What do you carry daily?


Just wondering where I fit in the mold. In addition to keys, wallet, and whatever else, some routinely carry gun, spare mags, spare guns and mags, mace, flashlight, rifle or shotgun in the car, etc.

I carry my .40 XD 3" religiously or my KT P3AT when I can't conceal the .40. I wear my level IIA vest "usually" and when the temp is below 90 degrees (comfort only). I occassionally carry a Columbia river or S&W 3" pocket or boot knife. Even that little bit of stuff seems to really weigh a person down in the civilian world.... considering mace. Mace might be useful for vicious dogs, bears when camping in the Rockies (but that's a different story altogether and not your normal carry).

Any thoughts...?
I wear my level IIA vest "usually" and when the temp is below 90 degrees (comfort only).

You wear a bullet proof vest daily? Are you LE? What is your job?

I carry my wallet and keys. I'll be purchasing my Glock 27 this week. I'm selling one of my bows to get it. Conservation of toys....
As to the vest, yes I wear one nearly daily. I'm a mild mannered attorney with no real enemies.

My thought process:

I own guns because the 2nd Amendment is a deep belief of mine.

I also believe that the world is unpredictable and violent (Ala 9/11, NOLA, LA riots, Watts, Beltway snipers, and untold violence in the history of the world and on a daily and regular basis).

I decided to start carrying in '02 when Colorado joined the ranks of "shall issue" CCW states.

I also study history alittle and believe alot can be learned from history. A look back at history tells us that many many many people were killed by a 9mm or smaller caliber bullet shot to the torso. This is something that modern technology can protect us against for only $500, or for most people about 1 week salary.

I also decided about 6 months ago that if I truly believe the above, and I carry a gun for those just in case moments, then it only makes sense to also wear a light vest which will stop a .40 caliber or less, which are the most common tools of BGs.

Owning one is also great for those middle of the night investigations of strange noises. I just put it on, grab a few things, and go investigate.

I also drive 2 hours per day and understand that it is also a benefit in car accidents.

It could be the best $500 I've ever spent, or could be a waste of time and money... but I'm glad I own one. Will it protect me from a 9/11 event? No. Will it protect me from the garden variety crime that I'm likely to be a victim of at some point. Well, if I carry a gun, I expect someone to use deadly force against me. Why not complete the package with a vest which protects the vitals in the torso against the more common calibers?

So, the answer is that I wear it much of the time and only skip it when the temp is simply too high.

I don't know much about vests. Could you provide a link to the vest you wear? I'm interested in seeing what they look like, and how bulky it appears to be. Your logic makes perfect sense. And being a lawyer, your employment has probably created you a few more enemies than my job as an engineer does... :D

This is one of many links, you cans earch if you want more pictures.


I got the Bronze IIIA, I wish I had gotten the Gold II. I got it when I was working security, and hardly wore it due to the weight/heat. Still is nice to have though for those house checks when you here something odd. I got mine on a sale at one of the cop shops, new and about $300. While you probably won't get that good a deal, they can be bought for under 500 in many places. Make sure to check state laws, some places ban the wearing of armor. TN is ok with it, if you don't commit a crime.

My daily carry consists of a Glock 23 and one reload. I do not carry a flashlight on me (in car), or a mace, and seldom even a pocket knife (though I do at times). The sidearm, a reload, and my cell phone. That is it.
I got mine from the very helpful and knowledgable people at www.bulletproofme.com

I tend to over research products before I buy and am also price sensitive. I got the best product for my $450, which was a level II vest. I think the II will stop .38, some .357, 9mm, and .40 if memory serves.

I'm a fit 6"1" 200 lb guy and it fits well but could be an inch shorter for sitting b/c it rides alittle higher than comfortable, but no big deal. Make sure you measure exactly. I can wear it with minor discomfort. Makes me look like I gained about 10+ pounds in the torso, but not noticeable to anyone unless they touch or hug you (e.g. dating).

If you're on a budget they also sell used vests and give explanations on the site. Used ones, I understand, are just as good as new.

And check legality. CO is a gun friendly state. NY is not.
not old enough to carry...but around the house the following.

wilson CQB 1911 in a milt sparks holster/belt (its one of my dads rigs)


keys w/ koppo stick


surefire/spare mag

uh I think thats it....

i need a knife...

What I carry daily...

Taurus PT140 (soon to be replaced with Kimber Ultra Carry II stainless)
Spare Magazine
SureFire E2D
Gerber Paraframe I TiNi
Wallet with ID's credit cards, minimal (if any) cash
Cell phone
Newports and ligher

Book bag with PDA, Calc, Books if im goin to/from class.
I'm not old enough to concealed carry, but I always have my Brend-boker folder, keys, and my wallet on me :D When I drive back and forth to work on the weekends I carry my USP45F with a spare mag.

people like us

What is it with people like us? I carry a handgun, spare ammo, at least one knife in addition to my wallet, cell phone, keys, hat and sunglasses. I feel NAKEDA without my gun and knife. i also go out of my way to aviod trouble.
I carry mace, knives(usually one in my pocket, and one in my purse) and a flashlight. I don't always carry my gun, I don't have lockers at my work and until I find someway to carry on my body while working, I seldom carry at work. Outside of work I have my Glock 26 at all times.
When I'm not at work I carry my wallet, keys, small pocket knife, and a para ordnance P-12 .45 acp in a IWB holster. If I'm leaving town I also carry two spare mags in a belt pouch.

I can't carry at work, my company has the ignorant policy that "no firearms are allowed on company property, even in your personal vehicle, if you are caught with a firearm you will be fired" :mad:
At the most I carry a .38 Official Police loaded with .38+P Silvertips at 4 o'clock on my hip under the sportcoat, double speedloader pouch at 3 o'clock. A .38 Detective Special loaded with regular .38 Hydrashok in my left pocket, two DS speedloaders in my right pocket along with carkeys, change, 6 glazer rounds that I load at night while at home, a pocket knife. I carry my wallat in my left inside coat pocket, a hankerchief in my left back pocket, a watch left arm a cell phone at 9 o'clock on my belt, a writing pen in my shirt pocket a checkbook in my right inside pocket.

Every once in a while just to stay familiar with autos, I will carry my .45 1911 A1 G.I. Springfield with 7 rounds in the magazine and 1 in the chamber cocked and locked in place of my Official Police and put a 7 round magazine in my right pocket.
Depends on where I'm at..... Most times my Kel-Tech .32 with hollows (when I'm just going about my everyday stuff) . When I'm out in the woods or into the main part of the city for any reason, Subcompact .45 with Hydra-Shok's
Daily: .45 Auto, folding utility knife, cell phone, small hi-power flashlight in belt clip case. 2 extra mags for .45. Thats about it. Been thinking about a defense spray or taser of some type, but don't want to walk around looking like I have Batman's utility belt on. :D

One semi-auto holstered either IWB, OWB strongside, or Shoulder.
S & W 642
Beretta Folder
(at night) Surefire Executive Defender
- sometimes a spare mag, sometimes not.

Wallet. Keys. Cell Phone. Pen.