A pocket, concealable pistol I can handle.
My shoulders are going bad. I can't even lift a standard pistol anymore.
Thinking about a Beretta .22 or maybe the Keltec .380.
I picked up my G27 in March, and then I found a great deal on a NIB S&W 642 PowerPort-Pro in April so I might have to lay off for a month or two, but I really want a nice 1911. Don't know which one yet as there are a lot of good ones out there, but for some odd reason I have just never had a 1911. I would love to pick up a STI 5" Tactical, but that's pretty pricey. Maybe a good Springfield and a bigger safe will do!
Semi custom 10mm 1911 , currently talking with my smith on this
Colt Gov't .380 , would like one but prices are pretty high
S&W 340PD .357mag
Ruger LCP