What do you pack for backpacking?


New member
When I go on a longer hike, I normally take an OC spray (pepper mace) and a flare pen with me. Just in case and doesn't weight more than an additional sandwich would. There are not too many dangerous four- and two-legged creatures in the local woods and pastures, at least not as many as in the common city (two-legged then, for sure).

However, if I was allowed to (which, alas, I'm not) I would instead take a tiny .22lr with me which is a little more versatile and convincing, in case. I do so for example when I camp on our own (large) property, it's simply a good feeling to have a little more than a stick when there is only a tarpaulin between you sleeping and the pitch black night, even if there's no actual danger.

I just wondered what you would (or do) carry for backpacking and for which purpose - just the unspecific "in case", or explicitly SD, defense against predators, or foraging, survival...
For Backpacking, I bring a satellite phone on week or longer hikes. If its the right season for the wrong animals I bring Mike D, who doesn't mind carrying a .45 and .30-06. If I were to carry I'd bring a P229 with 1 magazine with alternating ammo.
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Depends on where I'm backpacking. If it's a summer trip in the Virginia woods, a small 22 revolver would be adequate. If the hike is along a salmon stream in coastal Alaska in August, no rifle I own is too big.
In your scenario, one of my Browning break down SA-22's.

In my neck of the woods, I would probably carry my full size Sig P250 in .45ACP. We have wild hogs and there has been a sighting of a Bigfoot in our County. :eek: Actually, I don't hike or camp since I got my fill of it in Nam.
When out in the woods and camping, my choice would be a short barreled, large caliber revolver and a very large knife.
If firearms aren't an option, then a good, solid walking stick that also can accommodate that very large knife into making a spear.
What do you pack for packpacking?


S&W 629-1 4 inch .44 magnum in El Paso 1942 holster.

And Tyler-T company is now up and running. The gun above has a Tyler-T brushed aluminum grip adapter on it now!

Action job to. And today I shot it at 10 yards with 240gr Spear half-jacketed HPs at 1000 fps. One ragged hole with all 6 shots!

For hiking, fishing, and backpacking I currently carry an early Charter Arms bulldog .44spl. with 3" bbl. Easy to pack and enough punch for anything I might run into, including CCI shot shells for snakes. I think the bottom line always comes back to carrying what you're comfortable with and can shoot well.
After years of backpacking and carrying various handguns from a 22mag mini revolver to a six inch 44mag, my backpacking handgun of choice is...
The Tokarev in 7.62.
Light enough, compact and thin, highly penetrative, and able to reach out to 100yds. Utterly reliable.
What do you pack for packpacking?

If its in bear country, I take my brother. I know I can always out run him...
LOL... If I was hiking in grizzly bear country, I would bring my shooting buddy.... he would probably bring a 10 gage shotgun loaded with 000 buck AND his 35 Whelan model 70, or maybe his 45-70 Marlin... or he might buy that 375 Ruger hawkeye he's been eyeing... But for sure he would have two capable long guns and two capable handguns...

Me ? I would probably bring a Glock 19 or Ruger GP-100, or a 1911.... I always figure that a 2 legged predator is more likely to ruin my breakfast than a 4 legged one is...
for defense against predators, I hike in trail running shoes and tell my buddies they are going to need their heavy sturdy hiking boots.
What do you pack for packpacking?

Mostly I carry on the trail the same as in town: my G27. If I am going hiking or camping in large black or brown bear country then I take my M29 4" .44 mag. But most areas the black bear are small enough I am comfortable with the G27.
I do most of my camping in Maine or Vermont where the biggest threat is black bears, although all the years I have camped there I have only seen one off in the distance and it was never a problem, and that wasn't even near out camp site we were a few miles away at that time. Until I get a .45 my woods gun has been my Beretta M9 with 147gr 9mm+P. My buddy who usually accompanies me on my camping trips carries a can of bear mace so I think the combination of the two is enough to save our behinds if need be. I also keep a big buck knife sheathed on my left side.
Deaf Smith

240gr Spear half-jacketed HPs at 1000 fps

Deaf, I'll pay you a dollar a piece for each one of those 1/2 jackets. Those have always been my favorite 44 bullet. I wished they still made them!
What do you pack for packpacking?

Where I hike/backpack, there is little chance of encountering the largest predatory species in my area, the black bear. Since two-legged "problems" are a more likely encounter, I simply pack the Glock 17, loaded with 147 gr XTPs, with two extra magazines of the same ammo.