What condition are you in in church?

guess it means that I accept the fact that the mathmatical odds of something likke that happening while I'm in church, are so low, that I figure if it happens, then it is truly meant to be
blasphemy! he has blasphemed! how dare you bring up something logical such as mathematics in a thread discussing concepts so far removed from logic such as faith!

now dont you all get overexcited, the above remark was made in jest.
blasphemy! he has blasphemed! how dare you bring up something logical such as mathematics in a thread discussing concepts so far removed from logic such as faith!

Faith is the most logical thing in human nature. It's paradoxical that you use faith in math as logical and faith in God as not logical. People used to think the world was flat. It has been proven not to be. I wonder if we'll ever discover 2+2 can equal 5? That seems illogical now but ya never know.
I don't understand what the big deal is about carrying a gun in the worship service and did I read someone say I think in Alabama it's illegal to carry a gun in church? I wonder why?
first post here!

First off, take it easy on those checking out the chicks at church! They might marry one of them someday! I did anyway :)

I would say I'm pretty much entirely unattentive during worship, and deliberately so. As far as the message, in general I hear the first 15 minutes, and them my mind invariably wanders off to la-la land. Yes, I'm the one staring blankly at you while you're pouring your heart and soul to me. Sorry, can't help it. Use my name when you yell or something.

I'll be carrying in a few months, once class and papers go through, but I entirely intend to carry everywhere legal. Frankly, most of the crazies I've ever met have been at the church. Not a knock on churchgoers, just drifters and weirdos. Being a Christian fairly well mandates that I'll befriend them at my own risk anyway. It's worth it.
man i hope the devil don't show up you guys will blast him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the devil does show up, it's 2 to the scaly midsection and one right between the horns. I'd suggest FMJ in case he's wearing a brimstone vest. :D

When in church I do my best to concentrate on the message, but the mind wanders. That doesn't mean I'm not a believer ... just means like all people I can't concentrate all the time. Used to happen in college, too -- but that didn't mean I didn't believe education was good or even that the class wasn't important to my future.

I'm always unarmed at church and pretty green. If there were signs of problems I wouldn't have any problem doing otherwise (there was actually a murder/suicide at my last church many years ago, though no one but the wife with a CCW could have done anything) but until there are ... well, can't be cocked and locked all the time.
I'm a full time employee of my church... I'm on of the tech geeks... specifically the one who sits in front of the 8 foot soundboard and runs it.

You know who one of the top 3 people i go to for advice on firearms? The senor pastor. He's a BIG gun advocate. Huge.

One time he was hunting and bagged himself a bear, however, he couldnt get it to the taxidermy dude in time so he brought it back down the mountain and put it in our walk in freezer. :D

Imagine the surprise of the little ole lady who walked in there the next day trying to get at the ice cream or something... True story. There are pictures somewhere...
Many things are in Gods hands. "The Lord helps those who help themselfs"...along with my M85CH, right front pocket from the rear pew against the wall, full view of all coming and all going.......condition 1 at all times........
Another of our TFL members, and my nearby neighbor just a couple of miles away, marshall2 is a pastor at a church here in Signal Mountain, TN. Hey marshall2 (a.k.a. drcello on the Bersa Thunder Chapterhouse), do you carry while conducting services? (I think your mouseguns web site says you carry your Kel-Tec 24/7, but I'm not sure if that applies to church?!)
I'm a pagan. The wilderness is my church, and I usually have a bow and a half dozen broadheads. No guns.
At spiritual functions involving other people like rituals, sabbats, etc, I carry in condition Red.
Become an atheist. That way you don't have to worry about going to church in the first place, giving too much to the 'poor' (the pastor living in a home at least 5 times what yours is worth) and how to carry your gun and/or hide it from everyone else.