What is the strangest thing you have seen?

Not hunting related nor even a strange observation but an amusing human reaction.

I am an OR nurse and now work PRN ( sorta' like day labor ) at several surgery centers.

One day several years ago, between cases, I went outside by the parking lot for a quick smoke.

About ten feet from where I was sitting a flock of a dozen or so pigeons were pecking around as pigeons do, when a hawk swooped down took one and flew through a grove of trees. It was an awsome display of aeronautical skill as it pitched and rolled avoiding the branches as it flew off.

As I returned to my duties I had to share this experience. The first person I met was Dr. (name withheld), a female Anesthesiologist with whom I occasionally work. Her reaction left me somewhat dismayed.

She looked at me with an expression I must describe as contemptuous, shook her head, mumbled something indiscernible, turned away and marched off.

A little later I related my story to another nurse, including my interaction with Dr. ?. I then learned that Dr.? had been feeding these pigeons and considered them pets.

Seeing Dr.? a little later I explained that I had just found out about her relationship with "her" pigeons and didn't mean to be insensitive when I described the hawk's interaction with them. I also suggested that anyone can have pet pigeons but she could say she is raising live food for her pet hawk. As I expected she was unamused.

Having reached that stage in my life that I don't give a d@@@n and that stage in my career that I can afford to twist a Dr.'s tale I still ask her "How's your pet hawk ?".

Dr. ? still remains unamused.

But I am.

Regards - Al
My dad taught us to shoot by taking us to the town dump to shoot rats with a .22 on Sunday afternoons

Man those were the days... We did it without dad though. An old drunk owned the dump back then and he loved to have us by to plink at the rats. I think the county down there (NW Oregon) took over the dump years ago.

I'm sure shooting there is off limits now as it is up here in Washington. Too many lawyers in this world.
Azimuth, I was leaving work one morning again, after a graveyard shift. As I went through the gate, I heard a "POP" just like someone had slapped their hands together. Looking around and seeing nothing, I finally looked up. There I saw a few feathers floating down, and a hawk, with a pigeon clutched in his talons flying off.

Those old building around the plant were full of pigeons, and a hawks drive in.

Me and a buddy of mine were deer hunting and trying to video tape it. We were sitting in a stand that was made between two really big oak trees. When we climbed in the stand early that morning we had to clean a bunch of coon crap out of the two seats. It got to be about 9:30 and deer started moving into the peanut feaild about a hundred yards away. My buddy was the hunter and im the videoer. He carrys a 270 and i had a 6 shot 357 on my side. I started tapeing the deer in the feild where there was a decent buck, me and my buddy are trying to decide weather or not its a shooter, and about the time we decide its prolly a 140 inch 4 year old a 150+ walks out into the feild. My buddy is trying to get steady on him cause hes about 200 yards off. I just happend to look back to my right where there was a biggggg coon coming in the stand with us, my buddy doesnt see it and shoots the deer spooks the coon and it trys to run straight through the stand. Im trying to get my pistol out while still video tapeing wats going on. Somehow the coon got to the back of the stand in the corner, it was highly ******, hissing and grawling at us. I shot it in the head with the 357. boooom!!! It dosent move.
Were sitting here talking about what just happend and the coon jumps up and runs smack into the other side of the satnd so i shot it again and again and again. Im out of bullets and the coons dead, So we throwed it on the ground below the stand. We sat there another 15 minutes and started to get down and heard something moving under the stand. It was that darn coon again. My buddy shot the coon with his 270 from in the stand and it starts to crawl off. he aint got but one bullet left in his gun and we aint even found his deer yet.
So we get down shots the coon point blank in the heart with the rifle. DEAD!!! We walked back to the truck to reload, come back and the dang coon is gone. We tracked a blood trail from the coon for almost 100 yards into the woods then the blood slowly run out to no blood. Never found the coon!!! And my buddy missed the deer.
Went back and watched the video and laughed for hours about it. My girlfriend shot the big 11 point two days later and he groosed right a 160.
When I was a teenager back in '65 or '66 or so I was visiting my cousins down in the low country of SC. My cousin and I took the 22s out for some small furry game hunting. We had shot a few bushytails and had them stowed in the truck when I saw what I took to be a large squirrel nest. Not knowing any better at the time I shot into the nest. Out pops a BIG WHITE furry critter like something Ive never seen. A couple more shots as it ran along a tree limb and it tumbled to the ground. It turned out to be an albino raccoon.
My cousin skinned it and hung the pelt on a wall of the barn. It has long since disappeared and no one really knows what happened to it all those years ago. That was cool.

A year or so ago I saw an albino deer on the side of the highway as my wife and I were driving to an organized hunt. My wife was driving and I was kinda watching in the headlight beams for deer. At first I took it to be a large dog but as we passed I realized in that brief moment what it was. When we got to the hunt I mentioned what I had seen and another fellow there emphatically exclaimed to his compatriots, "See, I told you I saw a white deer. He saw it too."
Man, that was way cool.
fallow fellow

I live and hunt in australia. I was hunting along acreek bed one afternoon and came across a small kangeroo and a fox playing a game of chaseies.I got a nice pig not long after so it was a good afternoon.
I saw a guy at a check station wanting to know if he could ceck in a deer he killed with a knife. He was completely serious. His plan was to hide in a tree above a trail, jump out on the deer, and stick him in the side. After the guy running the station stopped laughing, he told him that he had to stick a buck and to bring it in when he gets it. Never saw the guy again...
Yesterday in the barn, my nephew and I were standing there talking when all of a sudden there was a heck-of-a racket from the barn yard. We looked out and saw five squirrels acting like they were in a tag team wrestling match.

I drew my .38 special pistol and my nephew picked up the .410 shotgun. He counted one, two, three and fired. I expected the pack of squirrels to disburse, but three of them kept fighting so he fired again. The lone survivor of that second shot ran off about three feet, looked back at his dead friends and then returned and started attacking the one of the dead squirrels. I got him with the pistol.

I have never seen so many squirrel fight like that at once. Usually just two or three, and I have never seen them hang around for a second or third shot. The best part was that once we saw them, neither one of us said another word. My nephew was thinking just like I was.

Three of them went to the stew pot and the other two were given to the pigs.
What the heck was that ??

One beautiful morning while deer hunting in Alabama, I was sitting in my stand that was located on top of a small dike. On one side was a small pond and on the other, a moonshiner's still. They had tapped water from the pond, for the cooling process. Anyway, was totally occupied watching two otters playing in the pond. They were really having a great time. All of a sudden something hit me real hard on the back of my head. So hard, that it knocked my hat off. Gathered my senses and looked around trying to determine what hit me. There in the branches above and in front of my stand, was the biggest owl I had ever seen. Must have been him and he was looking me over for another pass.
Did not know they could hit so hard. Kind of reminded me of some of the hits I took in parochial school. I kept my eye on him and he on me till he finally flew off. Got to watch those owls. .... :eek:

Be Safe !!!
All of you have seen some really cool and unusual things. The only thing that has happened to me was a head on collision with a red tail hawk while motorcycle riding.

...this thread seems too interesting to let it fade away.

Many years ago I saw a golden eagle pearched on and antelope fawn's back and feeding form a wound. The fawn couldn't dislodge the eagle so I chased the eagle away. I stood guard until the fawn laid down among the bolders. I knew that the eagle would return but maybe I gave the fawn a chance.

Semper Fi.

Gunnery sergeant
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired
Hunter's Conflict? Perhaps

I knew that the eagle would return but maybe I gave the fawn a chance.
The anti-hunters can never understand that man is the only animal that would go out of his way to do something like this. Their only conclusion would be that you did this, in order to allow for the fawn to grow into a trophy buck. Some of my friends can't understand that running over a town squirrel, bothers me and then in the fall of the year, I can go shoot them out of the trees. .... :confused:

Last week a field mouse ran onto the hyway, in front of me. He stopped in the middle of the lane as I straddled him with my tires. Looked in the rear view and saw him run back into the ditch. Was happy that the little guy got a chance. Later, I saw a hawk, pounce on another field mouse and was happy for the hawk. Go figure !!! .... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
Hunting in Colorado a buddy & Myself set up ground blinds within seeing distance from each other about an hour into the hunt I heard the worsed screaming I ever heard His blind looked like it exploded and he was having some kind of attack jumpin & kickin & screaming.

Come to find out a badger got in the blind and was sure enough tearing his a$$ up.To the hospital we go, He's alright now But who would of seen that comming.?
I was hunting turkey for the first time with a friend of mine one saturday morning. He was about 100 yards or so across the field from me and I heard him shoot. He missed and the turkey was running towards me. I put the bead right on his throat and watched until he was about 5 yards from me. I stood up, squeezed the trigger and nothing happened. The safety was still on! By the time I got the safety off the it ran into the woods and disappeared! I mean I didn't hear a sound. I was standing about 2 yards in the bush and took my eye off of him for about 2 seconds. That was all Mr. Longbeard needed. Its funny now but it wasn't after it happened :)
Not so much strange as neat: I was sitting at the computer, staring sorta blankly out the window at a rock squirrel in the yard. Whamo! A peregrine falcon nailed him. He stayed there and ate from the squirrel for some ten minutes or more before flying away.
About 10 years ago I was squirrel hunting along a creek on some family land in central Texas. Looked behind me and about 50 yrds away was an emu. I went back to the truck to get my rifle thinking about smoked emu legs for supper. It had disappeared. Nobody in that area raised them. I have no idea where it came from or where it went after I saw it.

I was hunting on a buddy's place here in Kansas and saw nothing but the two back legs of a young buck hanging off a barbed wire fence. I think the deer had gotten hung up and the coyotes ate the rest of him.

My tells me that when he was a kid he would hunt rabbits with marbles that he would win in a marbles game. He shot a cotton tail with one in the head. He started to skin it when it woke up and tried to get away with no skin on. he said the dogs made short work of it when they caught up to it.
Years and years ago when we were very young kids,my two cousins and I were out squirrel hunting when we saw a flying squirrel. One of my cousins shot the squirrel it was the first and only flying squirrel I've ever seen,which must be rare in MO.?

Quail hunting with the dogs we startled some deer,I guess one of the young deer lost track of the trail?
We watched that deer running while leaping a barb wire fence,the deer leaped right into a large oak tree breaking its neck and dying while dad was trying to prop the deer up.
Many years ago we'd go hunting for 10 days to 2 weeks at a time in the Texas Hill Country just south of Kerrville. We didn’t listen to the radio much and stayed around the property the whole time. During the middle of the day I heard aircraft coming. In a bit a flight of attack type helicopters stretching from North to South came flying over at near treetop level. I thought it was kinda odd but oh well. After they had passed out of hearing going back behind me toward the West, I heard jet engines, I mean really loud. So then from North to South across the sky at treetop level comes a flight of B52's also heading West. They were low enough that I could see the pilots and the rivets on the fuselage. After they passed over I told my Wife that we might ought to turn on the radio. Maybe they were doing war games, never heard nor read anything about it but at the time it kinda alarmed me.
Another time, maybe a couple of years later, my wife and I were walking the property line when we walked up on about a 20 year old boy sun bathing in the nude. We had a little confrontation. He thought he was on his Grandfather’s property way up the hill from us. The next day his friend came stalking into our place thinking he was on Grandfather’s place too. Later I invited him and his friend to leave my part of Texas.