What do you do to support your gun habit?

Instead of buying jeans and shoes (after all how many pairs of jeans and shoes does one girl need?) I'm going to buy tons of ammo and another gun.
im sure all the guys on this board will chime in too but, thats my kind of gal! :)

My girlfriend has so many new clothes on the hooks never worn its ridiculous.
I'll pick on the terminology used a bit and say I don't consider it a habit, but a lifestyle. Granted, not all LEO think like this, but I do. That said, no one goes into LE to get rich, myself included. Purchases are made when I can afford them, income tax returns and the like. Unfortunately, it always seems that as soon as I get some $$$ set aside for a gun purchase, I either have to spend the money on medical bills, or the car breaks. It never fails. :rolleyes:
Humm... well i'm a student normally so i might take a bit of my finatial aid tword it when it finally comes through...

but right now i'm working temps... ohh and when i need that little bit of cash for ammo theres alway selling your plasma...

Will work/give plasma/pimp self out for ammo...

I trade bonds (as in "stocks and bonds") professionally to support this wickedly expensive habit/lifestyle I find myself immersed in. Thanks to all you fine folks for helping teach me the ropes.

I'm a chiropractor which, thanks to God, provides me with enough money to save for my retirement AND support my shameful gun habit! Just went and bought my first 1911 (a S&W) today!! :p

I'm unmarried, by the way, and want to buy the bulk of my guns before Miss Right comes along and tells me "NO!" while shaking her finger at me like she would at a carpet-pissing dog!
I'm a student in disposable income / bar mode so I'm never able to save long enough without spending it. I count on Christmas and Birthdays.

I graduate in a year with a Finance degree and hopefuly I will be able to buy 3 or 4 guns a year, a nice big safe, and some other goodies.
hey tjhands,

Ever consider that "miss right" won't shake her finger but ask which gun is hers? They are out there. That's what makes them "miss right".
When I was single, I purchased what I wanted when I wanted it. Prior to getting married, I purchased every gun that I "thought" I needed. Got married and things changed a lot. One guy told me to just buy two guns instead of one as you catch the same amount of he$l. Sometimes it is not only about money.

I set aside cash for gun purchases and build up those funds as is possible from my "allowance". Yes, we budget and I try to adhere to the budget when ever possible. The gun fund also gets used for emergencies as well. That money just appears when needed! Tis life.

I find myself floating from one major hobby to another over time. Currently it is guns. Life is fun! Enjoy it as you only get one shot!
I haven't done it much lately, but I worked as a sub paper carrier. I like to get up early as does my Golden and the exercise is good for both of us. When I was active at this, I made as much as 2000 annually. All of this went to my gun habit. There were a couple of Christmas's that I was delivering in a very wealthy neighborhood and I got a couple of hundred in tips. The last winter that I delivered I fell twice on the ice and decided to give it up. I still fill in for my neighbor and other selected routes in good weather. When I retire, I may do more of this in good weather.
Technical Project Management pays the bills and some $$ left over for toys. My SO is not expensive (she is a social worker who buys nice furniture from yard sales and Craig's list - quality stuff for much cheaper if you are willing to hunt).

My only vice are my guns now. It used to be my PS2 and computer but have switched completely to my firearms hobby. So after I recover from my lastest junket to the far east, next month it will be gun hunting time again...
I work at a car dealership selling parts during the day and work on guns at night. But still don't make enough to afford all the guns I like. :mad:
I'm 15 and will be getting a job when summer rolls around until then I ask for guns on every occasion where I recieve a gift (christmas, birthday) My parents also give me money for getting good grades. I'm up to 6 guns in two years of shooting so I'm doing alright however, none of them cost more than $150.

When I graduate from highschool I am going to enlist in the Marines. How much actual SPENDING money does a Marine earn?

I have a job that might be considered well paid in some communities, but in this town in the SF Bay area it was the median income 12 years ago.

To supplement and pay for the 1000-1200 rounds/mo and entry fees for competiton I worked at the Chabot Gun Club's Public range as a range safety officer. They pay about $7/hr or so, free range entry and use of facilities.

Sometimes fun, sometimes stressed. Can't shoot while on duty so it is sort of like being an alcoholic in a bar and not allowed a drink.
i'm a pi and legal photographer in pgh pa. i collect guns, edged weapons and fractures [ i got a really cool set of images of my skull one slice at a time from the top pov.] my wife is a computer geek at cmu and she has a mod 66 and an 870 and thats all she gives a damn about the guns. as i just got paid in advance for a good case i bought another 1897 and i'm thinking about a nice frommer-stop i saw the other day.
Someone else already mentioned this, but I save a ton of money every year by driving a POS. My car, which I do still love, is fifteen years old, 168,000 miles and still going strong, and I paid cash for it five years ago. I do all my own work on it when necessary, change my own oil - which drives all my snooty condo neighbors nuts, so I enjoy it even more - basically spend nothing on it other than elbow grease and sweat. I save on my tag every year as the car is valued at $700 and so I am charged the minium, and my insurance is also really cheap even though I cary a good amount of coverage. Compared to the average citizen, I probably save around $6000 every year just doing that, and my car gets me to work and the range just fine, and it's not even ugly, really.

The savings account is also an excellent move. http://www.ingdirect.com is an excellent place for anyone who does not already have a savings account. They'll give you $5 or $10 just for opening one, have NO fees, the highest rates for a savings account, do transfers between your existing checking account, and can do automatic transfers. Time that with your paycheck and you'll never miss the money and you'll be surprised how fast it adds up. I've been a customer of theirs for a couple of years now, and am very happy with them. Don't loan Uncle Sam any of your hard earned money for a year without interest by witholding too much tax. That's just silly.

As for the GF and marriage, you can always add some sort of firearm provision into a pre-nup. That's at the least. I got lucky and found a really good one who enjoys shooting with me. She asked her dad for a shotgun last Christmas and got one. Her favorite gun is my M1 Garand. Now any chick who's cute and LIKES to shoot, let alone a 30-06, is a keeper in my book. I'll still have the firearm provision in the pre-nup, though.