What do you want for Christmas?

Hey, I asked you for a full auto M-16 when I was 8, and I'm still waiting !!! Damn near embarrassed my Dad in front of all these snooty soccer moms. Jeez ! I guess I jumped the gun (he-he !), and should of settled on a Red Ryder.

I am not going try and sugar-coat the things I haven't done this year, but I will be greedy in what I ask for! ;)

Please send me:

An unlimited supply of Huggies diapers and baby food, as well as patience.

One of those new Steyr handguns w/ the nifty sights; along with a Walther P99 in .40 SW w/ the green frame; a M1A-A1 Bush Rifle; an AR15; a Class 3 license along with an MP5K and an M16; a Blaser R93 in 30-06; a MR Desert Eagle in .44... a Ruger Super Redhawk; a Mossberg 590 with heat shield, bayonet lug, fiber optic sights and Marinecote finish; a HK PSG-1; a Kimber Gold Match; a SIG P220, P210, P229, P239. Is that enough for this year?

And as a Lord of the Sith myself, will you please send me some more puny Jedi's to slaughter and/or turn to the Dark Side? ;)

I don't want much, do I? :D :D :D :D

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
The Rock asks Santa for ammo and A Steyr Scout in .308. Ammo should be 9, .45 (acp and colt) .30-06, .223, and of course, .22.

The Rock offers a Rock Bottom in leau of the Pimp Slap so richly deserved by our candy-ass pres and his 'administration'. The Great One will talk to that redneck SOB, Austin, about donating some Stunners to billary et al.

The Rock wishes Santa a good ride.

The Rock
"What's your name?"
"My name is ---"
Dear Santa,

I've been a good boy this year. I've 're-upped' with the NRA as a life member, and have also joined the GOA, JPFO and the AZ Rifle & Pistol Association. I've converted a few anti-self defense folks, and I've also helped a few friends buy firearms and learn to shoot. I've also tried to find more creative ways to cuss the media and the anti-self defense movement ...

For Christmas this year I would like for you to call a meeting of the anti-self defense movement, to be held on one of those Mickey Mouse cruise ships owned by Disney ... seems appropriate, no? I think they'll come when they realize the invitation is from you. Please invite Bill Clinton, Charlie Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, and ... well, I think you know the list. Please send them on a very, very long cruise, and ... well, I don't know want to know any of the details. Uh, think 'iceberg' ... ;)

Also, if it isn't too much, I'd like an M1 Garand, in mint condition. Finally, (please don't mention this to anyone else) also see if you can keep those beautiful women lunching at our favorite restaurant in Scottsdale - window shopping only, but it does seem to be helping my eyesight. I assure you, this is for medicinal purposes only. ;)

Merry Christmas, Santa. Thanks for stopping by.
Last and most unreasonable, how bout girlfriend with her own arsenal? Tank girl let me know when you get that HUMMER and GATTLIN.

Maybe a little more reasonable request, A best quality double rifle chambered for high pressure 8ga kiln slugs.
Hello again kiddies. Your old pal Santa here. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to all of you, but the rush is on! I’ve been busting my rear lately to try and fill everyone’s requests, and quite a rear it is too... :D HO, HO, HO

I guess we’ll start with Caeca, Bill and Jeff. You have all been very good boys writing the people who represent your interests in the Nation’s Capitol. (Santa has a hard time keeping a straight face when referring to them like that) Keep up the good work, the letters and phone calls are worth a $20 donation each in this fat man’s opinion.

Hal wants some .22 and .44 ammo. Hmm...Santa adds up those numbers and wonders if the .66 caliber is the next big ammo idea. It could shoot bullets the size of paintballs. Muscles wants a full auto M-16, but I think a Red Ryder would be more likely this year. Besides, that ammo gets expensive on full auto. Darthmaum - Did you want that Super Redhawk in .44 magnum or .454 Casull? I think I could get you both and it would be cheaper than the lifetime supply of diapers and baby food.

Well, you folks do seem to be enjoying this thread, so I’ll sign off on this since it was 95K when I posted and one of our fearless moderators will be locking it down soon. I’ll be starting part 2 so we can hear from everybody at least once.

Merry Chrismas and Happy Hanukkah to all...

Ho, Ho, Ho!
Nah, its ok Santa...we'll keep this one going, there is a software feature I'd like to try out.

Oh yeah, I'm really leaning towards that .300 Win Mag Beretta...might as well stay with what I'm good at :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
santa...what i need this year is not of material. i need courage, patience, love, and support. :( im afraid your sleigh can not carry those things. perhaps next year i can give you a better list. keep warm santa its a cold world out there.

You have all the Courage you need already lion, you just don't have a medal.

Patience with evil is not a virtue.

Love is the greatest gift, you have it from your children, cherish it.

Support is something you can get if you look in the right places.

It does seem like a cold world out there, but when you have the love of a warm and caring family, the wind never blows as cold again.

Have a safe and Merry Christmas.

Ho, Ho, Ho!