What happens when a state limits the rounds to 10


New member
and you have a pistol that holds more. Obviously I know you have to turn in the magazines but do you have to buy new ones at your cost?

Do large capacity pistols lose value in such state since you can't use them as intended?

I live in Ct and they are trying to limit the magazine rounds to 10. They are voting this coming Wednesday. Have my fingers crossed.

Sorry is this is not the proper forum for this question.

The pistol won't lose value.....it's the magazine that dictates capacity, not the gun itself.

And yes, you will naturally have to buy your own reduced-capacity magazines. :)
Your pistol won't drop in value. Mags are what control capacity, not the gun itself and mags can be easily replaced.

Additionally, and I'm not sure what CT is planning, but they might just ban new high capacity mags. Exisiting mags may not be effected.
Obviously I know you have to turn in the magazines
Not true.

You can't carry them in your pistol, but you don't have to turn them in.
You can sell them online or at a gun show or trade them for 10-round mags here on the forum.
Check the bill to see exactly what the ban will mean. I won't swear to this, but I seem to recall a thread down in Law & Civil Rights on this. My hunch (& it's only a hunch) is that old mags will either be grandfathered in, or there will be some sort of grace period in which to get rid of them. That could mean sending them to a trusted relative or friend, or selling them. Yes, you will have to purchase your own lower-cap magazines. I can't imagine that the state would buy them for you.

If you have not called, emailed or written to you representatives, I suggest doing so.

Edited to add:

Here's the thread in Law & Civil Rights: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=442900

And here's the bill being discussed in that thread:
Well, assuming that I have linked the correct bill, it's because the bill makes it a felony to possess a large capacity magazine. Here's the language: "Any person who possesses a large capacity magazine shall be guilty of a class D felony." This bill does exempt magazines that have been altered to accept less than 10 rounds, but that's different than just loading it with 10.
Well, Connecticut is one of the most Leftist states in America, so no big surprise that your 2d amendment rights are under assault. Here in California we are very accustomed to this as you know.

The answer to your question lies in the wording of the proposed CT law. (Another forum member apparently linked to it, but I have not read it.) In CA the law basically made sale, importation, or transfer illegal, so we did not have to give up magazines that we owned prior to the law taking effect. Theoretically the CT law *could* make actual possession illegal. That is not what happened in CA, and according to you, NY. Read the link.

Your local NRA chapter is probably a good source of information about what the Democrats are trying to do to you in your own State in the bill that you are asking about.

Point out that gun manufacturers will find it easy to comply with a 10 round limit since CA, which is a very big gun market, already contains this limitation.

Let us know how it goes there. Does not sound good.
Obviously I know you have to turn in the magazines but do you have to buy new ones at your cost?

Has any place demanded that existing magazines be turned in or destroyed?

Every place I have heard of only banned the sale of NEW larger mags.

A little thing about taking property without compensation maybe?
Has any place demanded that existing magazines be turned in or destroyed?

Every place I have heard of only banned the sale of NEW larger mags.

A little thing about taking property without compensation maybe?

CA's assault weapon law made existing ownership of various weapons outright illegal although they did have the registration/grandfathering loophole.

To survive court challenges it is probably easier for a State to do what California did. Don't know what CT is doing though.
8 (b) Any person who possesses a large capacity magazine shall be
9 guilty of a class D felony.
10 (c) Any person who (1) prior to the effective date of this section,
11 lawfully possessed a large capacity magazine, and (2) not later than
12 ninety days after the effective date of this section, removes such
13 magazine from this state or surrenders such magazine to an organized
14 local police department or the Department of Public Safety
15 destruction, shall not be subject to prosecution for a violation of
16 subsection (b) of this section.http://www.cga.ct.gov/2011/TOB/s/pdf/2011SB-01094-R00-SB.pdf

The OP is correct according to the language in the bill. He would have to surrender his magazines or become a felon. Viper99, you really should contact your representatives and let them know your disapprove. Better yet get some friends to call as well.
Obviously I know you have to turn in the magazines

According to what I have read on the nra website, you would have 3 months to turn in the magazine or it becames a class D felony. (whatever that means)

I recently bough an XDm with the 13 round and 19 round magazine. The large capacity was the main selling point to me. If that is taken away I might as well not have it. Unless as some have said here, it is grandfathered.

All my other guns don't have large magazines. Sig P239, Glock G27, Ruger LCP and 2 MkIII. I am currently looking for a 1911 and that won't be a problem either if this law passes. Other guns I had on my wish list are the CZ75B and Beretta FS92. Both are larga capacity.

Lets see what happens. I know there is a strong backing on both sides.
to the OP....

option 1: if u have any friends or relitives out of state send the mags to them for safe keeping.

option 2: if the can be converted to 10 rounders buy the parts to do so and keep the old hi-cap parts in a box untill the law is repealed or u move

option 3: dis-assemble the mags and leave them in a dis-assembled state (from what i hear this works in cali might work for u too) again untill the law is repealed or u move.
The pistol won't lose value.....it's the magazine that dictates capacity, not the gun

SpanishJames has it as I have read it. Obviously it can change.

The value of a gun to me is directly related to how you intended to use it. If I have to get 10 rounds mags for my XDm, I might as well sell it and use the G27 which is 9+1.

Would the value of such guns change? I think it would hurt it because a lot of people would just buy other guns instead of a bigger gun with the same capacity.

If it comes to pass, I will obey the law as usual and turn my mags in.
In Massachusetts the gun is grandfathered, not the mags. Cops have a serial # list to see what high cap guns are legal. I know an Army Ranger that retired and was forced to sell his high cap mags for the pistol that was given to him as a retirement gift. Total disgrace!
Actually, the mags are grandfathered as well in MA. You just can't get "new" mags that are over 10rds, however you can buy as many "pre-ban" mags as you want. Also, if moving into the state, you are allowed to bring in any gun you currently own, even if it's not MA compliant, however you cannot bring in the mags if they are over 10rds. LOEs are exempt of course.
MA is messed up. You can have older mags, but if the gun serial # isn't on the list then it's illegal with one of those mags. Also if the firearm is capable of holding more then ten rounds you can be charged for improper storage... Example is not locking up a 10/22 properly in your home, people have been charged under the high storage law even though they don't have any high cap mags. LEOs are exempt but to be able to buy a glock or other banned gun (not just high cap, just banned because of the drop test,) you have to get a letter from your chief stating it's for Dept. use/reasons and also go with the tax exempt form for police purchase. Many, many agencies carry glocks in MA but they are on the banned/cheapo gun list with the AGs office.