What Do You Take To Investigate "That Sound"?

What do you first grab to check out "That Sound"?

  • Semi Auto Pistol

    Votes: 100 61.0%
  • Revolver

    Votes: 26 15.9%
  • Hunting Shotgun

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Hunting Rifle

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • HD Shotgun

    Votes: 27 16.5%
  • HD Rifle

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Ball Bat

    Votes: 2 1.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Ddelange posed a good question:

What do you grab when you hear glass break, . . . a bump in the night, . . . a "Noise" that is not normal?

I take my CCW / nightstand handgun, a full sized 1911 with a total of 9 rounds of FMJ, and a flashlight (turned off), if it is something inside the house that I am more or less certain is benign, . . . but want to check out anyway.

I take my Beretta shotgun: 3 loads of #4 buck, 2 loads of 00 buck, 2 slugs if I have to go outside (again, checking some benign sound).

Any serious sounds will get the sheriff on his way while I hole up in the br.

Now, . . . how about the rest of you good folks?

May God bless,
I voted revolver...

But truth be told, when I first hear "that sound" I usually grab for the big maglight, but that wasn't a voting option. It's big, bright, and would be a great Shillelah. The .38 Special wouldn't be far behind.
I voted semiauto pistol, because that's what I have. I would have voted HD shotgun, but I still need to get one of those.

I have only so much of a gun budget, and I just spent it on a varmint rifle. But a HD shotgun is next on the waitlist. :)
For inside: Semi-auto pistol in .45, & and a bright LED flashlight.

Outside: Haven't had to go outside and probably will not. If I suspect something is (truly) going on outside, I have enough time to call the cops and take up a safe position inside protecting my family.
GP100 at my bedside, 870 in the closet. I have night lights in every room so I don't need the flashlight. I put the lights in when I got up to go to the can and stubbed my toe breaking it
I would go for a semiautomatic pistol.

But, that's only because I don't have a suitable shotgun for home defense. If I did, that would be my first choice.
I voted for Semi-Auto Pistol but I also have my cell phone & LED light.

BTW, I have a "new" puppy so I use the light first and formost because he is still getting used to the yard and he barks at everything at night. (He is usually giving the neighborhood cats the blues):rolleyes:
It's amazing how just the sightest "bump" in the night can cause that
.40 RAMI to jump into my right hand, and that LED flashlight into my left. :mad:

I've been a light sleeper since my military days, but lately it seems like
any little noise startles me awake. :confused:
I've been a light sleeper since my military days, but lately it seems like
any little noise startles me awake

You're not alone.

If I'm not really sure I heard anything I just take my beretta 96 and maglight, since I often have other people staying with me and I don't want to freak them out. Breaking glass or a forsurethereissoneinthehouse noise gets the 870 with streamlight.
Depends. Normally a Glock and a flashlight. However, there are snuffling and scratching noises which occurr from time to time on the outside walls that mandate a shotgun response w/spotlight illumination.
The only guns I own are tactical weapons. They include a AR15 tricked out with Eotech and surefire light, A Mossberg 590, A Kimber dessert warrior and my wifes SP101.

Most of the guns stay locked in the safe but the Kimber is always at my bed side. A shotgun is AWSOME but it limited in tight quarters. My AR is a little more handy and with the weapon light it is well suited to check out the thing that goes bump in the night. But like I said it is usually locked in the safe and by the time I got it out and all of the gadgits turned on the bad guys would have already made off with everything down stairs.

My .45 is my go gun as a wepon of convienance.
if its an inside noise i grab my 870. only holds five shells, but i dont think i'll need more than that inside. if i gotta go outside i grab the sks. hopefully i never have to drain 40+ rounds outside my house,but if i have to id rather be switching mags as opposed to reloading a shotgun.

I take Pounce:


20 months old, 103#; anyone want to enter uninvited?

If the "noise" happens? Pounce will be on the job, 911 will be called, and I will defend where I am. Come to me....GLOCK 17 and PARAORD Warthog in .45 awaits...that is if Pounce leaves me anything...
I take Pounce:

20 months old, 103#; anyone want to enter uninvited?
+1. Only mine is "Gipper," a 2-year-old female GSD, 85 pounds of solid muscle (she gets 30 minutes of continuous exercise 3-4 times per week).

Actually, I don't take her; she takes me. And I take Mr. Milspec and the nine dwarves.
Posted by Dwight55: "I take my CCW / nightstand handgun, a full sized 1911 with a total of 9 rounds of FMJ..........."

Why would you use FMJ ammo (inside or anywhere else) ??
If I hear something, the P2000 9mm on the bedside is what gets picked up because it's all I've got at the moment. Next on the list is an 870P or a Mossy 590, but only after I buy the M3X to attach to the P2000 (having to grab a separate light as is the current arrangement is rather inefficient).