What is the ideal weapon for vehicle in your opinion?

What is the ideal weapon for vehicle in your opinion?

  • SMG/Machine pistols

    Votes: 24 14.1%
  • Revolver

    Votes: 44 25.9%
  • Semiautomatic pistol

    Votes: 70 41.2%
  • Automatic rifle (select fire)

    Votes: 14 8.2%
  • Shotgun

    Votes: 15 8.8%
  • Bolt or Lever action rifles

    Votes: 3 1.8%

  • Total voters
I don't know what's ideal.

I keep a 4" S&W k-frame revolver loaded with 38+P rounds. It'll be ready if and when it's necessary.

"Six for certain"
best vehicle gun?

for concealing in glove compartment, side door and other out of view but quick access places: Hard to beat a Glock 19 with 147 grain hollow points...
Very reliable, accurate and low recoil for follow up shots if needed to end the threat.

another good point to consider would be- what are you most trained/comfortable with? in a way, yes- a submachine gun might ultimately more damaging, but how many times have you shot one? if you're most familiar w/ a handgun, i'd go w/ that, because all the magnum power in the world isn't worth the smoke it leaves behind if you can't hit ur target
A weapon to use while driving should have the ability to be loaded with one hand. I went with a SMG mp5sd would save your hearing if you wanted to be able to hear after the gunfight.
In all seriousness, my carry weapon becomes my "vehicluar defense" weapon whenever I get into it.
I do the same. But we need to come up with a better term. That one doesn't lend itself to abbreviation all that well.:D
I'd settle for the GMC (Government Motors Corporation) offering... if it's good enough for presidential motorcades, it's good enough for me. Who worries about collateral damage these days, anyway- that's so last century. -)


Video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAZ2qvhJGgU


Money and any legal weapon!

I checked SubGun or such, a select-fire 5.56 or 6.? with a ten inch barrel piston, one point sling, and a reflex sight is about right!
Your in a confined space I dont understand why a person would want a long barrel to swing up inside a vehicle. I voted semi auto thats what I carry but a revolver would be pleanty suitable also. There small effective easy to swing up in confined spaces and easy to stow for fast access. As far as a full auto its pointless in my opinion all your trying to do is defend not wage war,the avrage every day joe isnt driving through a active war zone. Thats just my honest opinion assuming were talking about the avrage civilian not a soldier or LOE
The shorter the barrel, the better. You're going to be at close range. You don't need a 12 gauge, and the longer the gun, the more likely that it's going to be difficult to swing it onto target. Any compact 9mm-to-.45, .38, or .357 should do the trick.
My ccw is a full size Springfield 1911 with 3 magazines loaded with full metal jacketed rounds. For my car a keep a M1A with a 22" barrel and wood stock and 4 magazines loaded with full metal jacketed rounds. I wouldn't trust my life to a weapon that can barely penetrate a car door or window.

RE: What round would that be that can barely penetrate a car door or window?
A varmint round like the .223 and the 9mm, that were only made for the Europeans and women.

You might want to present your scientific findings and information to the DEA, clearly their methods are flawed. You might even win an award for meritorious service, for alerting them to the dangers of issuing their Agents firearms chambered in calibers "..intended for Europeans and women."


I won't digress into a discussion about how the majority of the 'merican medium and large-bore weapons (81/120mm mortars, 105/120mm cannon, etc) are derived from (if not entirely) Russian and German designs.
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The question:
What is the ideal weapon for vehicle in your opinion?

I consider a vehicle gun to be one to be used while inside the vehicle. This rules out, for me, any long gun. I carry a revolver so it’s natural that I selected a revolver.
Firstly you have the vehicle. Then you have your carry handgun.

For a weapon to carry and store in the vehicle, I think a cheap, powerful centerfire rifle would be best.