What do you want for Christmas?

Santa Claus

New member
Hello Everyone,

I would like to introduce myself, but I think most of you know me already. I know that some of you don’t believe in me, but I have always believed in you and that is all that really counts. Let this be proof to you non believers that Santa Claus is very real, and very concerned about the right to keep and bear arms in America and the world in general. Just for the record, Santa is a gun owner and I currently pack a USP .45 for self-defense when I am on my rounds. I’ve never had to use it, but you know what they say, I’d rather have it and not need it...

Many of you have received guns from me in the past, and I already know if you’ve been bad or good, but this year I want you to tell everyone at TFL what you have done this past year to preserve your RKBA. If you have been very good, you can tell Santa what you would like for Christmas and I will do my best to get it to you.

Merry Christmas to all!

Ho, Ho, Ho!
Dear Santa,

I must be honest, I wasnt that good of a girl at the beginning of this year. I was an anti and supported Rosie to get rid of guns. But I saw the light, Santa! Since then I have been a very good girl and made my way to the AR15. :) So this Christmas all I really want is my FOID card, the new SIG pro (9mm) or an AR15 would be nice too ;). A trip to the North Pole range would be nice also. But please be careful delivering , make sure you have your FOID card with you, I wouldnt want Santa to get arrested in this anti-gun city of mine. :)
BTW......would you prefer I leave ammo under the tree rather than cookies this year? ;)

Yours truly,
Miss D :)
Dear Santa,

I have been very good all year. I've punched out 2 spammers and 3 virus writers, sent 20 emails and faxes to my elected things accusing them of treason, and I've put at least 5000 rounds in 15 calibers downrange.

I would really really like a Dillon RL550B with dies for 10mm and .303 British, and some 8# kegs of powder, and Jeri Ryan with her phaser rifle. If you can't manage that last, I can do without Jeri. :D


"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
My Dearest Santa,

Lets see, well I’ve taken my children out to shoot a bunch of times, sent many e-mails to politicians and jumped on the Anti-Rosie/K-Mart bandwagon full force. I wanted to start teaching CCW classes but had to wait until I was a resident for a year to get my CCW first. Hopefully early next year I’ll be instructing and furthering the RKBAs.

You have already promised me COAL. Now, if you could also include, say a couple hundred unfired .45 Basic cases that would be icing on the cake.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Hoi, Santa. Good to hear from you.

Well, so far this year I rejoined the NRA and joined my college pistol team, wrote two letters to the editor and five or six e-mails to my congressional reps, debated gun control with more antis than I could count, touched off somewhere around 1500 rounds (not counting the air pistol), and shot a 148/200, NRA Bullseye Pistol, 25 yards, slow-fire.

All in all, I've been pretty good this year.

What I'd like for Christmas, huh? How about President Alan Keyes (and maybe a Libertarian majority in both Houses of Congress??)

I'd settle for a Steyr M40, though.

Dear Santa,

Lets see,

a box of tungsten solids in 375 H&H, and CZ 550 Magnum in the same caliber ;)

a gift certificate to quality Pistol &Revolver good for any gunsmithing service...

or maybe a 1918 Full Auto BAr with all the accessories??

(leaving out a bottle of maker's mark, macanudo cigars and godiva chocolates for santa)

Dear Santa,
I've been a very good boy this year. Even though the children have sometimes aggravated me to no end, they're still alive and happy. How can I not love them? They all hate Barney. :) As an 'insta-Dad', I taught my 3 children about firearms safety in January. 11 months later, my oldest daughter still remembers much of it, and she's the one least interested in firearms. I've donated more than my fair share to pro 2nd amendment organizations, and have given much to the firearms and accessories industry. I know I'm asking for the impossible, but could you please make the anti-gunners see the error of their ways, and start to hold people responsible for their actions, instead of blaming an inanimate object? Any help would really be appreciated. Materially, I don't want anything for myself. I have a wife and three kids who love me and that's enough for me. Before I forget, would you like Golden Sabres or Hydra-Shoks next to your glass of milk?

Give my regards to Mrs. Claus and the elves.

Wassup Santa!

I could have been better, but I'm working on it. I've converted at least 3 antis (the ones I know about) in person and maybe 2 online. I've also bought one gun and taught my fiancee to shoot, as well as getting my dad back into RKBA (he even rejoined the NRA and last week he, mom, my fiancee and I took the AR15 and some .22s shooting.) I'm getting and giving an NRA membership for Christmas and also sending cash to SAF to support their lawsuit, and getting involved in a rally to be held in several state capitols simultaneously in April (CAN Illinois members know about this already.)

If I qualify, I want a basic AR15, no optics or extras, and 5000 rds., OR a Springfield Armory Loaded .45 and 5000 rds., OR an EAA Witness 10mm and 5000 rds., OR a katana from Bugei Trading Company.
And a cookie.

BTW, at my house Santa can expect cold Guinness (American, sorry) and hot roast venison with grandma's bread. You'll have to take nap immediately afterward and finish in the morning, but it's worth it . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I think you know I've been a very very good girl this year...much $$ donated to RKBA causes (Hobgood and SAF), continued my GOC/GOA, re-joined NRA and joined JPFO. Many letters to editors; annoyed and irritated my politicos (they are all liberal) to no end; gotten active in local political issues. Real life demonstration to my best friend (liberal anti-gun) the practicality of firearms for self defense; thusly weakening her anti-gun stance.

So, I'd like a Beretta Mato .300 Win mag with composite stock and Leupold LPS optics; or a complete M-24 SWS in .300 Win mag; or an AR system like Schmit's.

As I love to cook, let me know what you'd like in lieu of milk and cookies...have pheasant, venison (oops, errr), wild pig to build on. And you can play with my cute little son :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Santa: I would like a Stinger Missile setup. By the way, when do you fly over Iowa???? Just kidding, Santa ho.. ho.. ho......
Thanks to everyone who has responded so far. I’m very proud of all of you for your good works this year, especially Miss D who has come so far, so quickly. Santa’s heart is the warmest thing at the north pole right now just thinking about all the selfless acts I have read about so far.

For those who have asked, I would love for you to leave out some ammo this Christmas. I prefer Hydra-Shoks in the .45. I am looking forward to visiting Don for some Guinness and Dr. Rob for a Macanudo, (Fuente Opus X’s are always welcome too). DC, the venison sounds great, but please don’t tell the reindeer about it, they would be really pissed at old Santa if they found out. Coinneach, I think the phaser rifle is more likely than Jeri Ryan. Jeri is helping out the elves right now back in the wrapping department, she is an expert at tightly wrapped packages ;)

You have all been such good girls and boys that I am adding another shift in the firearms factory to try and fill all your requests. You know the rules though, no promises.

Oh, and 12-34hom: Santa has anti-missile capability built into the sleigh, so I’m not too worried about your "little joke." You might want to watch out for my reindeer’s chaff-like countermeasures though. Don’t look up with your mouth open. :)

Ho, Ho, Ho!

I know it's a tall order but here goes...

All I want for Christmas is to NEVER EVER hear about another school shooting as long as I live.

And one more wish - could you see if you could talk our "powers that be" into FRYING THE HELL out of the murderous little bastards who committed these acts and survived long enough to get caught!

dear Santa
for Cristmas this year i would like to request a simple thing:

Could you find a way for my lovely wife, to unquestionally approve of all the little purchases, i have stored in my gun safe?

that and maybe one of those SW99s, Smith & Wesson is making


Dear Santa,

I've been a very good boy this year and did not get even a parking ticket. I've donated 40 hours of sick leave to a coworker who will be out for two and a half months. I've donated lotsa money to groups that support my 2nd Amendment right. I've written my nasty elected officials and asked them to mend their ways.

No Santa, you don't have to bring me any guns. I've enough. What I'd like is for:

Bill Klinton to resign and take that witch wife with him;

Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi all to move to China. Charles Schumer and Ted Kennedy celebrate New Years together and have Ted drive Chucky home. Jante Reno and Louis Freeh to become Hare Krishnas disciples, and;

But most of all, a Conservative Supreme Court which holds that the Second Amendment cannot be infringed upon by either the Federal or a State government.

Thanks Santa,

4v50 Gary

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Mikey and Gary, damn good Christmas wishes. Santa can keep my presents AND the Guinness if he gives you yours . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Well Santa, after a sixteen year argument with my mother I have finally got her to understand that guns are not demonic devices out to slaughter the innocent. Granted I still haven't got her to look at one or allow guns into her house but this is a very serious breakthrough. Persistance is what I'm good at however so maby next year I'll get her out on the range..

Please, please say that I was good enough to deserve my .50 gatling to mount on a brand new hummer!!!

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
Dear Santa,

I won’t ask for anything for myself because I haven’t been as good as I
should have been. For one thing, I’ve spent so much time on this
computer that I have not paid enough attention to my wife and children.
So this year, all I can ask is that you help me be better next year.

For my family, friends, and countrymen however, I ask you to consider all
that Gary has asked for. I know it’s a lot to ask for. And I know you may
not feel right doing all that for us. After all, we are the ones who let all
those problems happen. So, if you can’t grant Gary’s wish please try this.

Please give my countrymen back the spirit of our forefathers. Help us
remember that values are important, both as individuals and as a nation.
Help us see that we are in charge of our country. But if we do not act with
the honest diligence expected of us by those who founded America, we will
lose everything.

Please, Santa, please help us see that yelling at each other helps nothing.
We must come together as caring Americans - caring not just for ourselves
or even our family. We must care for each other as a nation, a great
nation, with great people who have the ability to solve great problems.

And give us a push, Santa. Get us moving toward solving those problems.
For if we only awaken, then we can solve the many problems our so-called
representatives have foisted upon us. After all, it is our fault for keeping
the people in office who hurt us term after term after term.

We can do it, Santa. We can make our country great again! But I guess
we need your help to get us started.
Greetings Santa!

I also have been a very good boy, well this year anyway. I have written and emailed my Congress folks, state and federal, many times on several issues that are important to all of us. I donated money to many good causes, both gun related and not.

The only thing I want this year is simply a Blaser R93 in .416. That would make me very happy.

Oh, and maybe a Swarovski scope, that would top it off real nice. That's it, I would be eternally grateful.

I almost forgot, a new Dillon 650 with a new set of 45ACP dies would be much appreciated.

Ok, the Blaser, the Swarovski, the Dillon thing, and a new Perazzi Mirage 30". That wouldn't be asking too much, would it?

One last thing, how about some real honest politicians inside the beltway that have a brain and know how to use it.

On second thought, you can give all the other stuff to the Hobgood Academy for next years raffle if you will just come through on the last one.

(Oh, and Santa, please don't open the "VERY Politically Incorrect Christnmas Photo" post. I hope it isn't too late. I was just kidding about that "fat man" thing. You look real svelt lying there assisting the man with his boots. Your reindeer must have really been bushed after the long flight.)
Dear Santa,
I've been pretty good this year-taught 5-6 Eddie Eagle Classes, gave to the NRA-ILA, sent in all the post cards to politicos the NRA sent me, all with a personal note, sent thank you note to Tom Selleck, and even sent a couple of personal notes to folks, including a very cordial one to Rosie and her producer asking them to learn more about the Constitution and maybe read Professor Lott's book and challenge themselves if they truly feel they are right. I've answered public questions about how I don't(as a LEO)fear lawfully armed citizens and in fact consider them "card carrying good guys" (CCW holders). I've spent quite a bit of time and ammo safely enjoying my hobby of self-defense style shooting. I was going to ask for a Les Baer Thunder Ranch Special or Springfield TRP, but I think that I, as well as the rest of the TFL'ers would forego any gifts if you could just give some special things to someone else...the anti-gunners of all persuasions. Could you give them humility to understand that they might be wrong, they really DO NOT know what is best for EVERYBODY? A bit of common sense and logic to know that people are evil-some are, but guns aren't...none of 'em. A small sample of understanding of the concept of personal responsibility? How 'bout a bit of whatever it will take them to understand that just because THEY don't see the point of owning and shooting guns, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I know I got long winded, but I bet I said what a lot of us wanted to but just hadn't got to it yet.

p.s....if you can't come through on all the stuff I asked for, that TRS still looks pretty good....