What is the strangest thing you have seen?

In Arkansas I saw a terrifying, gigantic mutant hyena beast. I have no idea what it was but it had teeth stickin out of its closed mouth.

And when it ran, its ass was all low to the ground.
In Arkansas I saw a terrifying, gigantic mutant hyena beast. I have no idea what it was but it had teeth stickin out of its closed mouth.

And when it ran, its ass was all low to the ground.

Yes, and some of the best and most potent White Lightening is locally produced in more than a few 'ol barns in various local areas. You're supposed to wait 'till AFTER you're done hunting for the day.:)
I was maybe 16 years old living in Kentucky. I went squirrel hunting around Cunningham, Kentucky in a patch of woods I thought I knew.

I used to get out into the woods well before dawn so I could hear the squirrels as they began to move out of the nests and begin cutting hickory nuts.

You could follow the moving leaves as the cuttings fell and find the squirrel.

I was sitting on the ground in the dark with my back to a tree.

Something came up behind me and let out a roar that just about made me mess my pants.

I do not know for sure, but think it must have been a wildcat that got pretty close to me and smelled me.

I can tell you I have never been so scared in my life. Whatever it was, there was only the single roar and it was gone.

I have had raccoons walk up to me as well as foxes and sometimes dogs and have walked up on deer unexpected but this was different and it really got my attention.:eek:
I used to get out into the woods well before dawn

Yes, odd sounds in the dark can be unnerving!

This past rifle season, I arrived in the dark and had just gotten out of the truck to begin my walk down to a tree stand when I was startled by the sound of a blood curdling scream. It sounded like a woman in shear terror, somewhere about half way between me and the road, right along the edge of the woods. I spun towards the scream as the hair stood up on my neck and waited for another scream, or any other sound to locate the origin of distress.

Man, I’ve heard screech owls before, but this particular owl needs to go back to screech school. He was so far off the standard screech that I doubt another screech owl would consider him one of their own!

Screech owl: 1 LateNightFlight: 0
When I was a kid growing up in Hopkinton RI, I was visiting a friends house and the girls father asked me to go out and turn the lights on in the barn. I turned the lights on and there was an ungodly scream. Damn Peacocks!

I thank the Good Lord that the girls brother wore the same size pants as I did. They laughed so hard and said I did not touch the ground except for once between the barn and the house.

I have hated peacocks since then. :o
Not so good, but anyway...

Was out for a deer hunt this fall, and the darn squirrels were so thick and noisy, scrabbling around in the leaves, they really startd to tick me off (you know, you think its a buck but its only a darned squirrel). So i sight in on one, a big old grey. Like he knew i had him in the crosshairs, he took off up a huge old hickory tree. i lowered the gun, and just sent him some mind bullets. So he climbs way up, tries to jump to a neighboring tree (probably done it 100 times before) but he missed - and fell about 100 feet to the ground. Shot him with mind bullets - not bad, but apparently not fatal either. He got up, cussing like mad, and disappeared up the other tree.

Another time i was hunting with a buddy, posted about 100 yards from me. Out strolls a little button buck, down the path, then he turns toward me. I had the wind, and was behind the scope to HIDE from him. Didn't want to shoot him, kind of small. So he kept walking closer until finally i decided, i'd better shoot him or soon i'd have to wrestle him to the ground. So i shoot - and blow a sapling into pieces, a sapling i never even saw in the scope.

So he runs away, then turns straight at my buddy. I hear, real quick, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. Then Tony yells my name. The little buck ran straight at him, fast. He thought he was going to get run over, so he shoots and pumps, shoots and pumps, so fast I thought he had his shotgun on automatic.

Talk about a lucky deer. From a distance of less than 20', i completely missed this deer and killed a tree. From a distance of 25' and closer, Tony missed 3 straight shots. He said, "I would have done better if i'd just swung it like a club". Me too.
While I didn't witness this, I was staying on my mate Mike's 2,000 acre cattle property in Australia at the time. Mike had got up early for a fish on his property that has 5 miles of river frontage.
Mike had settled in for a fish, when he heard dogs barking, with the barking getting louder as they headed in his direction. After a few minutes a big buck kangaroo hopped down to cross the river at the spot where my mate was fishing.
The buck kangaroo was followed by a few female kangaroos and all were being pursued by 2 wild dogs.
The buck kangaroo stopped in the middle of the river which was waist deep, and allowed the female kangaroos to cross safely to the other side. The dogs arrived at the river and swam out to the waiting buck kangaroo.
This old buck roo waited until the dogs were swimmimg near him & with his front paws held the dogs underwater, attempting to drown the dogs. Mike said this went on for a good 5 minutes, with the dogs repeatedly trying to attack the roo, and being held underwater before breaking free & surfacing coughing & spluttering.
The wild dogs eventually tired & swam to the shore where they became aware of mike & high-tailed it into the bush. The old buck roo also became aware of Mike, but held his ground in the middle of the river. Mike reckons the roo was sizing him up, and as he had just witnessed it fending off 2 wild dogs, Mike decided to call it quits for fishing for that day & proceeded back to the main house to relate this story to me.
Reading the posts has jogged my memory. While hunting in the Monadnock region of N.H. miles from any house I saw a large dog run across a logging road and stop. A couple minutes later I heard puppies whimpering and catch up to the mother. I continued my hunt and a couple hours later heard the whimpering again non-stop. I decided to investigate and found one of the puppies stuck at a high stone wall. I could barely hear the mother barking what had to be 1/2 mile or more away and fading. I scoffed up the pup and carried it quite a way back to my ATV.

The same day my buddy was getting his ham and cheese sandwich ready to eat when a deer came running by, he jumped up, shot at the deer and pursued looking for blood. He found no blood after a 150 yard search with light snow on the ground. As he went back to where he had been sitting he saw a dog grab his sandwich and take off with it.:D I think it was the same mother dog from the description.

I jumped on my ATV with pup in my arms and headed in the direction I heard mother barking from last. I never found mother that day or the next, I brought the dog home and contacted the PD of the town I had been in. I ended up finding a good home for the pup as I already had 2 dogs.

I am retired from the Air Force, a base I was on had a remote area that allowed hunting. The base had been a WWII bombing range, and the craters were numerous. One day while hunting I came across a 500lb bomb, I contacted CSC ( security ) and they called in DOD bomb disposal. The next day I was in my office when I heard a tremendous explosion. The blast was so loud I instinctively hit the floor as I felt the shock wave that followed could have broken windows. I called security and it was the bomb I had found the day before and the DOD guys found it was live and they blew it in place.

As a footnote, one day when I was cruising the rear area I actually saw a roads and grounds civilian pushing a 100lb bomb to the side of a dirt road with a grader.:eek: He had been grading the road when the bomb surfaced, I stopped him ASAP and immediately got security out there. Mr Einstein grader operator felt I was over re-acting, DUH!!!
ive seen a few dogs have to be rescued from coons trying to dron them, and saw one guy shoot his dog trying to pick off the coon.
I was sitting in my blind on state land, with full blaze orange hunting clothes on, deer hunting when this nut comes walking through the woods with a shotgun. He stops about 40 yds in front of me and looks around like he's stalking something and then shoots twice at what I don't know. He "stalks" for another 10 yds then dose the same thing. At first I'm thinking what the f#%k is this A-hole doing. The I realize that I am a victim of hunter harassment. Wow, lucky me. Well back then there were no cell phones to call the DNR to complane and I wasn't about to leave my stand. So I thought what would be the next best thing to get a message across to this jack ass? I raised my .06 into the air and touched one off. I swear I thought this guy just **** his pants. He whirlled around bent over and looked at me with a look of shock on his face. I raised my arm and waved to him and the look of shock turned to a look of disgust. He stormed off and I never saw him after that.
Last year pheasant hunting we scared up a hen who flew unmolested across a line of about 8 hunters and flew smack dab into a highline wire (not pole). Turns out she was only stunned, but I have never seen anything like it. Well unless you count the tweety birds into the windows.

Last year pheasant hunting we scared up a hen who flew unmolested across a line of about 8 hunters and flew smack dab into a highline wire (not pole).
I too have seen this, more than once. Also, if there is a lonely tree out in the middle of a field, they will fly into it. I have hunted Grouse in Wisconsin and it's amazing how they can fly in the woods. Same for Turkeys, but a Pheasant is a different story. Try getting a shot at one when it disappears from you field of view or shooting zone. Yes, most of the time they recover to do it all over again. ... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Watched a group of buzzards trying to figure out how to eat their buddy who was dead, hanging in some live wires. The wind would push him out from contacting the lower wires and all of them would swoop in, then the wind would let off and there would be a shower of sparks when it contacted the lower wire.

This was on an old Army base, so I don't know if they didn't have any protection circuits on the lines or what, but it went on and on. I was waitng for another one to get fried...
Just this year while out deer hunting on the Grays Harbor/Mason county line (aka the middle of flippin nowhere) my buddy and I came across a fresh steer head, just skinned and still dripping blood, wedged into the fork of a tree at eye level and secured with a coil of thick wire. :confused::eek: It was about this time that we decided to pack up and head home for breakfast. :o

Back about three years now I was out with a different friend of mine, it was late at night and we were on our way back from the coast when a massive bright green meteor passed directly over our head and disappeared over the horizon.

Four or five years ago I was hunting dove with two friends and we'd been walking through the forest toward a good clearing when a dove buzzed over head. One of my buddies pulled up and shot, we watched the bird tumble and hit several branches before falling out of sight. We wandered around for 15 minutes or more before realizing that it had fallen directly into the center of an ancient hollow cedar stump that stood in at about 12 feet or more.
Pheasant Hunting

My buddy, his son and I were Pheasant hunting on private land, without a dog. We kept inside the fences on the land we had permission to hunt. As we came up over a small rize, we saw four other hunters with dogs in a perpendicular line to us and inside their fences. They got to the end and headed the other way. We continued and in short time we had a German Shorthair hunting with us. We tried to gesture him on but he just stayed with us and by that time the other fellers were out of sight. That dog was a super hunter and could even run down wounded birds. He hunted the rest of the afternoon with us and later we finally caught up to the other group and they thanked us for returning it. We told them that it was us that needed to thank them. :)

Be Safe !!!
I was walking across a county road while deer hunting, and looked down about 3/4 of a mile and saw an antelope. It seemed to be staring right at me, probably because I was wearing a pair of dazzling bright orange coveralls. I waved over at my brother to look, and the antelope caught the motion and started towards me at a trot. Then breaks into a canter, coming right down the road towards me. I stood stock still while it ate up the distance between us.

Finallly, the antelope was within 30 yards, and I thought to myself, "Getting savaged by a cougar or mauled by a bear makes a good story, but getting run over by an antelope won't impress anyone." So I turned to angle off out of the way. The antelope skidded to a stop, looked me over, and reversed course at a leisurely pace.

My brother thought the whole thing hilarious.