What do you mean you can't send back 11 million illegals?

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Eleven million illegal border crossers (I think the number is actually approaching 30 million) got here without out our active assistance other than the attraction of higher wages and social bennies. The population can be thinned in the same manner. Do away with the social benefits like drivers licenses, welfare, food stamps, public education and stuff I don't know about.

A parallel activity is to begin active workplace enforcement. Perp walks for those who hire should be supplemented with imposition of the total cost of detaining the illegal border crossers the perp employed, all legal costs, and transportation costs back to a country of our choice. The perp is then fined. The taxpayer should not be penalized by having to pay to deport people who are here at the behest of employers breaking the effin' law.

Will my simpleminded plan rid the country of illegal border crossers? Not hardly, but it will thin the herd. Workplace enforcement will further reduce those wanting to stay. The numbers will be reduced in the US to a more manageable level and those who fled Mexico will go back to Mexico and hopefully conduct a good and proper revolution to fix the problem at the source. Bush's immigration "lack of policy" is a 3 ring circus of stupidity. In the center ring we have Mexico using the US as a vent to the social pressure building up in the country. Incenting illegal border crossers to return will raise the pressure.

On a more positive note, arguments about not being able to deport <insert number of choice> million illegals shows those who favor open borders are running out of arguments in support of their position.
First build a nice fence, and then start deporting the federal criminals, clear out our jails. This would be a great start. The money we would save from not having to baby sit their criminals would pay for the fence.

Or make the criminals build the fence free of cost, and then send em back:D
the more sources of illegal consumption are dried up...the more illegals will deport themselves...fortify a bank and the less criminals will attempt to rob it...
some one mentioned the 14th amendment. These people dont have rights. They arent Americans we dont have to give them any rights.
The surest way to solve the problem has been already mentioned. Fine the employers big time first offense. Triple it second offense and so on. They will get the message. When the jobs dry up, the hordes will not only exit, but the new hordes will not come either.

As far a the cost of produce costing $10, please try and at least make a credible argument.

Labor makes up 30% of the cost of produce. That's it. The rest is profit, land costs, distributer costs, transportation, retail costs, etc. Now watch real close. Around here a head of lettuce is about a buck, so labor is roughly 30 cents. If it costs a bit more where you live, it's simply transortation and storage costs. So let's hire only legal workers and raise it 25%. Now labor is 40 cents. Buy your lettuce for $1.10. Big sacrifice. BTW, the Pew Hispanic Institute just released a study showing illegal immigrants make up about 25% of the agricultural work force. Someone tell me why the other 75% who are legal residents/citizens are conveniently forgotten by the illegal advocate crowd? According to them, they don't even exist as no legal resident or citizen would do that horrible manual labor.

I imagine if guys in West Virginia are willing to go thousands of feet underground and risk cave ins and black lung in some coal mine for not much more, then picking strawberries in the fresh air would be a piece of cake comparatively. :cool:
quick points to ponder...i like numbers

What do these countries have in common?

Portugal, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, Somalia,
Austria, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Israel, Libya, Denmark, Finland,
Norway, Croatia, United Arab Emirates, New Zealand?

They all have populations of less than 11 million people....

What do these states have in common?

California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvani, Ohio

They are the ONLY states in the union with MORE than 11 million people...

Laid end to end, all 11 million of them would form a solid band around the borders of the 48 contiguous states.

There are an estimated 298 million citizens in the US. This works out to one illegal alien for every 27 lawful citizens in this country. Take four rows of seven chairs...one is reserved for a 'guest'.

There are 107 million citizens in Mexico...one in ten of them are here illegally.

We've got the 75th largest nation in the world hiding right inside our own.

It's a problem of enormous magnitude that's going to require an enormous effort to solve. More heat on the supply...increased border security, increased accountability for Mexico. More heat on the demand...incentives to avoid hiring undocumented workers, requirements to learn english, greater hurdles to obtain government support/education/etc... Increased education and smoothing of the process to get folks in here the legal way... All of them put together might make a dent in 10-15 years.
It is already illegal to hire and house illegals. It is illegal to provide welfare benefits to illegals. (facilitation of a crime) It's already a felony to use a fake Social Security card.

Fines? Fooey!
Use existing RICO statutes and SEIZE business assets.

Seize a few multi-million dollar businesses and send CEOs to prison for 20 years for RICO and there are suddenly no jobs for illegals at all.

Without housing, are illegals going to live under bridges or go home?

If ICE does not pick up criminal aliens when they are released from prison, then keep them locked up until ICE takes custody and deports.

If we run out of prison space, build gulags in the Aleutians, using alien convict labor.

If illegals are arrested FOR ANY REASON, deport them.

If national governments refuse repatriation of illegals, deport citizens of those countries, and refuse entry to their citizens.

Why is it so hard?

Fines? Fooey!
Use existing RICO statutes and SEIZE business assets.
A fine is a seizure of assets. It just has to be large enough to be a deterent, even if that means putting the business under. I don't like governemnt seizure without due process. Offends my libertarian side.
Truthfully, it offends mine too, but I don't think we have time to fool around with gradualy tweaking up fines til we find the "effective" fine level, and fighting over each increment in Congress.

I really want us to get a handle on this before OBL smuggles in some dirty nukes, or we have organized riots orchestrated from Mexico City.

There won't BE any warm and fuzzy feelings for aliens after that.

No hospitals

Yea, let um bleed in the streets!

If we run out of prison space, build gulags in the Aleutians, using alien convict labor.

We'll seize anything they have on them, anything of worth. Put them in camps, work them to death. Of course we'll have to cull the unhealthy ones at the door. Once they die off we can just incinerate them, saves burial space. Im pretty sure we can find a good plan to work off of if we look in the history books.

Lets be serious, we all (well, all but the CEOs) want illegal immegration to stop, but we don't need to stoop to those kind of levels. As a nation we ought to be able to come up with something better than SS tactics. Besides, jail is the last place i want these people (well, second to last, after back over the border). At least on the outside most of them try to work. On the inside they are 100% tax-payer burden.
"The answer is to come up with a way to legitimize people who want to work."


If they want to work....and pay taxes...and car insurance...and medical insurance...etc...etc....then sign them up. But no more wages by day and welfare by night

Every time I hear that they (illegals) take jobs nobody else wants I think.

Maybe I would take that job if the state paid my medical, my insurance , etc

Maybe I would take it if I didn't lose so much to Soc. Sec. , etc

I pay a lot for medical coverage....I will just send my family to the emergency room as indigents

They can afford to make less money because they do not participate in all the "costs" of being an American

I know a lot of (legal) mex/americans that are a fine example of the best attributes that immigration (legal immigration) can bring........

But thay are playing by the rules

Not just here for a handout
Yeah it's not like any other country in the world defends their borders.


Exactly how nice do you think we SHOULD be to criminals convicted
of rape or murder? Is there some reason we should make them real comfy?

They come here because it's rich pickings, and we don't enforce the laws.

You don't have to send them off! Just let the dollar drop to its real value in respect to foreign currency, do away with the rules that require free medical treatment and welfare for foreign nationals, do away with the rule that makes children born of foreign nationals in the US automatic citizens, do way with bilingual education, do what Stiofan and Carter suggest and seize a few businesses which hire them...they'll go away on their own.

We need more of this: http://www.nj.com/news/times/index.ssf?/base/news-1/1145607481198940.xml&coll=5

But make sure you give them guns on their way back to Mexico! Time to let them fix their own problems down there!
Without taking a stand Pro or Con, I wonder what is to be done about/with children of illegals that are born in the USA? They, unlike their parents, are citizens of the USA.
Only those born of US Citizens ARE US Citizens. Revoke the "citizenship" of those born prior to making such a change in the law.
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Anyone else think that the suggestion that immigrant labor could easily be replaced with our children is stupid?

A 16 year old is a great person to take the Saturday shift at Arby's. But I keep thinking that he might have something else to do M-F 8-4.

The only good replacement for foreign poor are our own poor. As we have plenty this shouldn't be a problem.
Anyone else think that the suggestion that immigrant labor could easily be replaced with our children is stupid?

Extremely stupid. Our children should be focused on receiving an education. (and my opinion is the substandard education our kids seem to be receiving are a bigger threat to the welfare of the nation that illegal immigrants).
A part time job if fine for teenage kids, as it provides an education at the same time it gives them spending money.

One added benefit will be a reduction in the number of people coming on here posting "I wanna by a moddle 1911 because its all steal and has good safteys".
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