Crows are protected under the Migratory Bird Act of 1918. It is illegal to harm a crow or to destroy and active nest....As I recall, he gets away with it on the crop depredation waiver.
Y'all are squeamish at the thought of eating crow.
Have you ever eaten catfish? Have you ever eaten shrimp?
Bottom feeders. Have you ever thought of the kind of crap that these animals eat?
Everybody likes wild hog, have you thought of the kind of crap a hog will eat?
Hogs will eat an entire crow, beak, feathers, and claws.
Sure a crow will eat some carrion, but they prefer good food such as pecans, corn, etc.
Wow, after all that, you say you have never eaten a crow!! ...I would just as soon eat a crow as a chicken from the squeamish part. But since I have never eaten crow I have no idea how they taste.
PT111 said:Buffalo wings are nothing but chicken skin, fat, gristle and sometimes bone dipped in some kind of sauce just to make it hot.