What is the strangest thing you have seen?

I must not have been around long enough or out in the woods enough because I really haven't seen anything too strange.

The strangest thing I'd seen (not so strange but just interestingly stupid) was watching my arrow ricochet off a 4-pointer's rack and stick itself in a nearby tree. That was the interesting part. The stupid part... I was aiming for just behind the shoulders and it was a clear broadside shot.

That was the last time I ever tried taking a shot at a deer with a bow beyond 25yds.
It wasn't pink but it was an elephant,,,

A long time ago in a land far away,,,
I used to live just east of Galt, California,,,
Very close to the Rancho Seco nuclear power plant,,,
I had a great view of the cooling towers right out of my bedroom window.

I'm driving the back road to my place late one evening,,,
Up in the road ahead of me was a tusked elephant,,,
I was "altered" and thought I was hallucinating.

It turned out to be a real elephant that was out on a walkabout,,,
It had gotten loose from the refuge founded by Amanda Blake (Miss Kitty).

It's a real sanctuary and not a zoo,,,
Therefore there aren't any signs on display,,,
I had been driving by it for over a year and never knew.


Was out squirrel hunting one fine thanksgiving morning when I look down the trail and see a pile of clothes and a naked guy jogging down the trail at the local public greenbelt. Saw him a little while later undressing again a little ways away and running off. Sherrif's dept. thought I was off my rocker :eek:

A light brown mountain lion in south alabama watched it for about 1 minute. It came down a bluff 40 yard away from me and went into a creek bottom and sat down with its back against a tree looking around for about 30 seconds then ran off into the swamp. The weird thing is theres not suppose to be any in alabama. I told a game warden he said it must have been a bobcat he acted like i was making it up but im 100% sure of what i saw. It was the color of a deer and would go over 100 pounds its tail was very long and fat. Its the only one i have ever seen it was 10 years ago.
MY father set out a doe decoy a few years past. One day we went out fishing and we hear a real racket in the woods. We find that a young buck (during the rut) found the decoy and thought it was his new girl friend. When he finally figured out it was made of plastic he got real mad and tried to "kill" it. :confused:
I don't have anything to top what's been posted but I've had a couple close encounters with friendly snakes. I set up at the base of a big tree in turkey season and about 10 minutes later glance at the tree. There was a 6 foot blacksnake wrapped around the tree. Needless to say I relocated.

Another time I was sitting there on the ground and heard the leaves rustling. I look and see a garter snake about 3 feet from me. Being the bright lad I am, I poke it with my gun barrel. It pauses for a second, then comes straight at me like lightning. I don't think it saw me, it just happened to head my way. I jumped up and it passed directly under me. I watch for snakes now.
I saw a mourning dove that made a nest by my apartment when I got back from summer break. Dang thing made it on the fire extingwhiser (sp) box right outside my room. Sure tasted good.
Deer vs BWM at 140 on the autobahn

near forgot about this one, my dad is an insurance adjuster and he sent me this one a while back. Deer vs a BMW on the autobahn. I think they both lost.


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someone above posted a coyote story. here's mine. i was sitting at my desk in my home office looking out the window which faced the street. suddenly i noticed a coyote trotting northward on the street, it was about 10 am. i live in phoenix and the nearest open spaces are about 3 miles north of me. it kind of surprised me to see a coyote trot by my house especially that late in the morning although i have seen coyotes trotting along busy streets even deeper into the city during afternoons. once my wife and i saw what looked like thousands of geese in an open field right next to a very busy city street. it caused a big stir with the traffic driving by. i guess they were either lost or needed a break but i have never seen anything like that since. whenever i see something like that i am always surprised and i am always pleased.
Pronghorn sex at about 400 yds away. The kicker was that about halfway through, a curious coyote rushed the group of 5 pronghorn; trying to harass the smaller does.
Grouse hunting in northern Minnesota. I walked way off the main road on a trail that ended and kept going because hunting was good. About 5 miles into my walk I saw something weird next to a down tree in the root ball. It was oddly shaped compared to everything else around it. I walked over and kicked it. Turned out to be 1/2 of a Human skull.

Of course I was sorta of freaking out thinking I found Jimmy Hoffa. A long walk back and a long walk back out there the next day with 7 police and 3 game wardens. Once we got there they started an investigation. I didn't notice the first time I looked at it but it had a bullet hole on the right side above the eye.
They found only a few more of the bones. Well about 3 months goes by and I finally got a call from the PD. They determined that the skull was more than 100 years old and closed the case as archeological.

Kinda freaky someone shot and just left there all those years.
Trapped swan

I was fishing in a small cluster of ponds that had marsh between them and found a swan that was literally encased in a net bag. Not sure how it could have happened but it's head and neck were poked through and the rest of its body was surrounded by the net including its feet. It was floating on the surface like a ball. I cut it loose and it didn't try to bite me once. Next day it was gone.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
Strange sightings in the woods

While returning to my truck during deer season a Mt lion was stalking my incoming trail. I had to wait for him to take a few steps to get a flatter shooting angle. He never lifted his nose off the ground. I shot him at 25 paces, and I have little short legs.Used a 325 WSM, 220 Gr.,it fell over flat dead.Wt. 125 lbs. on an empty gut.
I was hunting deer in west Texas, and was sitting on the edge of a stock tank, waiting for sundown, when a flock of geese flew over. I was enjoying watching them cross at about 40 or 50yds up, when all of a sudden I discovered that they all apparently decided that stock tank was a good spot to relieve themselves. It was a veritable sh**-storm. All I could do was hunker down, covering my head with my arms and wait it out.
My only "injury" was a splatter on my gunstock.
One Spring I was Turkey Hunting in the Moore Plantation Wildlife unit in Sabine County Texas, I was sitting next to a Pine Tree and Saw a Doe Deer chasing a big Bob Cat. I figure she must have had a fawn near by and was protecting it. It was a strange thing to see indeed.