run nothing will change. I pretty much have given up on the national political process in this country.
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Also, we should be hearing from some that say join the military or red cross or police department or something if you don't like it.
But, whatever you do, don't question it.

Charlie Gibson blogs on the arrest

Here is what Gibson had to say about the arrest of the ABC producer.


I'm going to post a bit early today because I have an interview with Michelle Obama in an hour and a half and need to prepare. My inclination is to talk to her about what she would do as first lady. She's worked all her adult life. So how will she channel those energies should her husband be President? How much does he consult her on decisions? Did she participate in the selection of Biden? If so, why didn't he give greater consideration to Hillary? I may not get anywhere with that last question. We'll see.

I read last night's response postings. Just a couple of general comments. First, the young producer arrested yesterday on the public sidewalk of Denver has been released on $500 bail. We got a kick out of the fact he swiped his corporate credit card to put up the five hundred. The charge of trespassing against him still stands. But the video of the incident shot by our crew clearly shows him standing on a public sidewalk with many other people on the same sidewalk. We hope the charges will be dropped.

It actually reminds me of the 1984 Democratic convention in San Francisco. I had finished my work for the convention and was sitting in the ABC tent with my feet up ready to watch Walter Mondale's acceptance speech when an assignment editor came in and told me there would be one more demonstration outside the San Francisco police headquarters and he wanted me to go cover it. So off I went.

There were maybe a hundred protesters in front of the police station. I've honestly forgotten their cause or what they were protesting when all of a sudden a police line appeared and started moving toward the protesters. A police officer told me to get away from the group of protesters and move a block behind the police line. I told him I wouldn't go unless he made the CBS and NBC crews (the cables weren't around then) do the same. I wasn't going to be at a competitive disadvantage to them, and I didn't intend to miss the story, and I had a right to stand on that street. He asked me again. I gave the same answer. I thought I was being polite but before I knew what was happening, I was flat on the ground with my nose in the dirt and the police were trying to take my two-way radio. For some reason I decided having that radio was the most important thing in the world.

Well, let me tell you when there are three police officers standing on your back, and another one trying to wrestle your radio away from you, it is not easy to hold on. They got the radio (it somehow didn't occur to me that my camera crew would let the office know what was happening and therefore I really didn't need the radio), and before I knew it my hands were cuffed behind my back.

I was taken inside the station, plopped on to a wooden bench, and the handcuffs were attached to a metal ring on the wall. And there I sat for an hour or so.

Finally an officer came in and said, "Are you Gibson from ABC?" "Yes sir." "You're free to go now." It turns out ABC had told Senator Diane Feinstein of the situation and she made a call and I was released. When I came out Barry Serafin, who was then a reporter for ABC, was there with a tape crew. Roone Arledge wanted to make a federal case of the situation on the air. I thought it best if we let the whole thing drop. More often than not people will side with the police even if the police may have overreacted. Roone disagreed with me, and you don't want to have your boss disagreeing with you, but he understood.

The CBS crew the next day gave me a video tape cassette they had made of the incident. No fun seeing yourself flat on the ground being handcuffed. The NBC crew gave me a button that said, "I fought the law and the law won!" I got a great laugh out of that and I still have it somewhere.

However, yesterday, I thought the police were clearly out of line. As I said, I hope and believe the charges against Asa Eslocker will be dropped.

As for those questioning whether we'll cover the activities of lobbyists at the Republican convention as aggressively as we've covered them here. The answer is simple –- you bet we will. And we will have as many hours of coverage of the Republican convention as we've had of the Democrats. One hour each night –- Monday through Thursday.

Democratic conventions have the track record of assaulting news correspondents, remember the '68 campaign Chicago fire. Dan Rather got assaulted in the convention hall, by the police protecting the democrats (Mayor Daily) from the dangerous correspondents. It's the norm, I don't remember that type of treatment in a republican convention. It's the 68' democratic campaign all over again