What do you carry daily?

Daily carry

One Seecamp 380 back pocket
One wallet
One Emerson CQC 7, well used from tactical pizza cutting (last night I used it on King Crab at a japanes girl Karaoke party, you ever try to eat giant crab legs with just a set of chopsticks?)
One wad of $$

All else is superfluous.

Lead Counsel, with all due respect, I was never a mild manner attorney and I used to do divorces and criminal defense and never saw the need for a vest...I had plenty of enemies too

The odds are probably greater that you will be seriously injured or killed by a blow to the head, especially when driving for hours every day. Have you considered wearing a helmet? I don't wear a vest at all and carry 50-70% of the time. Living in a rural area I go many days without encountering any people at all, so I don't need to be on alert that often. I do have a buck or kershaw with me always however.
To he who said "surefire e2d at night"

I carry mine in the ay too. If the power goes out like in LA and im in a large building on campus, where we have no backups, it could be very nice to have.
Thanks for reminding me guys. I carry a Surefire flashlight (G2), I think?? Swiss Army knife, Sog Folding knife with thumb assist and one of those little LED blue lights on my keys. Great little light and really bright in a pinch!
While a helmet would be a good idea, I don't think the sacrifice of visibility or peripheral vision is a good trade off. And, I think I'd look like and feel like a clown. Besides, how am I supposed to hear my blaring heavy metal music! :)

Alaska, what is the crime rate, population, and the race composition of Anchorage? I suspect it's much safer than Metro Denver or any other big city.
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Alaska, what is the crime rate, population, and the race composition of Anchorage? I suspect it's much safer than Metro Denver or any other big city.

Not that crime statistics mean anything, but metro Los Anchorage Alaska has a far higher violent crime rate than Metro denver, as did my old res in NY.

I prefer to live my life less encumbered.


The only reason I don't carry it during the day is, I usually leave it for my girlfriend who travels more than I do. When I go back to the apartment later in the day, she'll be back home and then I'll resume carrying it. If I had the extra money, I'd have another one. I don't right now.
It's not really that awkward or encumbering. It's about 5% limiting to normal activities but, much like sports gear for football for instance, I suspect I would forget it's even on in an emergency. It won't interfer at all with my running, diving for cover, etc.

Denver is a relatively "safe" city for the most part, but one never knows....
I usually carry a bushmaster AR Shorty and a flak jacket,If im just going to the Mall,I got a Para P14 and a strider mk1 knife
Can't carry in MA where I live (I have a 'restricted' license) so I have at ALL times my Smith & Wesson Swat full size folder clipped to my right hip pocket.
Oh, plus cell phone, keys and wallet.
Alaska, what is the crime rate, population, and the race composition of Anchorage?
up here race has little to do with the likelihood of violent crime. we take pride in our equal opportunity criminals.
violent crime occurs in EVERY neighborhood of Anchorage, from the high-society oil-baron and doctor communities that live on hillside to the middle class man living in spenard/turnagain to the slums of mountainview.
in my middle class neighborhood we dont bother calling 911 to report 'shots fired' if there is less than four shots heard.

I carry my firearm in a number of diffrent ways varying on where I am and what Ill be doing that day. I carry either my SA XD 40 4" in the SOB IWB holdster, or in the 3:00 position in the OWB holdster. The XD is alternated with the USP40 full size. The USP is carried cocked and locked. If im going to be in a situation were I can't carry it on me, like going to the hospital, i carry it in my pack. Then secure it in a locker. I also have a Winchester folder I keep cliped to my right pants pocket. Along with the wallet and keys. Unless again, Im in the hospital wearing my scrubs. Not but one pocket on them, so wallet and keys locked in locker with the knife and gun.
"......... bears when camping in the Rockies (but that's a different story altogether and not your normal carry)."

But that IS my normal carry.

Actually, it depends on where I am at the moment, but bears are possible about anywhere around here.

Keys, extra set of keys, Swiss army knife, small locking folder, ear plugs, wallet, checkbook, Leatherman, Surefire E2E in Carhartt leg pocket.

Daily dog walks not up on the mountain, Smith Model 24, single speedloader in belt case, or Ruger 45 Colt SA, 6 rounds in pocket, and Winchester 94 carbine, cartridge belt w/ 25 rounds carbine loads, 4 or 5 small game/snake loads in my pocket, Randall knife, dog rope.

Camping/hiking up on the mountain, 45-70 Browning lever gun, 45 Colt Ruger SA.
1 of 3 depending on a bunch of different things.

Main carry: Colt Combat Commander .45acp + 1 spare mag
Option 1: Taurus Millenium Pro 9mm + 1 spare mag
Option 2: Taurus M85 .38spc + 1 speed loader
leadcounsel, with all due respect - in a separate post, you were arguing that a spare mag was unnecessary, but you wear a vest? I'll grant that risk tolerance is subjective, but ... ?? I don't mean that necessarily as criticism. I'm more surprised you'd find a vest an acceptable precaution, I guess.

Anyway, when I'm out & about in KY (my job has me travelling somewhere in the state about once a week), aside form wallet/keys, I carry:

Springfield XD 40 or Kimber Ultra Carry .45
yes - a spare mag for either
light (either an M3 for the XD or a flashlight since the .45 has no rail)
cell phone

That's it. Even with all that, as I've said before, I feel like a skinny pale Batman sans cape with anything else hanging on my belt.
At work, lately, self-defense-wise, I've been carrying a Kel-Tec P11 in a pocket and a spare mag in another.

In my other pockets, I carry a flashlight, two sets of keys as heavy as my gun, and a wallet thick enough to choke a hippopotamus. I carry a knife and scissors on my belt, and a cellphone on the other side of my belt.

I guess I have so much non-tactical stuff a spare mag has always seemed like a drop in the bucket.

On my own time, I still carry my airlite revolver with a speedloader in the same pocket. One set of house/car keys and my wallet. And I go barefoot whenever possible. I'm much more comfortable on the weekend.
When I am carying everything I want/can, I normally carry:
glock 19 with 2 spare mags, cell phone, keys, mini mag light, all on my belt, and a wallet in my pocket. Occasionally, I will also carry a S&W 637 in my other pocket.

I recently have acquired a knife that I want to start carrying (if I can find the room)

However, depending where I am at/how forgetfull I am, I will only have my wallet and cell phone.
The best offense is a good defense. I always carry my brain and feet... the rest vary depending on the situation and environment.

I'll reiterate and ellaborate my other posting:

I look at this whole thing like a football team. You wouldn't go into a game without a solid offensive and defensive strategy! why approach self defense differently?


Lethal self defense situations are unexpected and rare, but still occur and I refuse to be a victim. Hence, I carry a gun generally a .40 with 10 shots and a folder knife. Why only 10 shots? MOST shootings are 3-4 shots; carrying 2 or 3 mags with 20, 30, 40 rounds seems ridiculous for a civilian (unless you have a specific need) in my opinion. I have 3 times the number of bullets in my gun than the average shooting. I'm comfortable with that. Add to that the added weight, inconvenience of a spare mag and the "printing" of yet another CCW item... I'm just not interested in carrying something that will never be practical (same is true with a utility tool or OC, it would just gather dust). In order for me to legally USE that gun, I have to be faced with a situation leading me to believe my life (or the life of another) is in danger of imminent serious bodily harm or death, each and every time I shoot. I cannot see in any realisitc scenario where I need to decide more than 10 times that my life is in danger. Some have said it's for fast reloads in the event of a magazine failure or jam. I have also all but ruled that out and know that my gun won't jam and if it does than I can clear it faster than someone can load a separate magazine. If I thought my gun would jam under stress, I'd get a different gun, possibly a revolver.

I'm physically fit, strong, and trained in martial arts. Someone could certainly whip my @ss and this could very well turn lethal during or after the @ss whipping. However, I can defend myself to some degree physically, generally long enough to gain the ability to draw my gun. That being said, it's a bad idea to engage in a fistfight and it'll be avoided unless I'm jumped; the only scenario where I'll get tangled in a fist fight. In that case I can likely grappled until I can can control of the situation and/or break free. I'm carrying a gun and can quickly draw and accurately shoot to counter any @ss whipping which may turn lethal.

IMO the most likely (both in occurance and really life threatening) "life threatening" scenarios involve an opponent with a weapon; as I don't have any lethal enemies, this will LIKELY come in the form of an armed mugging or armed robbery or car jacking. The most popular weapons, based on statistics from my city police department for assaults, robbings, etc. is the gun and knife. So, I've decided that's important enough to defend against.

Most criminal types commited to common violent crimes tend to carry knives or small caliber handguns that are cheap, use cheap ammo, are easy to use and easily concealable. These include the .32, .380, 9mm, .38, and to a lesser extent the .40.

Most human vitals are located center mass and in the head. Most trained shooters shoot center mass because it's easy to hit and the head is harder to hit. Non trained shooters just aim and shoot. Either way, center mass is about 35% of a person's body and contains most of ones' vitals. While I can keep most non-armed attackers subdued for at least long enough to get my pistol, there's little I can do to avoid getting injured if I'm shot or dying if I'm hit center mass. I own lots of $500 guns. Instead of buying another gun I've "invested" $450 in a comfortable, flexible, light weight level II vest which will stop the above mentioned "common" calibers in the parts of my body that are easiest to him, would likely be aimed at, and if injured would result in quick and painful death. The vest is passive (like a seatbelt, helmet, etc.) and requires no training or care. I just put in on and that's it. I have no statistics on the increased survivability, but if I were in a gun fight, I'd sure rather have 1 vest and 1 gun than 2 guns and no vest.

My real vulnerability comes with pointy objects and i've not developed any real strategy for handling them, other than to avoid them. They will defeat my ballistic vest and a person trained with a knife is a very real threat. My hope is to have enough time to draw and shoot. Further, it takes a REAL cold blooded person, or generally a person psychologically BENT on HURTING YOU IN PARTICULAR to stick a knife in you, particularly without any warning. So, while someone could jump from the shadows and backstab me, it's highly unlikely. Knife attacks, IMO, will likely be telegraphed at least for a moment to give me time to draw. I know, I know, a person can engage with a knife at 20 feet in 2 seconds.... but I can also run away while I'm drawing, right? Distance is my friend! If someone runs at me with a knife, you better believe I'm doing my best to distance myself while drawing. I can cover probably 30 feet in 2 seconds so as long as they're 5' away when I aim, I'll win.

In summary, I can adequately defend against most unarmed physical assaults. I can do a very good job at defending against (by dodging, taking cover, moving away, etc.) and countering (drawing and shooting) most lethal attacks if given about 2 seconds notice (and, other than the non-existent hit men in my life, who want to just kill me?). I am vulnerable to surprised lethal attacks, but my vest will stop small caliber torso shots from any direction, which would be instant death dealers. My offensive capabilities to return or counter an attack are good. I can have 10 shots with greater than 90% one-shot stopping power, and I'm hard pressed to imagine a realisitc scenario where I would need any more than 10 shots because urban predator BG types that want to rob you tend to flee when they're being shot or shot at.

Finally, if there were real professional cold blooded types that had a contract to do me in, nothing I carry or wear is going to save me. It is what it is. Play the odds and LIVE. HE who lives longest, wins!