What are your overall thoughts on .32 ACP?

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I sort of stumbled upon a Keltec .32ACP last fall, along with a variety of factory ammo, several hundred labeled hand loads, primed brass, and several thousand factory cast and lubed boolits and jacketed bullets. The woman just did not want any gun stuff in her house (her deceased father's stuff...took five pickup loads to get it all home. It wasn't just a .32...) :-) and I felt I'd won the lottery. So I've run a bunch of different factory and handloads of all sorts through this little pistol, several hundred rounds worth and, judging from the sizable exit hole in a half-frozen watermelon (big one, too) I would not want to take a head shot with a Winchester 60gr Silvertip in .32ACP at get-off-me ranges. Nosirree. I put the belt clip on it and, with jeans, it hides behind the belt and in the watch pocket. It's my backup gun for the EDC S7 in .327 Federal (which, btw, handles .32ACP just fine). I've got an old hammerless Iver Johnson Bicycle Works .32 S&W, too. Took some Federal .32 H&R magnum brass that had split at the case mouth in a Single Six (a common occurrence), shortened them past the split to .32 S&W length. A teensy pinch of Bullseye, a 71 grain cast boolitt, just the ticket for sage rats and field mice and the armored contingent of my Little Green Army Men formations. I tell ya, since I first really realized the .32s, I hardly ever shoot anything else. A boolit caster, reloader with a ton of lead, somewhat less powder, plenty of brass, and still using primers from the The Great Primer Famine of 1994, I have not bought any .22 ammo since about 2010, I guess.
.32 rocks. BTW, .327 FM, cast bullets, 2,000+ plinking rounds from a pound of Bullseye.
I had a WWII era Walther PPK in 32 acp. I liked that little gun, it was stolen and I never had the chance to get another. Nothing wrong with the 32 acp round , I cast bullets and reloaded ammo for it. could shoot it accurately and would like another. Carries easily .
Like I said, undetectable.
Split times are detectable even with machine guns so I'm calling bovine feces.
How fast are your split times with each gun. Saying you can't tell means nada if you're taking a shot every 10 years.
My first CCW was a Manurhin Walther PP in .32acp. When the German police traded in their 32's after the days of the Red Army Faction, in the '80's, these Walthers were cheap. Like, $160, I think.
It was extremely accurate at 75yds and completely reliable. Very easy to carry, and an excellent instinctive pointer.
I'm very sorry to say I traded it away for I can't remember what...One of my greatest gun trading regrets.
I've since owned 380's and 9mm Makarov-caliber pistols. The P3AT is one. I don't find it hard to shoot at all, but I have come to the conclusion that I would rather have the P32.
Comparing the Walther PP 32 to the Browning 1910 380, or the Polish P64 9mm Mak, hands down, the Walther is just a smooth shooting machine.

Having said that, my favorite 380 is an Israeli surplus Beretta 84F.
I don't play "sports" games with my guns so all I know is the difference in time intervals between rapid fire shots, that hit the target with my P32, LCP, or Kahr CM9 are undetectable. Probably can throw in a few others as well.
Although I enjoy shooting all of them, and more. The main purpose of the guns mentioned is CCW. I seriously doubt that an attacker is going to put a stop watch on my shots if I need to defend myself.
If that's the case, we're all in trouble.....lol.
I need to try and dig up that story. It was a catholic hospital. They were considering dismissing the doctor for having a weapon on hospital grounds. The public raised you know about that, but I never heard the out come.
I'll concede, a lousy placed shot is a lousy shot.
I'm still not carrying a 32 though.
I don't play "sports" games with my guns so all I know is the difference in time intervals between rapid fire shots, that hit the target with my P32, LCP, or Kahr CM9 are undetectable.
So you don't have a shot timer and really have no idea what you're talking about.
I seriously doubt that an attacker is going to put a stop watch on my shots if I need to defend myself.
If you're in a defensive shooting there's most defiantly a stopwatch on it.:eek:
The "idea" you think I don't have is reality, not electronic timers. I know that there is little if any difference in how well I shoot rapid, accurate shots with a 32, or a 380.
My "real world" doesn't revolve around Mall Ninja TV. But nice try in attempting to trip me up in it.
Here's my little Seecamp 32. The best thing about it is always with me.

Hitler shot himself in the head with a .32. Died.
Tojo shot himself in the heart with a .32. Didn't. (we hung him, later)

based on this, if you attacker is a German (Austrian) the .32 will kill him.
If your attacker is Japanese, it won't. :eek::rolleyes:

(sarcasm intentional)

The thread has devolved into bickering, so we're done here.

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