What handgun do u find to be under-rated but great

Actually agree with PX4. It was the first pistol I had and now I own three Sigs, two Glocks, a Beretta 92FS, a Walther, etc. so I can say having had a wide selection of other guns that the PX4 really is an excellent pistol. Some models had some real teething issues at first and you need to run it wet or greased (I like a big of TW-25 on the lug and a CLP sheen on the barrel) for it to run smoothest, but most guns have teething issues out of the gate. Heck, the Gen 4 Glocks were troublesome for ages and are now excellent. Interesting that thousands of Gen 4 Glocks with crummy ejectors and recoil spring assemblies didn't ruin Glock's rep but one police agency having to use mallets on a bad batch of PX4s seemed to tank it.

Just like in the 92 series, the G-model (decocker only DA/SA, same as a Sig) is the way to go. I have an F-model and I need to trade or convert.

Just shy of 10,000 rounds without ever having a single wobble.

Edit: Just so we don't have to have this argument, I'm not smack talking Glock. I really like Glock. But there's no denying there were a bad few batches at the start of Gen 4.
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I haven't fired one but I've got a feeling that Hi-Point guns aren't as bad as people say. I think of them like those super cheap cars that people get when they lose their job and the company car is taken away.

I would also say that the Sccy I own is good, but it gets praise that I'm not fully sure it deserves. The price is OK and the trigger is fair to moderate. I like the size of it though as it's large enough (just) to get my hands on but small enough to be on the edge of the pocket pistol category in 9mm.
I found........

.....FEGs to be well made. I bought one of their Hi-Powers as something to hold me over until I could afford a FN or Browning. Liked it so much that I put a Sprinco Buffer in it. Then had it hard chromed. Carry it a lot.

Bought an Astra A-70 that I like a lot as well. Pretty much a smaller single stack version of my FEG. It's off to Mahovsky's getting hard chromed as well.

Those are my personal experiences with these firearms. I like them a lot.
Chiappa Rhino

I bought one of the really early versions of the .357 200D. It's DAO, 2 inch barrel, great ergonomics for small hands. My wife has trouble with K-frames and anything similar from Colt, Ruger or Charter Arms. The Rhino's angle and distance of stock to trigger works perfectly for her. The first time she fired it was the first time she had put more than one or two rounds in the black. It went from being a safe queen to my queen's revolver of choice.
I don't know if I would use the term great but I think the S&W Sigma's are over looked and very functional. Makes them affordable though;).
I'll add the Px4 and 92 series to this list, I consider the 92 a Great gun.
"...to be under the radar n under rated but are actually first tier superb."

So many choices, and so many ways to interpret the OP's question.

Part of me would say it'd be one of the handguns of the Israelis or the Turks. The Canik TP9 comes to mind but I don't own one (yet). Military grade sidearms from overseas won't ever get LEO or Federal sales here but they are "first tier".

But my vote would have to go to the equivalent of the Bic pen in handguns: Kel Tec P3AT. It's ugly, if feels cheaply made, it impresses no one, it's not even pleasant to shoot, and it's been around for a couple of decades so there's nothing new to make it stand out. BUT it's so light and small that it can always slide into my pocket no matter how I dress, and it's stone cold reliable - mine is at least, & I shoot it regularly to verify that. For its intended purpose, for me it has proven to be superb.
I haven't fired one but I've got a feeling that Hi-Point guns aren't as bad as people say. I think of them like those super cheap cars that people get when they lose their job and the company car is taken away.

Almost all who bash Hi-Points never owned one. I got a Hi-Point simply as a cheap way to see if I really liked handguns as much as I thought I did. I found them to be ugly, heavy, reliable and relatively accurate. They are a good choice if you are poor or a cheapskate like me.

However, the Hi-Point gave me an incurable disease that led me to Ruger, S&W and several other (5 more) handguns that ended (so far) with a purchase of a 1911. I think the 1911 has made my disease much worse and made me an addict.

Hi-Point started it all.
Taurus PT99. I have one and I'm not a Taurus fan, but boy they sure did it right with that gun. Very accurate, no issues and looks nice considering its low price.
A big +1 for the Sar K2-45. An excellent, affordable high cap big bore that happens to be extremely ergonomic and reliable. I'd wager that the only other high cap 45 that feels almost as good is the FNH FNX.

The Sigma VE's also are under rated. While early examples had issues, and we won't mention the .380, the VE's feel better in the hand then the Glock they copied, IME, are just as reliable, and the heavy trigger isn't a hard fix.

And another +1 for RIA 1911s, although I think their secret is pretty much out, lol.

DA/SA Fan, I'm loving that two-tone K2. Making me want to tweak mine!
My FEG BHP clone is as good as a pistol with such small sights can be. My FiL talked me out of one of their little PP-style 32's and it is also a very good pistol. They cost me $200 and $199 respectively.

I have two older Taurus revolvers that I like as much as my S&W's and Rugers, a j-frame sized snub 38 and a k-frame sized 4" 357. There are some nice Tauri out there sometimes. The 357 was $199 used. I misremember what the 38 cost, but it wasn't much.

My Russian Makarov is a real workhorse. I paid $149 for it over 25 years ago. It has never malfunctioned. It is surprisingly accurate.

My Start Super B cost around $250 otd. It is an excellent pistol. When my FiL saw mine, he bought one. They are excellent pistols and absurd bargains at that price.

Yeah, the Rossi 720's really are that good. I haunted GunBroker for months and finally bagged one for $330. The trigger is great. I love the way it balances. It is one of my top-tier revolvers for accuracy, even though the barrel is only 3" and it shoots a larger caliber (44 special).

Taurus semi-autos... I have a 24-7 Pro in .45, and a PT111 G2, and both have been just flawless in feeding and firing just about anything you feed them. The 45 doesn't like swc bullets, but anything else works without fail.
It's probably had a couple thousand rounds through it. The PT111 has only had about 500 or so through it, but it hasn't stumbled once.
Both of those guns have excellent (if not slightly heavy on the PT111) trigger pulls... very crisp, and they have the shortest reset that I've found on any striker fired pistol.

The other nomination is my latest acquisition.. the Canik TP9 SA. I've had it about 5 days, and have put about 50 rounds through it. I love it. It's very nice, ergonomically, and has a good trigger. At $324 out the door, it's got to be the screaming deal of the decade.
Beretta PX4


Steyr MxA1

I might also say the HK USP, only because there's always an undertone on the internet that they are clunky and outdated bricks. (They happen to be my favorite polymer...)
EEA Windicator 4" 357 mag revolver. Had it for 5 years shot a couple of thousand rounds mixed 38 sp and 125 gr 357's. Handled them like a dream and was very accurate. I traded it up for my Ruger GP 100 4.2" 357 mag which is the best I've ever owned except for my Python 4". and the 2 are neck and neck.

Rossi R461 2" 357 mag. Best snub I've ever fired, extremely accurate. Handles 38 sp +P's and lite 357's great. owned 3 of them over the years. Not once has they ever failed. Could be the best model that Rossi makes. At 26 ozs. that is one reason that this is so accurate. Don't like the lite or ultralite revolvers can't handle hot loads. Of course this is MHO and at my age Pain is a huge factor.
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