What Are Your Children Learning?

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From HSLDA(Home School Legal Defense Assoc)

Next week, an historic event will take place. On September 16, the
United States Senate, by unanimous consent, officially passed Senate
Resolution 183, designating the week of September 19-25, 1999, as
"National Home Education Week." This resolution, drafted by and
lobbied for by Home School Legal Defense Association, was sponsored
by Senator John Ashcroft.

Several highlights of the resolution state that: parents have the
fundamental right to direct the up-bring of their children; family
participation and parental choices in pursuit of educational
excellence are important; and training in the home strengthens the
family and guides children in setting the highest standards for their
lives which are essential elements to the continuity of morality in
our culture.

Although this resolution does not hold the weight of law, it is an
official recognition of home schoolers by our United States Senate,
and can be used as powerful tool in public relations.

Join us in celebrating this historic event in Washington, D.C. on
September 23 and 24, as HSLDA sponsors the Proclaim Liberty Rally and
Conference. For more information please call Dana Henry at 540-338-

Below is the full text of the resolution.

Yours for Liberty,

Michael Farris

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S. RES. 183


Mr. GREGG, Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire, Mr. SMITH of Oregon, Mr.
THURMOND) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to
the Committee on the Judiciary:

September 14, 1999

Designating the week beginning on September 19, 1999, and ending on
September 25, 1999, as National Home Education Week.

Whereas the United States is committed to excellence in education;

Whereas the United States recognizes the importance of family
participation and parental choices in pursuit of that excellence;

Whereas the United States recognizes the fundamental right of parents
to direct the education and upbringing of their children;

Whereas parents want their children to receive a first-class
Whereas training in the home strengthens the family and guides
children in setting the highest standards for their lives which are
essential elements to the continuity of morality in our culture;

Whereas home schooling families contribute significantly to the
cultural diversity important to a healthy society;

Whereas the United States has a significant number of parents who
teach their own children at home;

Whereas home education was proven successful in the lives of George
Washington, Patrick Henry, John Quincy Adams, John Marshall, Robert
E. Lee, Booker T. Washington, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln,
Franklin Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Mark Twain, John Singleton
Copley, William Carey, Phyllis Wheatley, and Andrew Carnegie;=20

Whereas home school students exhibit self-confidence and good
citizenship and are fully prepared academically to meet the
challenges of today's society;

Whereas dozens of contemporary studies continue to confirm that
children who are educated at home score exceptionally well on
nationally normed achievement tests;

Whereas a March 1999 study by the Educational Resources Information
Center Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation at the University
of Maryland found that home school students taking the Iowa Test of
Basic Skills or the Tests of Achievement and Proficiency scored in
the 70th to 80th percentiles among all the students nationwide who
took those exams, and 25 percent of home schooled students were
studying at a level one or more grades above normal for their age;

Whereas studies demonstrate that home schoolers excel in college with
the average grade point average of home schoolers exceeding the
college average; and

Whereas United States home educators and home instructed students
should be recognized and celebrated for their efforts to improve the
quality of education: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the week beginning on September 19, 1999, and ending
on September 25, 1999, is designated as National Home Education Week.
The President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation
recognizing the contributions that home schooling families have made
to the Nation.=20

Passed the Senate September 16, 1999.
I'm glad to see this for several reasons:
1) It's good to recognize and honor home schooling.
2) It re-affirms the Right to home school.
3) Sadly, this may be needed some day.

Good thread! But it's reached our limit. Please begin part 2.
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