What do you do to support your gun habit?

I like the firearms pre-nup idea!! I'm not sure how you would word it or what it should say, but that is a great idea! If she won't agree to that I would say that would be a sure sign of trouble down the road.
Yes, a woman who is into guns is a good thing. However, a woman who's into guns and can't cook/won't learn to cook is a bad thing. There are a few other traits you might want to consider in a woman if you're into expensive hobbies.

I'm a CPA who wishes he was a cop. Too much overhead to survive on the income that cops make. Saving for college for my 5 kids and for retirement for me and my wife makes doing what I want to do impractical. Its not all bad, however. I do own my own firm where I set my own hours and dress code. The income is sufficient to support my shooting hobby and my aviation hobby sometimes.
That's an easy one -- poker. A couple of years ago, I found an inherent talent for poker, and now routinely make about $300-400 a week (aside from the income from my real job). My wife makes me put all of it but $20 in savings every time I win, but it still ads up pretty fast. The only problem is that my wife hates me playing poker, so she is trying to get me to quit, and now my trips to the table are being limited. It's still great though, realizing that everyone I play against is supporting my gun habit!!! :D
mental health professional

I am a mental health professional working towards my professional liscence as a counselor in Texas. Texas is great for gun laws, but not on spending money helping the mentally ill, so I scrape by using extra money at part time second jobs to support my gun "lifestyle".

Lifestyles are for normal folks, habits are for junkies :p .

During the day I work at a very well paying but mind-numbing, frustrating computer job, and at night I work at *gasp* a GUN STORE! :-D
I'm a network tech with an online company, pay isn't great but cost of living in this area is so low it seems like a lot more. Most of my paycheck has been going into my car and trying to get it paid off, but I've still managed to acquire an AR, a 1911 and soon a Sig :D After I pay off my car I'm seriously considering a sport bike, something like a Ninja 500. I just love my toys :)
I will be a college sudent in the fall but right now I work full time at an FBO(fixed base operation), fueling airplanes and catering to rich peoples needs; for $10 an hour. A few mornings a week I work a few hours at FedEx ground. I was considering dropping that but 50 bucks a week covers ammo! Plus when my IPSC club needed to send steel out to be cut I got it sent for 3 bucks per package (up to 150 lbs). More than one package but still cheaper, now the president loves me!
Well as of now I'm still a student. But I'll be graduating with a BS in nursing very soon, YES!!! I plan on making $20-$24 an hr. So I'll probably blow a good bit on guns, or at least for a while. I have saved most of my money from summer jobs in the past to pay for the guns I have now with the exception of my first 22 rifle my grandfather gave me and a 16ga shotgun I got from my other grandfather. On the girlfriend issue i consider myself to be very lucky. Living in the South (especially Alabama) it's very common to find girls that like shooting or hunting, or at least have no problem with guns. My girlfriend of over 2yrs likes to shoot my rifles and pistols, but not to big on shotguns. Oh, she wished i wouldn't conceal carry everywhere we go. Im thinkin' bout buying her a gun of her own. She handles my Springfield XD-40 quite well!
I'm an unmarried computer geek. (thats a little redundant isn't it?) But, hey its does pay the mortgage, and car payment, plus it lets me set some away for other toys, and plenty of Mountain Dew.
Gave up Women !! :eek: You have lots of extra money and time,for the better things in life like guns,shooting,motorcycles,cars...
I'm a TV editor/graphic designer. Single, so my money stays that way! Only recently got into handguns, slowly building my collection. Wish I would have gotten into this 10 years ago!
part time ups full time student

i have a few guns, enough for now, i have an XD-40 on layaway and will have it paid off by the end of the summer. after graduation all gun buying stops for probably three years while i work at UPS and another full time job and stock pile the money, being young and poor is one thing when you are a student but being young and poor when you are a quasi responsible person sucks. after the three years it will defiantely be time for something new and spiffy or old and cool. :D currently i just dump my pocket change into a jar and try to hold onto it.
I'm a 23 year old college student, doing the Army weekend warrior thing, ROTC (they pay pretty well actually) and working. Over the last 2 years I've gone from a small collection of hunting guns, to owning 15 weapons (including a Bushmaster Modular Carbine w/Eo-Tech, AK-47, Springfield V12, SiG 220, Glock 32, Beretta 92FS, and a bunch of other cool toys). How did I do it? Don't go to bars on the weekend, don't eat out, watch the small things in your budget and most importantly make your dates pay their own way (or they pay your way. haha! Trust me guys, it works). But now I have a huge collection (my gun safe is getting crowded) and I no longer have to worry about saving up for new guns, and have been spending my "gun money" on other activities (try skydiving, its pretty wild). And best of all when I find a "serious girlfriend" and we merge our finances, I'll never have to listen to nagging about how much money I'm spending on toys. To sum it all up, live poor when your young and get lots of toys, than when you have a somewhat "complete" collection, you can devote your finances to new expensive hobbies, while still enjoying your pervious investment.
Electrical design engineer

I make more than some and less than others. I just got a check back from the government for a little over 4200$ and half’s going for a HK SLR-8 with internal scope. N frames are my favorite and I also collect Civil war guns, I have an 1856 Burnsides carbine that I am working on.
To me it’s a hobby that allows me to be with friends and people that are the better part of America. For I truly believe that if your not a gun owner and are one of the anti-gunners, then you don’t believe in the constitution.
And if you don’t believe in the constitution, then you’re not an American.
The more you make, the more you spend. When my wife was in College, I use to say I couldnt wait until she was done so we could have more money. Well, now she is done, we do ok but have a much larger house payment, a new car, and those dang student loans. I too thought about taking up a part time job for fun stuff. Once I get everything caught up around the house, I plan on selling stuff on ebay to make a few extra bucks for my toys.
I'm 15 and will be getting a job when summer rolls around until then I ask for guns on every occasion where I recieve a gift (christmas, birthday) My parents also give me money for getting good grades. I'm up to 6 guns in two years of shooting so I'm doing alright however, none of them cost more than $150.

When I graduate from highschool I am going to enlist in the Marines. How much actual SPENDING money does a Marine earn?


Sounds like, me. Though, I'm going Army(same pay, better life). In the last thing the Marines sent me, I think they mentioned something on the lines of $1200 a month out of boot camp? Add that with all branches of the service getting 30 days of paid vacation.. good deal for me ;)

On the Girlfriend/Spouse note..
The girl I hope to hook up with is an avid shooter :D Better than I am to...
True that. I had a friend who loved the Army boot camp, said it was challenging, but not over the top. Just need to shave a couple mins off my mile and I am ready :P
I work part-time at a laser printer service and supply shop. Not great money, but I am only just 18, single, and living at home. I will probably have to stick with just buying ammo for a while, as college is looming very fast, and my rig seems to always have something that has not quite recovered from being rolled. And with gas at $2.50 a gallon... :barf: