What happens when a state limits the rounds to 10

A Bennelli Super Black Eagle with 5 loads of 3-1/2" Magnum lead will do almost as much damage or maybe in the right situation, as much, as a high cap mag in a venue like a bar or a restaurant. What then? Will it be time to outlaw semi-automatic shotguns designed for bird hunting?

Yes, that shotgun will be outlawed if someone uses it "in a venue like a bar or restaurant", to kill people indiscriminately; even if it's designed for bird hunting. Anti-gunners do not waste an opportunity to further their agenda.
i wouldn't worry about it to much, theres nothing that says you cant carry 5 mags lol . And what do they think they will accomplish by this, i doubt criminals will follow the law! Dam lefties got to ruin everything, the only good thing lefties have created are ambi-releases lol
A couple of more thoughts:

This just reinforces the decision I made 7 years ago to buy a quality albeit bare bones 1911 platform. All things considered including the absence of a perfect world by man's standards, it is the quintessential pistol choice in the .45ACP caliber.

Is your freedom worth moving to another state for? That's a tall order to leave family and friends for isn't it. In my case both parents are dead. My mother predeceased Dad and when he passed away, the aftermath was not pretty due complications from his personal affairs and his second wife. I have absolutely no ties to his family now. Most of mother's siblings are gone. The ties I have on her side are very strong. If I lived in what can correctly be called a Marxist-leaning state, I would have no qualms with leaving to live in an area with governance as our Founding Father's intended. I would spend a lot of money to visit and stay in touch with Mom's side of the family but the price would be more than worth it.

I see America becoming increasingly more polarized. There are states that will never relinquish there rights period------they will remain free----TX, LA, MS, AL, ND, SD, ID are the ones I can identify. It is simply not worth risking your good name and status as a non-felon if you believe in the RTKABA. The other aspect is we as gun owners need to do everything we can not to support any state against the 2nd Amendment as our FF intended. I know that is probably impossible but something is better than nothing.

Finally, and I practice what preach, all reading this need to make the sacrifice to teach as many young people, their parents and all legally qualified who want to learn about firearms how to shoot. All of us here tend to be proud of our firearms. There is not a person reading this who should not have one if not two firearms dedicated for teaching others how to safely operate a firearm----more specifically a .22LR rifle and .22LR pistol. We must; not we should; we must be teaching America's youth how to responsibly use and enjoy pistols, shotguns and rifles. If we do not, you will see what the original poster is describing in states we would never dream of in the years to come. I am not worried about TX and LA. I have also lived in AR and KS---I am not sure about those states. When push comes to shove, Arkansas will always follow the will of the Democrat party---that may sound far fetched but I assure you it is reality. I am just not sure about Kansas. I think they would stand with freedom but I am not certain. I will only speak for the states I have lived in. Texas is phenomenal. I see people coming here due to the high tech industry whom you would never believe would want to get into guns that love it---from India, China, Pac Rim nations, Marxist leaning states in America. Once they taste freedom, they are hooked. The answer is one person at a time.
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Lawmakers everywhere seem to forget that the Virginia Tech massacre was the result of one man with multiple magazines. His Walther P22 only held 10 rounders.
According to following article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_tech_killer#Weapons
He used a Walthers P22 and a Glock 19. According to the article, he used 10 round mags in the P22. I believe the standard mag in the Glock 19 is 15 round.

I suppose if someone uses a steak knife for murder, that steak knives should be outlawed. And box cutters? Remember 9/11?

Good thing I learned to defend with my hands as a Marine, however in my old age I will use my hands to yield my concealed handgun.
Handguns were banned in Britain and then knife attacks jumped up in statistics. When my wife visited a couple of years ago they were considering banning knives as well. The point is crime is not completely avoidable. Criminals do not care about the laws. Who's going to follow this ban? Law abiding citizens who want to protect themselves from criminals. Who won't follow it? Criminals who just gained another advantage over there victim.

I wish that the shooter in AZ would have been shot by a law abiding, gun carrying citizen. But of course it was a democratic rally so no one would have evil guns there. Maybe if the media would show guns helping citizens avoid crime it would be more accepted. But they just focus on the triple homicide, not granny who scared away an intruder with a gun.

Living in CA and getting into firearms too late to beat our hi-cap ban, I have never had the pleasure of owning one. It pains me to see more states heading down this path. At least we were allowed to keep grandfathered mags. The fact to me is that they are seizing legal property without compensation is illegal. That is in the fifth amendment.

Be warned that the next step they tried to take here was making it hard to get handgun ammo. They made it so it had to be locked away at the store. You were going to have to be finger printed everytime you bought handgun ammo. And they banned Internet sales of handgun ammo. Luckily it was struck down here but doesn't mean it wouldn't be elsewhere. Make sure you support politicians, whichever side, who will protect the second amendment. Good luck.
The countries that have taken guns away from their citizens are now focusing on knives since knives are the weapons that are being used by the criminals. The poor law abiding citizens won't even be able to protect themselves with a knife in the future. It simply makes it too easy for the criminals to rob anyone they want since they know their victims won't be armed. Liberals don't get it. Taking guns or knives away from law abiding citizens doesn't make them safer. It makes them an easy target of criminals who don't follow the laws of the land like their victims do.

An armed society is a civil society. A disarmed society is a collection of sitting ducks.
Taking guns or knives away from law abiding citizens doesn't make them safer. It makes them an easy target of criminals who don't follow the laws of the land like their victims do.

Well, if they do take my guns away and limit my knives, I think we'll see an increase in farming tools: like the sickle, hatchet and axes I have in the garage [near the gun cleaning equipment].

Historically, the movement to 'control' weapons had more to do with controlling the population from being able to resist the government than it did making the neighborhood 'safe'. Unfortunately few study history anymore.

One of those good quotes of Thomas Jefferson's [and there were a few bad too] was when he said that 'History is the most important subject to study', or something like that. He was referring to how it educates us about our rights and the need to stand up for them.

It makes me wonder if the government of the U.S. is focusing upon English and Math education solely for the reasons of workplace jobs, or if it helps to shift the focus away from citizenship and history. Just a thought.
In states that limit magazines but grandfather "pre-ban" ones, how is it determined if your magazine is pre-ban? Do you have to produce a dated receipt for every one over the limit to legally keep it?
I've heard from several LOEs in my state. This law is not enforceable. Unless the mag specifically says "For Law Enforcement purposes only" (Glock used to do that), there is really no way to tell whether the mag was manufactured before or after the original ban. I purchased 3 (NEW) pre-ban Beretta 92fs mags a couple of years ago. The receipt specifically states it (so I'm covered) and the dealers swears that the distributor is telling the truth about the manufacture date, but I'd swear these were of more recent manufacture.
Hey - the so-called "assault Weapons ban" ran from 194 to m2004 - doesn't anyone remember how it worked onlt 7 years later?

You kept the magazines you had regardless of capacity but licensed dealers could only sell mags holding 10 or fewer rounds and new gun purchases were so affected.

The "black market" was hot - though - since "private parties" made bundles selling "high capacity" magazines.
In states that limit magazines but grandfather "pre-ban" ones, how is it determined if your magazine is pre-ban? Do you have to produce a dated receipt for every one over the limit to legally keep it?

Here in CA you don't have to prove it's a pre-ban mag. They have to prove it's not and that's not easy to do. They don't prosecute it much. At least that was what was explained to me from the Calguns forum.
Here in CA you don't have to prove it's a pre-ban mag. They have to prove it's not and that's not easy to do. They don't prosecute it much. At least that was what was explained to me from the Calguns forum.

That is my understanding too.

I was informed by a few LEO's I know that they basically look at the handgun and follow up if it is obvious. For example, If I have a high capacity [argh!, it is STANDARD CAPACITY! 10 is diminished capacity!] for a S&W M&P I am in violation without any question. No M&P before 2000, thus no question-I'm a felon.

However, for my Browning Hi Power they note that the guns I have are 1991 and 1993 production [if they even check] and see the design predates 2000 significantly, so probably no reason to investigate.

However, I am also 40. If I looked less than 30 years old they might start to push on any magazine, as I may have been too young to own a gun before 2000.

By the way, I bought 2 15 round magazines for my FS Baby Eagle 9 off the shelf of a gun shop in December of 1999 [for WAY too much $]. This wasn't a 'trunk deal' in an alley, but a real LGS.

The magazines were new old stock, manufactured before 1994. Manufacturers could not manufacture new magazines for sale to civilians after 1994, but I was given to understand that it was legal to buy/sell pre-ban magazines from gunshops at that time, new off the shelf. That is why I got hosed for $80 for each of my 'pre-ban' magazines, when a 10 rounder cost $20 new. Everything made between 1994 and 2004 was supposed to have some version of L.E.Agency only on it.

I could be wrong. I thought I acted legally. I just made sure to get them before the ban for the gun I was saving for.
If your mag capacity is limited to 10 rounds:

BUY A 1911 VARIANT in .45 ACP and consider yuourself still well armed.

Then complain to your representative in the legislature.
Brian48 said:
I've heard from several LOEs in my state. This law is not enforceable. Unless the mag specifically says "For Law Enforcement purposes only" (Glock used to do that), there is really no way to tell whether the mag was manufactured before or after the original ban.
The proposed Connecticut law solves that problem (from the LEO point of view). There is no "grandfathered if manufactured before" date. ALL magazines with capacity greater than 10 rounds will be illegal. Period.
I agree with Aguila Blanca on this one. The fact that there's no grandfathering clause, or limit as to manufacture or acquisition of the magazine in question, makes it fairly simple to enforce.

1) More than 90 days has passed since the effective date of the law.
2) Defendant is in possession of a magazine.
3) Said magazine holds more than 10 rounds.
4) Defendant does not fit into 1 of the 4 listed exceptions.
5) Therefore, Defendant is a felon.
This is the latest from the NRA

The Joint Committee on Judiciary held a hearing on Senate Bill 1094 and Senate Bill 1210 on March 23, and has until April 15 to take action on these bills. SB 1094 would ban firearm magazines that accept more than ten rounds of ammunition, while SB 1210 is a self-defense reform bill. Please continue to contact members of this committee and urge them to support SB 1210 and oppose SB 1094.

Lets hope for the best.
I think your screwed. In NJ we've had a magazine limit for ages, and the NRA hasn't d

Just yesterday I received a big 9" by 12" envelope from the NRA that said right on the envelope, my name, followed by "What every gun owner should know" in big red lettering.

Thanks NRA for telling all my neighbors that I have weapons. Some times you think that common sense should prevail.

Inside it had petitions to our local politicians that we have to fill out and mail. I will absolutely do that but why put that message outside the envelope?