What do you want for Christmas?

I'd like InterOrdnance to come through with my FMP HK receiver that's been promised, "next week," for the last few months.

I second Alan Keyes for president.
Dear Santa,
This is to let you know that I no longer live in TEnnessee and need you to deliver what ever I deserve to Florida.
Now if you can see your way to providing a Jeff Cooper scout rifle in .308, with a Springfield M1a for a companion that would be ok.
But I could get all that on my own if you could take all the liberal socialist's and plain greedy folks and send them to find out what happened with the mars oriter.....
Keep a weather eye out and good sailing Santa...fubsy.
a .357/.9mm Ruger Blackhawk

a .38 for concealed carry

one thousand rounds each of the following: .38 Specials, .357 hollowpoints, 9mm, .22, .410 (mix 'em up and surprise me), and 12 gauge (ditto)
G'day Santa ... m-a-a-a-t-e!

I've done my best to be good during the year, though I have to admit at times the struggle wore me down. But with the help of my friends at TFL, I got over it.

Done my bit: took on presidency of my gun club for another 12 months; set up a club website that's gained us about 12 new members; emailed two politicians and three journos and two TV stations; took some non-shooting friends out to the range ...

I don't want anything material, mate. What I do want is for the media and the government to stop hounding legitimate shooters. I would like to see the Government admit it was wrong in its hasty, ill-informed "buyback" and prohibition in Australia. I would like the media to return to the "old" standards of journalism, of presenting both sides of the case in an even-handed manner, particularly with gun ownership. I would like to see universal recognition that humans have an inviolable right to possess and use any weapon, including firearms, for the purposes of defence of themselves and family.

If you are struggling a bit with all that, I'd really like a Perazzi under and over in 12g ;)

G'day Bruce, you know, you are going to be one of my first stops this year. I know that 12 gauge is a pretty sweet gun, and it sounds like you deserve it. You are in a bad position down there, and Santa appreciates your efforts against what seems like insurmountable odds. Keep up the good work.

Johnny in Georgia will get a stocking full of ammo this year. Assorted, .357, .38, 410, 12 ga., .22, 9mm, etc. all dumped in together. That'll keep you out of trouble for a while sorting it all out. Ho, Ho, Ho...Santa's got a ornery streak this year.

Some of you will be very happy with what you find under your trees this year. There are so many good girls and boys here Santa doesn't know how he's going to fulfill all your requests, but somehow I always manage. Mal, I already saw what you wrote in that other post, nice try. I was born on a Friday, but it wasn't last Friday. ;)

Dennis, your words are the truth, every bit. Santa will be happy to give a push to those who need it this year, but the power of changing is in each one's hands alone. Continue to help each other as you have been. Gary is right, getting these scumbags out of office is priority one for all Americans. (can you tell that Kris Kringle isn't a Democrat?)

This jolly old elf is very moved by what Mikey has written. And If only there was something I could do about all these school shootings, the good Lord knows I would do it. Santa knows that it isn't the guns, and it isn't the government, and it isn't society. It isn't television, it isn't video games, and it isn't even the parents, not completely anyway, but they are close. Dennis, you wrote We must care for each other as a nation, a great nation, with great people who have the ability to solve great problems. So far, we can't even define all the problems, but rest assured that caring for one another within your nation and all over the world is the first step toward the solution.

Well, Santa's got to get back to the re-loading bench now. Mrs Claus won't be happy if I don't get at least 150 more .357 Magnums loaded before midnight. Merry Christmas to all.

Ho, Ho, Ho!
Hey, Santa! I think I can see your house from here!

Well, maybe Maine quite ain't that far north after all. Since it sounds like other's christmas wishes will take care of the political and social issuse, I'll just get right down to the yummies.

First, I'd like a matched set of consecutive numbered FN P-90's. I would also like very much to be able to own them, so if you could take care of that small detail, I'd really appreciate it.

Second, I'd like Smith & Wesson to quit fooling around and start making Airweight Ti versions of the K,L, and N frame guns. I think a 20 oz. Mountain Gun in 45 Colt would be just cockin'!

Third, I'd like Colt to solve their corporate cranial rectosis problems and get real. I'm not sure coal in the stockings alone will do the trick here, santa, some source of ignition may be required, preferably while the stockings are still being worn.

Fourth, If you could get Caspian to make a damascus frame to go with their damascus slide for their 45's, I'll take a fitted set, please.

Fifth, if you could convince one of the big manufacturers out there(like Ruger) that with the technology available today, a quality built double rifle could be built and regulated for less than $2500, that would be a nice boost for a dying art form.

Well, I could go on about how I wish you could find a real use for all the lawyers out there, like throwing them under the reindeer for traction on them there steep-pitched roofs or chopping them up for reindeer chow(probably make 'em sick anyways), but I don't want to load anyone down with negativity this time of year.

Here's wishing everyone here happy holidays and best wishes for the coming year!

With my shield or on it...
Dear Santa,

Im on your list - under Nice...
You already have some requests from my sons. Since your a TFL member - maybe I will sneak my wish list in here...

I want a couple Wilson Combat 1911 Government model mags - same as the feds got... and a Galco Miami Classic rig to keep them nice and together with.

Thats all.

For now...

But ah - some time in the near future - could ya give me a Real, Working, Arm lopping, Armour slicing, battle Droid dicing, door lock melting, Sith disecting Light Saber? Please?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
G'day to ya Saint Nick
You a convict too ? ;)
Well if it aint too much trouble, could you wave your magic Candy Cane & get ALL 1911 manufacturers to implement QUALITY CONTROL that goes a bit further than "Yep, that's a gun...." :(
Or is that too much to ask ?...LOL :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
Alternate E-mail
Gordon, it's good to hear from you, mate. I was wondering when you would pipe in with your list. I'll be stopping by your place about the time that Kodia.....er, George and his boys are finishing dinner. You two both like the 1911, so maybe we can work out some kind of a package deal. Of course, George will probably get his lightsaber before some of these manufacturers figure out Quality Control. Would you be terribly upset if you got a USP .45 like Santa's for Christmas? Quality, not Compromises.

ARtech wants a damascus frame to go along with the damascus slide on his Caspian. Hmm...I've got a damascus barrel on my old shotgun, maybe we can put that in your stocking. Close enough? ;)

Oh, and Tank Girl, keep up the good work with your mother. She'll be convinced one day, and she's probably got what it takes to out shoot you when she does. Maybe I'll get a copy of "Dial 911 and Die" into her hands this year. About the .50 Gatling; you'll probably be dangerous enough driving a Hummer without it. A Gatling would really be overkill ;)

Bernard, our head elf, just told me that we've got a few all expenses paid trips to Thunder Ranch this year, including round trip airfare to San Antonio. Anyone interested? You must be very, very good to even ask for this present.

Ho, Ho, Ho!
Who *wouldn't* be interested? Kerrville's less than two hours away from here (San Antonio) and it's not a bad drive once you get out of town.
Hello Santa,
I haven't really been all that good. I've been slacking off on my letters to my reps lately, but I'm trying. Minor lack of funds has slowed down my donations as well, but I figure I might as well ask for somethin anyway. What I would really like, is a nice Ruger 10/22 to help rid us of that excess bunny population. By the way, what is your favorite flavor of cookie?

I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
For Christmas this year my only request is that you pimp slap each member of the Klinton administration for coming up with this class action law suit against gun companies.
Okay, a new SIG 245 would be nice too :)
I want Janet Reno to stop asking the scarecrow "How about a little fire?". For the children of course.
If you can fit some ammo in the stocking, .22's and .44Mag are a good alternative.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. I called the state office of the ACLU so often asking them to defend the second ammendment that this week they changed their number. I have worked with the NRA in their political efforts and joined the JPFO. I worked with the local radio station to carry the "Gun Talk" program. I've made a substantial contribution to lead pollution in the berms of the local rifle and pistol ranges. I've taken my son shooting and hunting every chance I could.
Santa, could you please bring my son and I a
50 caliber of any sort? A little armory to safely lock up my meager collection of armament and ordinance would also be appreciated. I'm not picky - a used 50 BMG
would work - and we could go shooting the day after Christmas. My local auto salvage yard will donate all the motor block targets we need. Please oh please Santa.....
All I want is the company of family and friends...

Although the Thunder Ranch idea got my attention ;)
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a loaded Springield National Match M1A...

or maybe a loaded Sprinfeild 1911...

or maybe a Steyr M40...

or maybe a, a, a, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I am so confused :)

"peace, love, joy, and happiness..."
Dear Santa,
I believe I've been pretty darn good and for other reasons I won't explain ibelieve I would like the new James Bond Walther and a Walther P5. I really don't think thats asking for to much?
Oh, one more little request, A big lump off coal for every anti gunner on your route.

gun control is people control
National Reciprocity. And a government that serves us, not one that expects to be served.

Be safe Santa. Will leave the milk and cookies out for you as usual, and carrots for the the reindeer.
