What condition are you in in church?


New member
I know the issue of whether or not one carries in church has already been raised and that is not the intent of this post. Instead, I have a question for those who do carry in church. In what condition (white, yellow, orange, red) are you normally during the service and, in particular, during the sermon. In other words, how much of your attention is directed towards the sermon and how much is directed towards those around you? Thanks.
Yes, I do...and there are enough MILFs that go to my church that I'm forever craning my neck about...I doubt anyone's going to slip through my radar :D
i'm usually hoping no one splashes the holy water in my direction cause it starts boiling when it hits my heathen skin.

but other than that i'm either trying to discreetly check out the goody-two-shoe-chicks, or trying to fall asleep without slumping over or snoring.
At church?? Generally I am in condition yellow...If I am wearing a Kilt, I am in condition Red

Dont worry I have the legs for wearing a Kilt :eek:

There seems to be an abundance of pretty ladies that go to the same church that I do...Not a one of them will dare to talk to me a lowly heathen, however it does make the service much more palatable :D
I have the perfect vantage point - I can see everyone that leaves/enters the place through the whole service. No one can enter or leave without me knowing. I can see both the side and front entrances at all times. During the sermon, my field of view gets even better. I can see everyone and most of what they are doing, including sleeping.

I am the pastor. :)
45FU, where do you preach, ala location, denomination? Here in AK we have to tell private citizens that we are carrying if we enter their house. I got caught by that when I was offered lunch after church service. The guy I rode with called me up next week and offered a ride to church but said "to leave my gun at home as it is safe there at church."
I have my own transportation now, so I carry and just don't tell him. He seems to be a firm believer that you don't carry guns outside of the house unless you are hunting or target shooting. In AK, no less
An interesting thread. Some go to Church to check out babes, a minister who checks out the doors... Anyone go to worship?
I would hate to be caught carrying by our priest, considering how he goes on a rant if somebodies cell phone goes off during mass.
(I thought i was the only one checking out the ladies during mass,,,, ):D
Yes Pamick, some of us go to church to worship. But think about it, where would be a better place to meet a beautiful women who would make an good partner in the storms of life? Just as long as you dream AFTER the service is over and pay attention to the pastor, Right 45?
I am the pastor of Forrest Ave.. Baptist, in Gadsden, AL. It is a Southern Baptist church.

The intent of my post was tongue-in-cheek. Of course I go there to worship. I have other reasons for watching the doors (I want to personally greet every visitor), but it makes good sense to keep our eyes open for potential problems.

In AL you can not carry in church, it is against the law. However, if I ever spotted someone carrying I would not say anything about it. The law states you are not supposed to do it, but it does not say I am under any responsibility to report it. I do not carry as I am hugged by so many people someone would know and be offended. I would rather they wait 'till the sermon for that to happen :rolleyes:

As for what people do in church, that's their business. I'm just glad they're there. I say what God has put on my heart to say and it's up to them to listen, and I hope they will.
Yes Pamick, some of us go to church to worship. But think about it, where would be a better place to meet a beautiful women who would make an good partner in the storms of life?

Amen! :D

I don't pay much attention to my surroundings in church.. during the service I run the sound system, and during sunday school, I'm hangin' out with my best friend, who happens to be a very beautiful young woman :D
LOL, I thought I would never admit to checking out the hotties in church but yep, I do it too. I can never remember what the sermon was about but you better believe I remember (sometimes for days) what color thong the gorgeous brunette was wearing in the pew in front of me! :D

For your own safety please sit on the opposite side of the church from me, because when that bolt of lightning comes, you don't want to be too close! :eek: :D
i dont really go to church. my girlfriend does tho. so when im dragged along im in a condition of mental trauma :rolleyes: but my ccw is condition red, just like everywhere else i go.
Like 45, . . . I also pastor a church.

No one (that I know of) carries during service, . . . although at least two of us have our CCW licenses.

We operate under condition green as much as possible, . . . especially during the service. I have far enough on my plate trying to get through the service and do everything I have to do as pastor, . . . without worrying about some bg and his problems.

That is not to say that I go to the church building unarmed at all times, as the opposite rule is in effect when I am just "going" over there.

May God bless,
I go into church in condition green. Humble and attentive. I'm not there to check out the babes. I think it would be disrespectful to God to do so. Sure they're nice but that not what I'm there for and besides, those are peoples wives/future wives. But if you sit up straight and pay attention like a good boy maybe God will send you a nice wife (He did me). Remember Rebecca? Oh thats right, you missed that one cause you weren't paying attention! :D

Oh you russian roulette players you. Holding God second in your heart in his own house? Tsk tsk. Can you say spiritual ND? :eek: :D
I wonder why some of you even go to church. Sleeping? Checking out babes? Looking for Bad Guys (tm)? Sack up and admit to yourself that you just don't want to be there and don't go.

What are you afraid of? I thought peer pressure was a grade school thing.

As for what people do in church, that's their business. I'm just glad they're there. I say what God has put on my heart to say and it's up to them to listen, and I hope they will.

What good is it if they're not listening? Do you get a bonus if the seats are full? Sorry, but I'm shocked to see such an indifferent attitude from a pastor, especially considering the moral decay of our society.

What you should realize is that whatever the reason they might have come, they at least have the chance to be exposed to God's message in His house.

If that takes, then why they may have thought they came is of no importance.

I hope and pray that every Sunday I walk out a better man than when I walked in.