what is it with Remingtons?

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How many times has Winchester, Ruger, Savage, or Weatherby been sued? Why is it that no one ever blames ANY other gun of firing on its own? To believe that there is no faulty trigger, the only other conclusion is that Remington owners are the dumbest gun owners on the planet. I know a lot of Remington gun owners and I don't buy that theory.

this was essentially the same question I asked in my ealier post. I have yet to see any reports or statistical data that shows guns discharging on their own from other companies besides Remington. It's strange to me how defensive people seem to be getting when someone criticizes Remington....as if someone just called their mother a whore. there have already been a couple of you that clearly state you've experienced your Remington going off without being anywhere near the trigger, yet, people still see fit to attribute it to 'user error.' I call this head-in-the-sand' syndrome
"It's strange to me how defensive people seem to be getting when someone criticizes Remington....as if someone just called their mother a whore".

It's like calling my favorite rifle a whore. Regarding the triggers that malfunctioned, the trigger groups were either tampered with, or in very bad condition. Any machine will fail if you don't keep up your end.
It has nothing to do with being defensive, and it really has nothing to do with Remington. It has to do with calling BS what it is, BS.

It comes from a complete lack of respect for a network with a history of bias, who had their conclusion (gun company= BAD! ) before they even bothered to start their so-called "investigative journalism" and only chose to present information that supported their thesis.

To state that Remington rifles must be bad because they have been sued a bunch of times is laughable, as is the claim that other gun companies have not been sued. This is America, where meritless lawsuits are a billion dollar industry.

Companies settle all the time when they are in the right because it is cheaper than fighting, even if they win. It is a business decision.
If I can adjust a trigger engagement as small as I want, and there is a trigger safety, I can make the rifle go off when the safety to put on and then is taken off.

Does anyone think I can't?

All I need is a big screw driver to get the stock off and a little screw driver for the trigger and a lawyer to sue.
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