What are the Pros and Cons of the .45 ACP?

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Our .45,s

Real quick here, pros, it just plain feels good shooting. And it can destroy everything. Cons, I was chief metrologist having to sign off, representing Colt Industries when we lost the government contract, in the 80,s. (A Sad Day) Five Cons were listed by the government as to why the .45 was history. NUMBER 1. AND NUMBER 4, WE'RE THE SAME REASON. .1 ONLY 8 ROUNDS- #4. LIMITED CAPICITY. That's it! I eliminated those problems by going to the P-14 Para in 1999, cause I will always have a few of the .45.s Three weeks ago while going against a marines CZ, I ran 14 rounds in 6 seconds, just to show my spoon fed 92F Beretta raised kid, why we can't give them up. He drooled over my highly internally altered .45 and wanted to try this Ole guys .45. I smiled and put it in one of my bags along with 10 more loaded .45 mags, 14 rounds in every mag.......
Was Colt still supplying the government with 1911's in the 1980's?

I thought the government hadn't bought any for years at that time (the 1980's).
Yes we were. I signed that paperwork around 1982 or so. Just Google it, I was there! I cashed Colt Industries checks from 1980 till 1989.
Started manufacture in 1911......still in production by everyone who can produce one. And they still sell and sell well !
Can you think of any other item, conceived in 1911 and still in production today ? Think about it...that's freaking amazing.

I am a decidedly revolver guy....EXCEPT for the 1911 , I prefer mine with the arched mainspring , in basic G.I. form but with a bit bigger iron sights, my eyes are aged and can't see the small sights well anymore .

When the first all stainless steel 1911 came out, the AMT Hardballer, I jumped on one. I always did like stainless for using guns . Installed an arched housing . Even won a few 45 acp only pistol matches with it ..... And , I'm still shooting it ! The 1911 in 45 acp..... It's a keeper !
Just checked Google, It was 1984, when We lost the Colt .45 handgun Contract. My name is on this paperwork with the U.S. government, and Colt Industries. What's really sad is they only offered employees deals ONE TIME. Problem was it was all on very high end rifles.
Sar K2
14+1 rounds of 45 acp goodness in a pistol that feels a lot like a Beretta M9 in the grip area. Chrome match barrel. Inside the rail slide like a CZ75 makes for better accuracy IMO. Adjustable rear sight's, standard.One sweet all steel pistol only slightly heavier than a 1911(unloaded)
Really, what's not to like?


Did I mention the price? Really!? The damn unbelievable price!!:D

Try one. I dare you!
If I have the choice between a 9mm and a .45 ACP in a full-sized pistol, I prefer a .45 ACP. Why? I'd rather shoot fewer times with a larger caliber bullet.

There's nothing wrong with the 9mm, but I only carry a 9mm in a smaller, more concealable pistol (Kel-Tec P11).

The only .45 I will have is a CA Pitbull. My other large-frame pistol(s) are all in 10mm Auto.
Yes we were. I signed that paperwork around 1982 or so. Just Google it, I was there! I cashed Colt Industries checks from 1980 till 1989.

I read or heard that M1911 production ended in WW2. So your news that Colt was making M1911's for the Government is interesting. Any idea of the quantities and to whom you were selling them to? Like Army, FBI, Navy, Coast Guard, etc?

The only M1911's I have seen in Army dude hands were old WW2 stuff, except the AMU has Caspian Arms M1911's that they told me were bought in the 1980's.
I love 45acp
I have
3" Defender The 3 inch jams stuff is Bull. Mine is over 10 years old not once jammed

3 1/2 Colt Officer Year made 1995 again never had 1st problem.

Few 4 1/4 " Colt Commanders and a DW CBOB

couple of 5" Colts and a American Classic Gov.

Is 1911 perfect platform and 45 close to perfect round 99.8% anyway

I have 1 9mm Colt Commander for when you just want to stun :D
The "arguments" were allegedly settled in 1904 by the Thompson LaGarde Commission. I think they were just validating the old cavalry hands who had their minds made up.
Nothing "magic" about the .45 ACP for me; it's just that's what I'm most used to in a semi-auto, and I figure at my advanced age why change now? :)
Found this ditty when I was in my teens...memorized it for English class but still got a C- for my efforts...the teacher was anti-gun even then in 1960! There were other verses, but this should suffice to establish my position on the old .45. It's the last stanza as IIRC.

"So when something is crashing the alders ahead...
And it's death to the brute, or you in its stead...
Trust the chunky blue cat...
That fist-filling gat...
The Colt automat...
To chuck its competent lead!"

Best Regards, Rod
"So when something is crashing the alders ahead...
And it's death to the brute, or you in its stead...
Trust the chunky blue cat...
That fist-filling gat...
The Colt automat...
To chuck its competent lead!"

I found that in 'Pistols, a Modern Encyclopedia' by Henry Stebbins, ca 1961.
It was not new then.

Notwithstanding the Colt poster showing a customer with a Super .38 facing a bear.
Jim....Yep...that's the one...my copy is so dog-eared that I hesitate to open it any more. Those guys sure new how to describe the various models then available. Truly a monumental work and one that more of the younger crowd here might find useful.

As I recall, I'd seen that poem before I found it in the book as I bought the book at a used book store in Colorado Springs in late '66.

For me really, it's all pros and no cons.

If you're younger, it punches big holes in things giving you glee.

If you're older, it punches big holes in things so you can see.
Pros: 1911 & Merica. Glocks are for liberals.
Cons: There are none

I like the 9mm for less recoil & maybe slightly better accuracy. Cheaper ammo is cool too. Capacity takes a back seat for me, even for self defense; Capacity on the range is awesome if you can afford it. I'm that guy at the range who looks at you in horror when you empty two M-14 mags in one minute.

I carry a .45 1911 when I'm not carrying a .380 subcompact.
I really enjoy lobbing my 45 1911 at 100 yds. and beyond. I've got good at 100yds. Its nice to know that if I ever had to shoot at 100yds. I got a 230gr. bullet hitting down there instead of a 115gr.

I like both 9mm and 45acp a lot. Everybody should own both. 40S&W on the other hand is that awkward misfit.
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