what do you carry concealed ?

Shoulder Holster or Paddle holster both hold the same thing

I carry a S&W Sigma .40VE with alternating PMC Starfires and Wolf hollowpoints, and regular target ammo in my spare clip (I'm a poor college student...)
Either .45acp or .38 +p.....both w/lasergrips.

Useally a Taurus M-85 ss, or more and more often a East German Makarov, the Mak is more comfortable and provides four extra rounds. I am more accurate with the Mak, but I trust the revolver more.
Glock 26 or P-64

Normally, i carry my Glock 26 with Remington Golden Saber 124gr. +p's in a Bianchi IWB. It's pretty comfortable and underneath an unbuttoned short sleeve shirt, completely concealed.

Occasionally i'll grab my P-64 ( Polish milsurp, resembles a PPK, 9x18mm, Hornady 95gr. XTP's ) when i need something a little narrower than my Glock.
Depending on season, mood and style:

Star PD .45 (aluminum frame, SA)
Star BKM 9mm (aluminum frame, SA)
Colt "Pony" Pocketlite .380 (aluminum frame, light DAO thanks to a previous owner)

I have carried others but these three are a good compromise of weight, size, shootability and dependability. The 9mm is my usual; underpowered by modern standards but I'm most accurate with it.
True confessions of a concealed carry fanatic.

I carry at least one handgun everywhere I can legally take one, including church. I believe homeland security is job one for every American. Here's what I carry:

1.) S&W Sigma 9VE 9MM semi-auto (17 rounds +1 in the pipe, and extra 10-round clips)
2.) Taurus 65B .357 Magnum (6-shooter) -- 39 ounces of raw power
3.) Rossi 351 .38 Special, 2" barrel (5-shot) --24 ounces, all steel, no alloys
4.) Raven P25 .25ACP semi-auto (6+1 in the pipe); I call her my "GET OFF ME" gun.

I know I'll get burned for admitting I carry a Raven on occasion, usually as a BUG. But you wouldn't believe the consistency and the accuracy at 10 yards! I even dropped my Raven into the toilet once, clip and all! (Some of you probably think I should have flushed her down!) I wiped it dry with toilet paper, dried off the ammo and the clip, and took it to the range to test-fire it. She never missed a beat! Not my first choice by a long shot, but it beats the custom 1911 that my friend left back in the safe on a hot day because we were wearing shorts and T-shirts. At least I could throw my Raven at a bad guy if necessary.
Concealed Carry

A S&W 3913 9mm currently loaded with 115gr. Rem. +P+ JHP's. In warm weather I carry a S&W 340 loaded with 129gr. Federal Personel Defense 357 mags.