What condition are you in in church?

Good point, Relayer. I'm still a little taken aback that the pastor doesn't care what his flock is doing out there because it's "their business". His business is leading people to Christ, not appeasing them.
I realize that I am going off topic on this, but something has been brought up that I feel I should say something about.

nonamesleft, I do not have an "indifferent attitude" towards anyone or anything in my church. What you must realize is that I will never do any thing for anyone, God does that. I merely deliver the message He gives me. If I were indifferent I would not be there. God changes hearts, Christ saves souls, and the Sprirt leads us - the power is His, not mine. I am surely glad to see those who are there for worship, but I am also glad to see those that are there whatever the reason. The Lord will touch their heart, perhaps they will listen to what I'm saying, and the eternal future of a person could be changed. I just obey, He really does the work.

I love church, whether I'm preaching or not, because I can worship my Lord and Savior. Peer pressure has nothing to do with it. In fact, peer pressure is what kept me from Him for so long. I'm glad He's more faithful than I am.

If anyone's ever in Gadsden, AL on a Sunday morning come visit us. Then you can see for yourself. We'll be glad to have you.
Some of you'se oughtta get a sense of humor!!! ;)

There seems to be an abundance of pretty ladies that go to the same church that I do...Not a one of them will dare to talk to me a lowly heathen, however it does make the service much more palatable

Hey Old Fud, maybe we should be more alert next Sunday. Everybody's carrying heat :eek: , an abundance of pretty ladies :D , fire & brimstone :o . Maybe even some good cooking.... :D

No offense to any of you serious church goers, but I don't discuss religion or politics online unless in jest. ;) That way I won't P**s anyone off!!!
But if you sit up straight and pay attention like a good boy maybe God will send you a nice wife
yeah well, i dont think my god is in the business of bribing me to worship him.

besides, i'm usually too hung over on sunday mornings to go to church, so i go to the range instead. on saturday nights i might to a, umm, different kind of church. pretty much the same as church though. theres only two places i know of where i can sell my soul a dollar at a time. :D
rain from heaven is a blessing.
sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. wait, i mean, its a blessing.
making it home without extra holes in my body is a blessing.

the more i think of it, i truly believe that my affinity for solitude is the greatest gift god has ever given to me.

i go home from work, and have absolutely no responsibilities whatsoever. ahhh life is good!

Barring armed assailants coming through the door, I don't figure I'd need to draw my pistol in such a crowded place....

To and from the service is where I'm likely to need it.

If you hug a bunch of folk at church, small-of-the-back carry is usually best.


My condition at church? Usually bored to tears and wishing I were at home instead. I doubt that's what you were looking for, though.....
Red, most of the time red.

Of course, I guess you really couldn't truly call it a church. It was more of a big tent, in the Sandbox. Mass with the chaplain, walk in, take off your K-pot, sit down, set your rifle down next to you, and listen to the sermon and all that good stuff, get up and go back about your business of trying not to get taken out by some whacked-out suicide bomber.

Open carry. I mean, we weren't locked and loaded but we had full mags and were ready to go should the sh*t hit, as if there wasn't enough of that going on around.

I have a picture of a us during a sermon, it's laying around here somewhere, I'll post it when I find it. I need get get my room squared away, hell, I need to get my house squared away.

Semper Fi and God Bless.
Carry in Church

I go to church for one reason. To give praise and worship to my savior and my Lord Jesus Christ. I have considered the very slim chance that some BG, or ever a terrorist could do something; I mean what better target for a Mulsem terrorist than a Christian Church? (Ok, a Jewish Synagogue) However after thinking about it I decided that it is in God's hands, and I'd leave that up to Him. I have faith that He will see me through it, and if that is not in his plan, I pray that He will give me the courage, and the grace to forgive those who would harm me and those around me. (Acts 7:54-60)
I go to church for one reason. To give praise and worship to my savior and my Lord Jesus Christ. I have considered the very slim chance that some BG, or ever a terrorist could do something; I mean what better target for a Mulsem terrorist than a Christian Church? (Ok, a Jewish Synagogue) However after thinking about it I decided that it is in God's hands, and I'd leave that up to Him. I have faith that He will see me through it, and if that is not in his plan, I pray that He will give me the courage, and the grace to forgive those who would harm me and those around me. (Acts 7:54-60)

So does this only apply when at church?

It doesn't only apply in church. I guess it means that I accept the fact that the mathmatical odds of something likke that happening while I'm in church, are so low, that I figure if it happens, then it is truly meant to be. If if felt my church was in actual, real, physical danger, I would rethink that position.
Ok, I understand your point. The way I had it put to me once though, was "If I knew I was going to need it I would probably just choose to stay home that day..."

My point is that bad guys/luck/things happening dont care about the odds, rules, or what you believe in.

I respect your choice to not carry at church and dont mean to push that point. In fact I actually do understand what you mean. A church/temple/house of worship should be a place you can feel safe and taken care so you can focus on your worship (at least that is the way I feel about it). I do not attend a church but if I did I would probably not carry, and am not sure I could define why, other then I just dont think I would need to...