What is the BEST pistol ever?

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Greetings. For me, the Browning HP in 9mm would be my first choice if high-performance ammo is allowed. If not, a 1911 in .45ACP, probably a Kimber. Best.
Pretty much a tie between the 1911 and the Hi-power. I'd have to give the Hi-power the edge in the accuracy department if you leave it to stock pistols.
Best pistol ever? Well it has to be one of John Brownings designs, and a "manstopper" or some kind of combat pistol. Well it must be the 1911A1. Cant see it any other way.

The FN Browning Hi-Power would be a close second used by both the axis and allies in WWII.
Keep in mind "training"

Have you been in the military? Police? Armed security?

Chances are that when a person uses a gun to defend one's self that instinct and training take over and reaction as one performed in training with the weapons he trained with will be a conditioned reflex.

I have a Browning Hi-Power in 9mm. I don't believe it is the best pistol, but certainly a good one. I have it because it is what I trained with in the army. If I never had formal training I would pick a Colt patern 1911A1 in 45. Its reliability and pure knock down power are legendary.

Train to fight, and you will fight like you trained.

Best gun for doing what, in whose hands? If we are talking about the lowest common denominator, the K frame Smith revolvers in the flavor of your choice are very, very good. Ruger 'Six' series, the same. The rankest beginner can use them and Ed McGivern did all right with a Smith M&P too. Not to mention generations of cops, some of whom could really shoot. Realistically, its successor is the Glock 17 for those who will make some effort to learn it well. The ultimate: probably a GI-type 1911 with decent sights and trigger--proven, powerful, intimidating, complete takedown with no tools. The worst: any gun featured on the cover of a gun magazine in the last ten years--because they're not serious tools for serious work.

First reaction--HK USP. But I'd also have to give credit to the 1911 for setting the design standard all modern auto's follow.


"...wer aber nichts hat, verkaufe sein Kleid und kaufe ein Schwert" Lukas 22,36
Without a doubt the HK P7m8 is the finest handgun currently made. Reliability, durability, accuracy, saftey. You can get other guns cheaper but nothing else comes close in terms of the overall package.

The P9 is also an interesting gun. However, the gun has some problems. The saftey is a little awkward, the gun doesn't wear all that well (although, my example was a police trade-in with many, many shots through it). Also, the gun isn't very reliable with hollowpoint ammunition and the double-action trigger was too long. On the flip side it is very concealable despite its length. The accuracy was phenomenal, the grip perfect, and the single action trigger was SWEET.
Glock! Shmock! There is only one qualified pistol. Pre-70's 1911 or 1911A1 depending on which grip configuration you like. Strictly stock with no alterations. Series 70's Commanders are OK too as a second choice. They don't have that bushing with the fingers.
Paul B.
Out of all the pistols I've shot (many), I'd say there are two candidates for BEST all around choice.

1) Colts Series 80 Combat Elite .45, w/Shooting Star Chip McCormick 8 round mags only.

2) Glock 17 9mm, w/factory Glock mags only.

Nothing else has come close to the comfort in hand, reliability, and consistant accuracy of these two pieces.
1911A1. And to be speciffic, I'll take an EXACT copy of Jeff Cooper's personal carry gun. I would take his, but I doubt he would give it to me willingly ;-)

It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
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