What do you think about Glocks?

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Sawbones & others: I want to add that I've had/still have big problems in getting my Glock 30 to feed reliably. Not so with my l others Glocks which feed perfectly.

The problem occurrs frequently with wide-mouthed HPs the same way every time (low feed; jam on bottom of fee ramp or front plastic edge of mag). So I switched to .400 corbon - which I wanted to anyway. Did that solve the problem? No, not at all. Still frequently jams low. Oddly, "limp-wristing" will help this situation, but I refuse to limp-wrist on purpose, as a firm hold is my natural grip. First, I put in +10% Wolff springs - helped a lot, but still one jam is too many, and I was getting 3-4 out of 50 - not acceptable at all.

So, I finally discovered it was a mag problem, not a gun-proper problem. I took the mags out, loaded them fully (they're supposed to hold 10, but with the Wolff springs, it takes an act of God to just get 9 in), then I simply manually pushed the top round out quickly with my thumb. A-Ha!! What happened? the next round was pushed all the way forward until it hit the front of the mag (about 1/4"), AND, more importantly, it was off-kelter with the nose SEVERELY down. I inserted the mag with slide open, released the slide and yep, it jammed way low. This consistently repeated every time there was 8 or 9 rounds in the mag. With 7 or fewer, the next round may or may not "jiggle" up to the top properly.

This is driving me nuts because the +10 springs should have fixed it. Perhaps dry-lube would work. Perhaps squeezing the rear of the feed lips closer together would keep the rear of the round down and therefore the nose up. The basic problem it seems, is that the mag spring/follower exerts too much pressure on the rear of the round relative to the front (i.e. not enough pressure on the front of the round relative to the rear). The problem persists with both the relatively "weak" factory mag springs and the +10s, and both with 45 and 400cb.

It also seems that the rounds are too short for the mag. If the front-to-rear dimension of the mag was shorter, then the round in question which is supposed to pop up would be prevented by the bullet nose from being pushed forward by friction from the round on top of it when it's fed, thereby preventing the lower round's nose from diving (i.e. if the round is kept flush against the rear of the mag liner, then the spring pressure will properly keep the nose from diving).

I have even dremeled down the front of the mags about 1/8" so that the "stuck-down" round about to feed will clear the front of the mag - but this doesn't do any good, because even though it will now clear the mag, it still sticks on the bottom of feed ramp - and it's not even close, so don't say lube or polish the feed ramp - that won't help. Bottom line to me is the Glock 30 sucks in terms of reliable feeding, and it's all in the mags- and don't tell me to use longer OAL or FMJ only - I don't want to, and should not have to.

This is perhaps a different topic from Glocks in general (which I still like, BTW), but does anyone have a suggestion for this problem?
My experience with Glock was a bit different and it took me fourteen years after the Glock's introduction to accept it.

For me, I was a 10mm fan in search of a suitable carry gun. The Delta Elite was to fragile from what I had heard and my two Smith & Wesson 1000-series guns left something to be desired for a daily carry gun. So there I sat at a show with $500 and a new Glock 20 with finger grooves in front of me. The salesman showed me the new grip and how it felt. I grimmaced and put my money down. All the way home I told my friend that my custom revolvers and fancy autos were going to make fun of the Glock for being soooooooooo uGlY.

Well, one trip to the range and 200 rounds later I was a believer. I'd never been able to shoot either Smith & Wesson this well and the recoil control was amazing. To boot, it weighed the same amount as my Colt Lightweight Commander.

Only malfunctions were linked to a bad mag. Once discarded, it has been 100% and it surgically accurate with 175-grain Silvertips.

Will I buy another?

Definitely a Model 29, but beyond that we'll have to see. I see little need for the other calibers in my carry battery, but who knows.

- Anthony
What was the title of this topic again?
It sounds like a miss gun usa pagent.
Glock is so ugly.... many anti gunners say that about all guns.

Glocks arent about beauty, they are tools. they fire bullets. they fire them consistently and without interruption. that is more than I can say about most guns.

The only gun as reliable as the glock is the Baby eagle By IMI. either gun has been drop testes, mud tested, and sand tested, and they continue to fire.

try loading up your 1911 drop it in a sand barrel and shake it up. throw it in mud, then fire it. If you live through it ....go out and buy a glock.

Glock is like the timex of guns. they take a licking and keep on kicking.

Every major gun manufacturer also sees this. they all have glock knock offs. only one problem.... none of them are reliable.

I have a glock and a kimber. I trust my life with the glock, the kimber is for play
My glock is not my favorite gun. There is nothing like a good 1911 for fun. But when something goes bump in the night I reach for my glock because it has never failed to fire for me. I compare the glock to an AK-47 in a few ways. Both were made to work pure and simple. Even though they are not the prettiest or the most accurate they work when the chips are down and that's all that counts.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
Hi To All:

In fairness, I am a Sig-Sauer fan; but I do
love Glock's also. Currently, I have both a
model 23 and 27 in .40S&W caliber. Yes,I
most definitely would trust my life to a

Ala Dan
Glock is the way to go for me. G30 45 !

Excellent gun for defense. I carry it for ccw and love it. I also love the G27 in 40S&W although it would be better if it were a 45 also!
A lot of good things but here's one negative,IMHO. The magazine release is cumbersome. The button too small, too much pressure required to release the mag = slow mag changes. (Yeah, I know I can replace it with an aftermarket, but I shouldn't have to).

In terms of "classic beauty", the Glock does not even qualify. But, on the other hand, it never intended to participate in that contest.

In terms of grip fit, this is an aquired taste and practice issue - much like wine.

In terms of weather, it is the ONLY gun to have if you live in a coastal salt air environment.

~Douglas in CT :)
I bought a Glock 27 two weeks ago. After my first range session with it I went home and burned all my other guns... Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. Anyway, it's the best handgun I own.
I've owned 2 Glocks. My first was a 26 and I currently have a 30. I would (and do) stake my life on either. IMHO, all a boy needs in this world is a Glock 30 and an AR-15.
I own two Glocks,a 19 and a 27. I also have a 357 Sig barrel for the 27. The Sig round in that gun is THE most accurate gun I've ever shot! Where you point that sucker.....is where it is headed!! Its so much fun to shoot. And I happen to think the 27 is a good looking gun,not that looks matter at all when you're talking about life or death matters. What I want when I pull that sucker out is to know that its reliable and accurate to do the job. Not,'gee.....this thing looks worse than my mother in law'. Its been battle tested and thats all I need to know.........
Accurace = accuracy ???
Anyyyyyyy waaaaaaaaays....
Yes sir , I give Glocks the big toe up!
Duuuuuuuh , go Glock go , duuuuuuuh.

"No Tailgating!"

[This message has been edited by SHORTFUSE (edited August 18, 1999).]
I purchased a Glock Model 29 10mm for concealed carry last week. I had been carrying a snub-nose wheel gun in .357 mag.
In the past, I have always been a mild Glock skeptic and avoided buying one. I guess I used to be like one of those skeptics who wouldn't have believed that the Earth was round when that was a new idea.

However, I took it to the range to try it out and was duly impressed. It felt good in my hands, had good sights, and was extremely simply to operate. The trigger was better than I thought it would be. The 10mm round was extremely accurate and actually had very little perceived recoil. This is one great gun!

I am now sold on Glocks. In fact, I traded two other handguns for a new Glock 21 .45 acp for home defense.

:0 :) :)
I think they are very good pistols. Are the best at any one thing? Probably reliability.

Accuracy, probably not, ergonomics, probably not.

But, if some of the Glockheads can stop spouting the brainwashed mantra of "Glock Perfection" maybe the rest of the true gun folks would not be so biased against them.

Whatever do you mean MarkCO?

Well, they have a few design issues, namely that you can't safely shoot lead in a factory Glock barrel, and all but the .380s and 9mms are undersprung, and the 5.5 pound factory trigger is, well, not primo :).

Put an aftermarket barrel, the right spring weight and set the trigger up correctly and you do have one great shooter.

I own nothing but Glocks, I have shot the others, know how to work on them and operate them, but I prefer Glocks.

But then, I also Load only on Lee's.

I'll catch a flame or two I am sure, but, hey, that's the fun part, right?!

Good Shooting, MarkCO
I picked one up today at the gunshop and tried to convince myslef that all you glock lovers can not be wrong but when I looked at it, held it, and tried that trigger, it was all over. You glock lovers are all wrong. Give me steel and walnut.
I accidently ran over my loaded Glock with my truck last weekend.
No scratches, nothing broke.
Took it up to the range and it ran like a champ.
Try THAT with your "Go-Go Gadget 1911 Jammamatic"
No flame intended Tony, but how did your loaded gun end up in your driveway or beneath your truck? Am glad to hear it passed the test though.
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