What is the farthest shot you would feel comfortable with a handgun?

My free hand comfort range is about 20 yards. My rested range is 50 yards (both with open sights). A scope pushes that out to 100 yards.
.030 movement of end of a 6" barrel will get you 15 inches at 100 yards. If I did my math correct.
.030 is close to 1/32" Either very steady or very lucky.
I'll bet you can easily see/sense an 030 difference in sight alignment, if that's the correct trig (I have no idea). When the sight tops aren't level or when the side spacing of the post in the notch isn't equal, it doesn't take much to see it.

The "very steady" factor isn't nearly as important as the "press the trigger at the right time" factor. ie, your sights and gun can weave all over the place. Only thing that matters is where the sights are lined up when you send the bullet.

Sgt Lumpy
I routinely shot bowling pins at 100 yards with my Glock 22, at least I could 10 years ago! Used a center hold on the pin. Actually any accomplished shot should be able to hit man sized targets at that range using full power ammo. In the old days of PPC shooting the first five rounds of 38 wadcutter ammo were fired at sixty yards, I used a 4" model 19 and got 3" groups or smaller.