What happens when a state limits the rounds to 10

From what I can understand, you can still own the hi-cap mag. You just can't use it, sell it, give it away or loan it to anyone! There is nothing that says you can't drive to an other state and sell it or use it. (I would not have both the hi-cap mag AND the pistol with you at the same time)
If they pass the law, get the 10 round mag and put the old hi-cap in the gun safe.
dlb435 said:
From what I can understand, you can still own the hi-cap mag. You just can't use it, sell it, give it away or loan it to anyone! There is nothing that says you can't drive to an other state and sell it or use it. (I would not have both the hi-cap mag AND the pistol with you at the same time)
If they pass the law, get the 10 round mag and put the old hi-cap in the gun safe.
Your understanding of THIS proposed law is fundamentally flawed. If this law passes, possession of large capacity magazines will be illegal in Connecticut. Period. The proposed law specifically says that you will have 90 days to either remove them from the state, or turn them in to the police.

How can you possibly infer from that that keeping them in the gun safe would be legal?
Your understanding of THIS proposed law is fundamentally flawed. If this law passes, possession of large capacity magazines will be illegal in Connecticut. Period. The proposed law specifically says that you will have 90 days to either remove them from the state, or turn them in to the police.

How can you possibly infer from that that keeping them in the gun safe would be legal?

Ditto. You can infer that it is legal to own the magazine and possess it for 89 days in order to get rid of it outside of the state borders, but to have it on the 91st day, in a safe or on your person, is a felony, from the law quoted. This is NOT a california law, were I can own my hi-cap mags for my Baby Eagle as I've had the mags for 1 month longer than the ban [I planned ahead!]. Heck, I can even use mine at the range. I could probably use them for home defense, but that would open me up to attack by the DA or the lawyer of the family of the POS who threatened my family.

The previous post about storing it in a safe makes as much sense as saying that I could store a selectable-fire, pistol-grip equipped, detachable 30+ round AK/M16/FN-FAL variant with a 14" barrel in my safe and not be committing a felony [I'm in california, btw]. Heck, I may as well have a mini-gatling gun in there, as far as my state is concerned. If no one ever opens the safe I might get away with it. If anyone ever saw it I could be arrested and lose everything.

An extra 3-5 rounds in my pistols isn't worth the risk of loss of gun rights, home, spouse, job, money lost and meeting 'bubba' in prison [start banjo music!]. I'd rather work on my tactical reloading and my shot placement skills.

Or keep two loaded guns by the bed and use them both for 20 legal rounds!
So why are bullets #11, 12, 13, 14, 15, etc more dangerous than numbers 1-10? I just don't get liberal-think.

Those are only important bullets if you are being attacked by more than 10 perps!
Additional thoughts: 10 round limit? What next? Maybe the ignorant liberals will limit gun owners to single shot, single action, .10 caliber. Gee whiz.....then they can say they still honor the 2nd Amendment. What a bunch of idiots.....vote them out!
About 20 plus yrs ago, ONE CITY here outlawed anything but 10 shot mags and put in a waiting period when buying a gun.

The State fixed the issue for us, they made a law that there was no limit on what mags could hold, no wait periods in the purchase of a gun, AND .... that any laws made by any cities or counties to the contrary were void.

Some "sellers" still think that law is valid and won't send nor sell mags to anyone living there over 10 rounds, even though the law has been dead for 20 yrs. If it's not "illegal" , you can't prove it to anyone because if it's not in the law, it's legal. So, it's a bit like... show me the law that says it's illegal ..... an no one can, because it's legal.
Am I the only one to remember limiting magazines to 10 rounds didn't come from the anti-gunners - It was Bill Ruger's idea when he had a lapse of brain activity and blurted that bit of total nonsense out one day .

BUT - it was the one item in the 1994 "Assault weapons Ban" that backfired - because it revived world wide interest in the 1911 !!! As a result, nearly every gun manufacturer in the world now is busting butt to see who can make the one that will sell the best.


Nice to see anything like that backfires on the gun control nuts - with any luck at all, enough will remember that restriction just resuscitated more gun production of a different breed..
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Hi Viper99. I'm in Ct. too. The first thing that should be considered is that this may not ever pass. When I first read of this about two weeks ago I was highly ticked that they would expect me to turn in my legally purchased and legally owned property without compensation. Turning them in for free and buying new ones isn't going to happen. We would have 90 days to sell them on the net, which shouldn't be too hard. I have Browning and Glock 19 mags. Yes, even one of those evil 31 round jobs. We'll just have to hang in there a while and see how this plays out.:confused:
Obviously I know you have to turn in the magazines

Not true.

You can't carry them in your pistol, but you don't have to turn them in.
You can sell them online or at a gun show or trade them for 10-round mags here on the forum.

Or, you can put them in a "safe" place in case you decide, at some future date, to leave Connecticut.
OJ said:
Am I the only one to remember limiting magazines to 10 rounds didn't come from the anti-gunners - It was Bill Ruger's idea when he had a lapse of brain activity and blurted that bit of total nonsense out one day .

I remember it, too. Ruger was throwing a bone to protect his company, at least in his mind. SAAMI and NSSF supported limiting magazine capacity at that time, too.

I'm on board with the philosophy that the Connecticut bill is pure flim-flammery.
Originally Posted by Edward429451
If they're wanting the hi-cap pistol mags, then we should all buy hi-cap Rifle mags...

The proposed Connecticut law is not only for handgun magazines. It covers ALL magazines.

That was a Revolution Joke, sorry I forgot the smiley...:D
I would not turn in my magazines. I will always uphold my personal duty to disobey an unjust law. Ill just do so quietly... Keep you hi cap magazines, buy one 10 round mag.

I promise you, there will be no police knocking on your door to collect your guns or parts of guns. They dont have the cajones, and I dont blame them.
You move to another state.

You spend all your money there.

Maybe, someday, the state you moved from will WAKE UP,

pull it's head out of it's most sunshine free spot,

and look around and realize what's happening. If not,

You can sell them online or at a gun show or trade them for 10-round mags here on the forum.

And all the criminal dirtballs will snap them up, since they don't give a hoot about those or any other laws.....

As usual, the idiots are still running the asylum........
Well I guess you have 2 options. Sell the magazines and buy new ones or permanently plug the magazines. Also the gun will be just as valuable.
The left wing of this country wants the USA to become a European Nation so bad they can't stand it. The Obamacare law was just one step. Taking away our guns rights is another step. One conservative supreme court judge dies while Obama is in office and watch our gun rights go out the window quickly without a vote. We have a fight on our hands boys & girls.:eek:
Thank God for the Republic of Texas.

A Bennelli Super Black Eagle with 5 loads of 3-1/2" Magnum lead will do almost as much damage or maybe in the right situation, as much, as a high cap mag in a venue like a bar or a restaurant. What then? Will it be time to outlaw semi-automatic shotguns designed for bird hunting?